
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

Chapter 61 The Contrasting Rulers: Kindness and Cruelty in the Kingdoms

[Beckman: Isn't this kind of treatment good enough?]

[Red Hair: Beckman, have you forgotten? The Dragon Kingdom is rich, so it's likely that the soldiers are well-paid]

[Beckman: Yes, I forgot.]

Boss Bai wanted to say more, but she didn't know where to start.

She decided to just keep watching.

Alabasta treats its people well.

King Cobra often visits different parts of the kingdom to see how the people are doing.

This is rare for a king, and it makes the people feel close to him.

Cobra also works hard to solve the people's problems.

Many people are impressed by Cobra's kindness and compassion.

This is why so many people respond to the call for conscription.

Alabasta always has a standing army of around 600,000 soldiers.

When there are many pirates, the number of soldiers can reach 800,000.

This is because Alabasta has a large territory and pirates can easily enter the country.

A large number of soldiers are needed to maintain order in the cities and coastal ports.

Not all of the soldiers in Alabasta are civilians.

Some of them are the children of nobles and rich merchants.

These children are often given high positions in the army, even though they may not be qualified.

This makes it difficult for ordinary soldiers to advance in their careers.

However, no one seems to have a problem with this.

No one has even posted any complaints about it.

This is because the people of Alabasta are grateful for the king's kindness and compassion.

They are willing to overlook the problems with the military system in order to support their king.

[Aokiji: The king of Alabasta is a good king. He is compassionate and merciful.]

[Flying Squirrel: Among the kings I have seen, King Alabasta is one of the best.]

[Doberman: If it weren't for the drought in the kingdom in the past few years, there wouldn't be a war.]

[Ghost Spider: I heard that the dry weather is caused by King Cobra using Dance Powder.]

[Red Hair: Dance Powder? The kind that can steal rainwater from other places?]

[Beckman: Yes, I've seen it before.]

[Red Hair: King Cobra doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that. I think there's been a misunderstanding.]

Red Hair has seen many videos of King Cobra and believes that he is a good person.

He is confident that there must be a misunderstanding about the Dance Powder incident.

The video shows that the civil unrest in Alabasta was caused by the drought and the Dance Powder incident.

However, the video does not detail the process of the war.

It mainly shows how the soldiers came together.

There are currently more than 400,000 soldiers in the rebel army. Most of them are farmers who have turned into soldiers.

"We need water!"

"Why is it raining in the capital, but we don't have any water here?"

"The king hasn't shown us any proof that he's innocent!"

"The royal family doesn't care about us! They don't care if we live or die!"

"Let's fight him!"

[Sengoku: There are some people who are deliberately stirring up the ordinary people. There is definitely some kind of conspiracy going on!]

The war continued, and many people died.

King Cobra heard about the rebellions and the many soldiers who were killed and wounded.

He went to the homes of the soldiers who died or were wounded to comfort their families.

He also gave them some compensation.

This move won the favor of many people, and more young people joined the army.

But as the war dragged on, the number of casualties increased.

King Cobra was too busy to visit the families of the dead and wounded as often.

He also didn't have enough money to give everyone compensation.

Some minor officers in the royal army took advantage of this situation.

They stopped giving the families of the dead and wounded any compensation.

This led many soldiers to defect to the rebel army.

[Whitebeard: Cobra is a good king, but his soldiers are not loyal enough.]

[Roger: Alabasta is a harsh environment. It has a long history, but it has no resources and is not rich. There is also a secret organization that has been destroyed. It is not easy to maintain peace with the rebel army for a short time.]

[Koza: Was the royal family really framed?]

[King Riku: This method is very similar to that of pirates.]

[Cobra: Who is attacking our country?]

[Vivi: The people are innocent! Please stop hurting them, whoever you are!]

[Gao Yang: I don't think you need to worry about this. The leader of the organization that secretly instigated the war between the two sides is already mining in our Dragon Kingdom.]

[Cobra: What?! Really?!]

[Vivi: Who is it?]

[Gao Yang: It's the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile!]

[Cobra: It's him?! No wonder we couldn't find any useful information!]

[Vivi: Is what you said true?]

[Gao Yang: Do you think I have any reason to lie to you?]

[Vivi: Of course we believe in His Excellency Gao Yang's character, but it's too hard to believe! And why is the Seven Warlords of the Sea targeting our country?]

Vivi and her father have been searching for information about the situation in Alabasta for a long time, but they haven't found anything.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom is far away in Alabasta, but he still knows about the situation in Alabasta.

[Gao Yang: You are undercover at the Baroque Works organization, do you need me to remind you of your code name?]

[Vivi; No, no need!]

Vivi is now certain of Gao Yang's identity.

Even though she knows this, she still doesn't need to prove to him that she doesn't understand the situation in Alabasta.

[Gao Yang: I don't know why Crocodile is targeting your country, but your father might know.]

Cobra was shocked when he heard this.

He looked at the chatroom in disbelief.

He wondered if the King of the Dragon Kingdom already knew about the Pluton that had been passed down in his family for generations.

Maybe he knew about it, but he was just pretending not to know.

Otherwise, how could he say that he knew the reason?

Was the intelligence system of the King of the Dragon Kingdom so powerful?

Cobra didn't even realize it, and there were no people from the Dragon Kingdom by his side.

