
Saiyan Journey To Power

Being Dropped In DXD As A Saiyan could have been a lot worse, to be honest, now I only need to figure out how to live my new life while making the best of it. Also, fucking Rizevim is in contact with Barbatos from DC. I am completely and utterly f#cked, aren't I? No, Ophis don't eat those six glowing stones, wait... why do you have seven? Oh, Come on, now a Devil Fruit. For crying out loud, Hajime stop dropkicking devils off a cliff after you knock them out. Screw This, I am out Warning Dark

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Dealings Chp 9


I look at the list of sacred gears that the Yokai Jason has given me to tell Azazel for trading

One favor per sacred gear

A favor PER Sacred Gear

A favor is not something to be given lightly yet this Yokai is willing to trade a favor for a sacred gear

Sure, he may have said within reason, but still a favor per each gear

Having a Longinus user owe a favor is worth far more than most would realize

However, what he mentioned about humanities original abilities, back to when they were in the garden, it would have been a much better option than the Sacred Gears for humans

They were stronger, faster, and vastly more intelligent, and their skill in light magic was on par with the angels

They didn't have to sleep and didn't have to worry about being hungry

Adam himself was on par with Micheal in everything else except sheer raw power at least until he was forced to eat from the tree and lost all of his gifts

I frown as I remember the literal shitstorm as something unexpected began to happen

He began to 'evolve' not just him but Eve just like animals do however, they were evolving to reclaim their gifts while also evolving

Humans were never meant to die in the first place which is why many of them freak out when they do, why so many look for a way to become immortal, because dying for them was never natural in the first place

Most of the stuff that they feel such as depression is due to their very souls trying to find something that is missing and even if they spent their whole lives trying to find it, they never will, and that confusion gets to them

Sure they can have other reasons, however, it is one of the major causes of depression as they can never feel relaxed in their lives.

Compared to that Father gave them the Sacred Gears instead of giving them their birthright

Sacred Gears are a pretty shitty gift in comparison

Then again considering the absolute shitstorms that humanity causes every other week in the West maybe it was for the best

To be fair, he even let Lucifer keep his original gifts after he was thrown out of heaven, then he became a devil which separated him from Father's system, which in hindsight letting him keep his gifts after what he did and not let humanity keep them was a rather bad idea on father's part

I look at the list of gears that he gave me

Sword Birth

Blade Blacksmith

Twice Critical

Sturdy Saint

Stering Green

Stering Blue


I look at the somewhat reasonable list

I know that Azazel has multiple sacred gears

Around a couple dozen or so Twice Criticals, A few Sword Births, at least four Blade Blacksmiths, and 1 Sturdy Saints, while I don't know if he has any Stering Gears

Rest I have no idea if he has any

I am going to get a move on and check in on how Vali is doing after using Juggernaut Drive


("Well, that went better than expected") I tell Regulus

("Yes, you just met one of the strongest Fallen Angels") He says

("To be fair, I have no idea what to even think about that") I told him as I had felt his power

Honestly, I wanted to fight him, I seriously did, I had to control myself the entire time not to instigate that fight

Eventually, I forced it down

Saiyans are a race that thrives on combat, but one thing that is definitely their weakness

Their pride

Not every Saiyan is like Vegeta who turned that weakness into strength

A pride that I have been beating on for years on end at this point

When I started training and got a grasp on my power I began to get arrogant which I beat out of myself literally

I can't afford weakness of any type

If I am going to survive, I need to make sure that I get rid of any possible weakness that I have

Letting go of pride is the first step

Sure, I will still have my own inherent limits and boundaries in place, but being prideful to the point that others may take advantage of it is something that I will never afford

I sigh as I reach the hotel I am staying in and pay for another week as I am going to be here a while until I have my meeting with Azazel for the trading of the Sacred Gears

I asked for the most common Sacred Gears due to some thoughts that I have had about them

Sword Birth and Blade Blacksmith are said to be capable of making blades that have a variety of effects

Can they make a sword that while you are holding it, increases your natural healing by a desired number of times? Can they be capable of taking in ambient magic and then converting it into lifeforce and giving it to the user? Can a sword be made capable of hurting or healing the soul? Can they grant the user and number of passive abilities once they are made be permanent and no longer reliant on the Sacred Gear or itself for the user to keep that ability?

Can I make a sword that is weak at the beginning but grows stronger by taking in ambient magic and killing my foes?

I don't know

The next gear that caught my interest is the Twice Critical due to the ability to use Boost

While I would have gone for the Boosted Gear I have no way of getting it for myself

Until I remembered Blade Blacksmith and Sword Birth

Can I make a sword capable of transferring someone's sacred gear into the User

IF, and I mean IF, I take the Boosted Gear from Issei for myself, it would be a huge increase in power

To be honest, the Twice Critical would have been enough for now as I can boost myself two times with it

In the end, making me 4 times stronger than before, combining it with my True Saiyan form could possibly be a 40 times multiplier unless I am mistaken in the way that it works

I have no way of knowing more about it

The Boosted Gear though, would be even better if it actually works like a true perfect multiplier but I doubt it

Because in reality, it would mean that it is the strongest Sacre Gear out there and that it is the most powerful artifact in the world

Because it would go something like x2,x4,x8,x16,x32,x64,x128,x256,x512,x1024,x2048,x4095

I do know that it is only up to the User's reaches the limit their body can handle

I would love to have it but considering the massive target I would have on my back I don't think it would be worth it

But, I just don't know

(N/A: What do you guys think also, this might be the only time that I may give you guys a choice as you have until Monday to tell me your guys answer if he should get the Boosted Gear or not



Also, someone asked me why not give Jason the Ikari form

My main issue with the Ikari form is that it is something that only Broly has been able to do. Remember he is the Legendary Super Saiyan. If Goku and Vegeta were able to use Ikari for themselves, why haven't they? Also, Paragus could have also obtained the form while he was on Vampa in order to help him control Broly more. But he doesn't have it

This is why for this fic Broly is the only (Legendary)Saiyan that can use Ikari. No, Kale doesn't count, she was born without a tail as U6 Saiyans have evolved to not have tails

Keep in mind that Jason won't obtain Super Saiyan for a while. He will mostly be relying on his True Saiyan form in order beat his toughest opponents in the beginning.

Also, the reason why he is not that good with magic is that Saiyans are not as gifted in magic as they are with KI. He can learn the spell and be able to cast them but he does not have the necessary magic to be able to cast it

Which is why he learned to fight against magic)