
Sanguis et Os

Mors omnibus prope est. Death is near to all... A reminder that none should take life for granted. Those bastards killed my family. They ravaged my village. They destroyed the only life I have ever known. Now I will get my revenge. It's time for them to burn. - This webnovel will be updated 3 times weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Dubyas · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 0002: Death and Squalor (2)

I'll probably freeze to death before getting vengeance.

I forgot it was almost winter before entering the forest that borders the village walls. The wind is biting and cruel. I can bundle up as best as I can, but if it doesn't get warmer or if I don't get better clothing, then it's the Weave for me.

All I was able to salvage from the ruined village was a simple set of crimson red priest robes. It was our holy color, symbolizing the sacrifice that went into creating our thriving little clan.

All that sacrifice is now just a pile of ash and ruin.

I try to walk in the sun as much as possible. It isn't much, but it at least makes me think I'm warmer. The winter isn't all bad either. I won't have to worry about being mauled alive by a bear.

Most of them will be getting ready to hibernate by now. As long as I'm careful and quiet, then I think I'll have pretty decent chances of getting out alive.

I just have to avoid the wolves.

And the giant spiders.

Not to mention Prowlers.

My father showed me a Prowler once when I was 6. They're terrifying creatures that like to peel off the skins of animals and wear them like clothing. If you've never seen a deer walking on two legs with it's skin looking like it's about to fall off, count yourself lucky. I couldn't sleep at all that night. My mother had to stay with me for half the night so I would calm down.

A twinge of pain hits my heart. Was that really only 14 years ago? It feels so long now...

I bite the inside of my cheek. I don't have time to reminisce and wish I was in a better place. I need to find shelter. I have basic provisions to last about three days. Maybe five if I ration. It's more important to find a place where I can set up a good fire. A cave or something similar, perhaps. Something to keep this damned wind off of me.

Caves aren't a huge issue. Finding an abandoned one is. Sure, snuggling up to a bear might keep me warm and cozy, but it's not worth my life.

Not yet, at least.

The cold is giving me weird thoughts.

What I would do for a decent coat...

I trip on a particularly gnarled root, almost landing on my face. I curse violently. I'm still not completely acclimated to my new body. It feels heavier than I am accustomed to.

And these damn nubs. They get in the way and feel weird. Especially the one on my right palm. It's particularly large and sharp. I almost stabbed my eye when I went to rub it the other day.

One good thing about my new body is that I'm more resilient now. I found out shortly after starting my trek through an accident. I stumbled against my feet and my shin landed on a large pointed rock as I fell.

Normally, I would've expected to see a large gash on my skin, maybe even a fractured bone. While landing on the rock still hurt like hell, I didn't sustain any major injury. Just a small bruise, and even that faded away pretty quickly.

Something weird is going on with my body. The faster I can find out what, the better.

The sun dims and I look up, sighing. Dark, heavy clouds cover the sun, looking thick and ripe with snow. As if to prove my point, a small flurry of ice and bitter cold rain down from above, floating gently to the ground.

Dry firewood will soon be in short supply, so even though it slows me down, I start gathering dead branches and leaves.

It won't get too cold tonight since it isn't snowing in earnest, but dealing with the slush that is left behind will be a wet ordeal. I am not looking forward to muddy ground.

If I remember correctly, however, I am stumbling my way to a nearby village, one our clan used to trade often with. I'm avoiding the main path since I don't want to risk running into those knights.

I'm regretting my decision more and more, however.

A few small berries find their way into my provision pack. They'll be useful for a tea or a small snack, should I find my will failing I was taught that they can fill my body with renewed vigor if you can get past the bitter taste.

I forget the name, but their vivid color is something you can remember easily. Especially when few other plants grow at this time of year.

Damn, what was their name?

I finish collecting firewood, at least enough to last me through the night. I can't carry much more without putting too much weight on my pack, so it'll have to last.

My pace picks up as I trudge along the forest, the snow making me shiver fiercely. It's not as bad as I thought, but I'm still miserable.

I see several caves as I walk, though they are littered with dead animal carcasses. I give the inhabited dens a wide berth, not wanting to attract the attention of the inhabitants.

Maybe I can try and kill one of the bears who lives in there...

The cold is messing with my head again. There's no way I can fight a bear and win. My body is strong, especially for my age, but it would crumple easily against the might of a bear.

I need to focus. I need to get as close as possible before the sun falls. I'll worry about shelter then.

I try to keep my rage hot, it being the only source of warmth I have at the moment. The stench of death fills my nose, the taste of blood strong against my tongue. My body stops shivering from the cold and starts shivering in anger.

My pace accelerates, my breath becoming more ragged, but I don't care. My lust for revenge is strong at this point, clouding my mind as visions of hateful fantasies enter my head.

I can't help but imagine the beheading of the Imperator. Admitting to that though alone is enough to put me to death for treason.

Bodies of knights burning, people screaming, heads rolling. And then there's me, standing above it all, body slick with blood and wreathed in flame, a mourning, vengeful angel of death.

In one hand is held a glowing sword, in my other, the head of the Imperator.

A small shudder brings me out of my head for a moment. My imagination has always been vivid, but that felt far more real than it should have.

Maybe it's best to focus on moving forward instead. Thoughts of revenge are of little use if I can not live long enough to enact them.

I must've been daydreaming longer than I thought. The sun is setting already, and the sky is colored with beautiful hues of pink, red, and orange. The sky looks painted with clouds, and the snowflakes glitter as they refract the light's rays.

My breath gets caught, a lump forming in my throat. I miss the times I spent with my family, watching sunsets such as these.

My father's rough hands on my back pushed me to be a better, wiser, stronger man.

My mother's kind eyes gazing at me, full of love and telling me I am fine as I am now.

Tears track my cheeks, there before I can even realize it. I don't bother wiping them away as I stare at the setting sun. I haven't let myself properly mourn their passing.

I mourn now.

As the sun finally dips past the horizon, I steady my breathing. It's colder now, the snow finally falling in earnest. I must find a place to take shelter and build a fire.

I move again, searching in haste. My vision is better than I anticipated. When has the dark ever looked so bright?

I swiftly find an abandoned cave, big enough to fit me comfortably, but not much else. It gives a good shelter against the wind and snow. It'll make for a good camp.

I settle down, laying the shield near my side as I build the fire. I'm lucky the wood burns cleanly, not giving off much smoke. The warmth is welcome. I eat a small meal of dried meat for dinner.

It's not long after that I fall into a dreamless slumber.

I'm awakened, however, far before the sun rises. It must be early morning, the sun not even having peaked yet. The fire is a small bed of embers.

Branches popping and snapping alert me that something heavy is the woods.

A bear. And it's getting closer.

My heart beats wildly in my chest. I grab the shield, holding it close to my body.

It must've smelled my food. Stupid mistake.

I step out of my small alcove to meet the bear. Maybe I can scare it off.

Just as the thought crosses my mind, the bear shambles out of the woods. It looks injured, angry, and most of all, very hungry.

Its head turns to me, and it roars, standing up on its hind legs.

Looks like I'll have to fight.

I tried to break up the paragraphs a little more, as I s\saw they were a little too lengthy for a mobile windows screen. Please let me know if this was a positive or negative thing to do. I appreciate any input.

Happy reading.

Dubyascreators' thoughts