[Cobra: No matter what, I have to thank the King of the Dragon Kingdom. Now, as long as the misunderstanding is resolved, the chaos in our country will definitely calm down.]

King Cobra thanked him with all his heart.

In this way, he no longer has to compete with others to be the first to save Alabasta.

[Vivi: Thank you so much, Mr. Gao Yang! I would like to thank you in person if I have the chance.]

[Gao Yang: Don't be so polite. I didn't do anything. He came to the Dragon Kingdom himself to give himself up.]

"Pfft..." Crocodile looked at the chatroom and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He had been beaten up for a long time, and he was already feeling depressed.

Gao Yang's harsh words only made things worse.

He couldn't hold back any longer and vomited blood.

He realized that he had come here to give up.

Maybe Gao Yang had never taken him seriously from the beginning to the end.

He felt like an insignificant ant on the ground.

[Vivi: Thank you so much, His Excellency Gao Yang!]

[Moria: I don't know what Crocodile is planning, but it must have been planned for a long time. But in the end, he was caught by Dragon Kingdom. What a tragedy!]

[Crocodile: You...]

"Pfft..." Crocodile spat out a mouthful of blood again

[Sengoku: How did the Dragon Kingdom solve the conspiracy so quickly? Do they have spies in Alabasta?]

[Loan usury king: I think the Dragon Kingdom's intelligence system is very powerful. Maybe they have spies all around us.]

[Morgans: It's possible. The Dragon Kingdom has transportation lines all over the world, so it would be easy for them to plant spies.]

[Whitebeard: The Dragon Kingdom is not to be underestimated. They may be playing a bigger game than we know.]

From this incident, everyone came up with some ideas that made them a little scared.

[Kaido: We don't have to worry about that. As long as we take down the king of the Dragon Kingdom, the rest of the captains will have no leader and everything will fall apart.]

[Big Mom: That's a good idea!]

[Marco: It looks like King Cobra has done a good job. I think the domestic problems will be resolved soon. This time, Alabasta may be the country with the highest recognition.]

[Flying Squirrel: Well done! They managed hundreds of thousands of troops in an orderly manner. Although there are still some flaws, compared to Wanokuni, Elbaf, and the Gran Tesoro, Alabasta is undoubtedly excellent.]

[Hina: I thought there was some dark conspiracy in this kingdom. I didn't expect the king to be so kind and caring for his people.]

[Garp: This seems to be the first kingdom that is comparable to the Dragon Kingdom in terms of military management. The soldiers are paid on time, the king is kind, and he always cares for his people. He is a true nobleman!]

Boss Bai shook her head, "I don't know how things went so well. King Cobra didn't even seem to care about the lives of his soldiers."

If that's the case, how does the world treat ordinary soldiers? Is that enough?

The next video will be about the second rank.

This is because the ranking is based on quantity, not individual strength.

So the video about Alabasta is not long.

[Big Mom: It's my time to shine! I have worked hard for Totto Land all my life. Most races in the world live here, but unfortunately there are no giants. I have many soldiers, and they are very powerful!]

Big Mom said confidently that her biggest dream is to build a country where multiple races live equally.

She believes that One Piece is the key to making her dream come true.

The video then shows Totto Land, which was founded by Big Mom in Roger's time.

Totto Land is a large country, but it is not a continent.

It is an archipelago made up of 34 subsidiary islands.

The transaction: Big Mom provides a certain level of protection for all the residents living on the island.

In return, every household must send young adults to join the guard team and help protect the country.

If they don't work hard or make mistakes, they could be punished severely, even killed.

The rent: Every six months, each household must pay one month of their life to Big Mom as "rent."

"Mom, I don't have much time left to live. If I don't leave this place this month, I'll die soon. I want to leave."

"That's not possible. Aren't we happy living together?"

"I am happy, but..."

"Well, you can leave if you can pass my soul torture."

"No, no!"

"It's your choice. Stay Or Life?"

Big Mom is a dictator who rules with fear.

She punishes anyone who tries to leave her country.

This is why many people praise King Cobra, who is a kind and just ruler.

Big Mom's soldiers are made up of two groups.

Chess soldiers who have been given souls.

Biscuit soldiers, pastry soldiers, plant soldiers, etc. who are also endowed with souls.

The many soldiers who were given life by the soul accounted for almost one-third of the total force.

[Tashigi: I thought King Cobra was being praised too much, but after seeing Totto Land, I think he is a saint!]

[T Bone: The Four Emperors are all dictators. They only care about their own interests and don't care about their people.]

[Aokiji: Totto Land was founded by pirates, so it's no surprise that it's a violent and terrifying place.]

[Megumi: Even capitalists would cry if they saw how you treat your soldiers. You make them give up a month of their life every six months, and then you make them fight for you. They don't get paid much, and if they don't fight, they die. It's a miracle they haven't rebelled yet!]

[Smoker: The Four Emperors are very powerful, so they can be reckless.]

[Big Mom: There's nothing wrong with that. Soldiers are like consumables. They can be replaced after they are used up. And look at how wonderful it is. People of so many races live together in the world!]

[Red Hair: Your thinking is similar to Kaido's.]

[Beckman: You are just a self-absorbed crazy woman!]

[Garp: Let's look at the Dragon Kingdom. They are so rich, so the military pay should be quite high. But why is the proportion of the army so high? I can't figure it out.]