


Greetings. My name is Dubyas, but people call me Dubs. I love fictional novels, but hold a strong affinity for sci-fi in particular. I hope all of my interactions can be friendly and beneficial. PBWY.

2023-02-25 JointUnited States



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  • Dubyas
    Répondu à slowestcook

    Thank you for the extremely thorough and well written review. I hope that my writing will reach more people and inspire them to write as well, but keeping a small audience is just as gratifying. Happy Reading.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à YennuiXiel

    Thank you for the very enthusiastic and genuine review. Your admiration is well appreciated and inspires me to write further. Happy Reading.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à deadmandreaming

    Thank you for your kind and helpful review. I appreciate longer reviews like this that help me pinpoint what I am doing correctly. Happy Reading.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Sakakibara9300

    Thank you for the concise and pleasant review. Your support is well appreciated. Happy Reading.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à MS_Studio_3460

    Thank you for your concise and kind review. I will do my best to continue updating the story. Happy Reading.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas

    A very interesting story. I enjoyed the background and setting. The author has a bright future ahead of them should they decide to keep writing. Writing quality: The first two chapters are written very well, though I would suggest that the author try to keep the same quality consistent throughout their story. Stability of updates: It's only 5 chapters for now, so I can't say much here, but it does seem like it's updated regularly. Story development: Though it feels a bit rushed at times, the author has a strong sense of moving the story along at an engaging and thrilling pace. Character design: Though we are introduced to the characters early, they all feel very unique and thought out. I would recommend that the author take extra time to detail their characters throughout the story, but again, the novel is it it's early stages. World background: A very nice take on a fantasy world. Magic feels grounded and logical and gives a low-mid fantasy feeling throughout. Overall, a very enjoyable read. I wish the author the best of luck as they continue writing. Happy reading.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Kerasi

    An unpolished description, not quite as gruesome as I had in mind. Apologies if it does not suffice.

    My father showed me a Prowler once when I was 6. They're terrifying creatures that like to peel off the skins of animals and wear them like clothing. If you've never seen a deer walking on two legs with it's skin looking like it's about to fall off, count yourself lucky. I couldn't sleep at all that night. My mother had to stay with me for half the night so I would calm down.
    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Kerasi

    Reality is often sobering.

    I'll probably freeze to death before getting vengeance.
    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Demons_and_I

    A good surprise. Thank you for your friendly review, the errors you pointed out, and the suggestions you gave. I will strive to work harder and live up to the expectations. Happy writing.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Grandmasters

    Thank you for the wonderful review. While this is my first novel, I am flattered you think it can go far. Happy writing.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Grandmasters

    Yes. I only have so much control over the characters and their actions. I'm trying to keep the story as close to the game as possible.

    Ch 1 Chapter 0001: Death and Squalor
    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à

    Thank you for the positive review. I will eb sure to keep working hard on the novel. Happy writing.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Demons_and_I

    I would be happy to. Enjoy the reading, I hope it can meet expectations.

    God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.
    Fantaisie · Demons_and_I
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Demons_and_I

    I'm glad you are satisfied with my review. I try to be as honest as possible, even if it does come off as brutal. I thank you in advance for your own honesty. I already know I need to improve as an author, but it will be helpful to see how much and in what ways.

    God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.
    Fantaisie · Demons_and_I
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Grandmasters

    Here is a working link as well. https://www.webnovel.com/book/sanguis-et-os_25722850006949805

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Dubyas

    A really good read. I was instantly transfixed in the story and felt the author's passion and commitment in the novel. The writing quality is near perfect. I only noticed minor grammatical mistakes in the early chapters, which I'm sure have been fixed as time has gone on. The language that is used is vivid and bright, leaving strong images in my mind. It's perfect for a webcomic adaption. Story development is great. I never felt like it had dragged on or had gone too fast. I was able to follow along very well, not feeling my attention be pulled away by anything else. Character design, while borrowing from some tropes, is very solid. Fully original characters are practically impossible nowadays, but the author does very good in making the MC feel unique. I felt invested in his story and was curious to see where it went. The world background is superb. I saw so many uses of descriptions that I would love to use in my own story. While it also borrowed from tropes, it felt far more original than many other stories I have read which have the same setting. Overall, a 4.6 in a very good story. I will be adding this to my collection and I am looking forward to future chapters. Good job, author. Happy writing.

    God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.
    Fantaisie · Demons_and_I
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à Grandmasters

    Unfortunate. The novel itself is called Sanguis et Os. Thank you.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Dubyas

    An interesting novel with a unique premise, the author is very imaginative with their story telling. Having only four chapters, I am excited to see where the story goes. The writing quality suffers a bit. The author uses words that are too similar to each other in the same sentence. I've also noticed struggles in pluralization, punctuation, and sentence structure. The author does have strong points, such as descriptive and vivid language. The story development is a bit choppy, the MC always moving from one place to the next without much in-between. While it is fast-paced, it doesn't feel quite right to be jumping around so much. Likewise, the character design is rough. While the MC is described as cold and numb, a masochist for depressive thoughts, he seems to involved with the world to match his description. The MC's name also fluctuates, which may hold some context that I am missing. The world background is also confusing. It uses a classic system, but not enough background is put into the world to allow me to feel immersed. I often found myself having more questions then there were answers provided. The author is imaginative. I'm sure the novel has had a rough start, but overtime will get better as the author grows. Happy writing.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Dubyas

    A very good novel, especially in the fantasy genre. While the Isekai tag is somewhat played out, this book takes a fresh look at the genre and breathes new life into it. The writing quality is absolutely perfect. No complaints from me. I never noticed any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes and I specifically seek them out. Each sentence flows smoothly and every paragraph feels well crafted. Story development is great. We are not treated to long and often overplayed stories of the MC's previous life (at least from what I have read) that can bog down the story. Character design is unique. The MC adapts well to his new environment, so while the trope is still there, it never feels overplayed or redundant. Most Isekai protagonists tend to annoy me, especially with their personalities. I am happy to report that Rex/Rouge never felt annoying. The world background is wonderful. I love all the European aspects that were taken from our world. I'm so used to seeing Asian influence that I was genuinely surprised to see very little to none of it. Over all, a very good book. I will be adding this to my library and I am excited to see where this goes. Happy writing, author.

    Smith and Wesen: A Modern Blacksmith's Magical Reincarnation
    Fantaisie · ChellyArks
  • Dubyas
    Répondu à ChellyArks

    Im really flattered you think so. It feels great to have such a positive review from a fantasy novelist who's work is really well done.

    Sanguis et Os
    Fantaisie · Dubyas