
Is This Another World?

In a forested area where trees stand at least 100 meters tall, there was a huge mountain, the mountain was so huge that it stands out in a field of only trees. The mountain stands radiating a heaven defying might as thunder and lightning fill the skies as if the gods where declaring war upon the Mortal World.

The skies of the heavens where pitch black, with occasional streaks of lightning flashing by, if anyone had walked by in this time, they would feel oppressed by a sense of powerlessness.

Upon the mountain's peak, a blinding light appears and shots off into the skies, trying to shatter all the clouds in the skies. As the light approached the clouds, all clouds disperse as if not daring to be in the same place as the light.


Almost as soon as the clouds and thunder appeared, within the depths of a mountain cave, there could be seen a body lying on the ground, profusely bleeding out blood. Strangely enough, all the blood seems to have a mind of their own as they are drawn to the center of the cave.

The cave is not huge, with only 20 meters of space, and 5 meters high. On the walls of the cave one could see morals of beast, such as dragons, phoenix, griffin etc. It was as if this use to be the place of worship in the distant past.

Within the center of the cave, was platinum color rock perfectly shaped in the form of a square. Upon the platinum color rock, one could see an indention with a marble inside of it.

The marble is the size of a child's thumb and is azure in color. The marble lied there perfectly still while releasing divine lights. The divine lights where rainbow color as it lit up the somewhat dark cave.

As all the blood approaches the rock, the blood would be drawn upon it as it is engulfed by the marble. The marble seems to have no depths, as it continued to drink the blood and not changing at all outwardly.

The marble, seemly satisfied, stop drinking the blood as it slowly tries to struggle free from the rock, causing the mountain and the rock to tremble as cracks started to spread across their bodies like spiderwebs.

As soon as the marble broke free from its confinement, the earth trembled as if a giant was walking upon it, the mountain and rock shattered to pieces all around the area.

Pieces of rocks headed towards the man at astonished speed, almost shattering the man's body even before they arrive. The rocks drew near as their speed was too fast. As they were about to hit the man, an azure light appeared, stopping the rocks in their tracks.

The marble had created a barrier around the man, so the rocks could only be deflected by it. Not long after the shattered piece of rocks fell, the mountain was completely gone from existence. it was as if someone use an eraser and erase the mountain off a piece of paper.

The glow around the marble dimmed and it seem that it could be extinguished in a moment. Knowing the situation, it was in, the marble hesitantly flew around the man's body, but in the end, it moved towards the man's head as it gradually fuse into it.

The man on the ground body spammed and twitch as foam comes out of his mouth as if suffering the most extreme pain imaginable. Still, while suffering from the pain, the man still was unconscious, unable to wake up.

As this event was happening, the world outside shaking with commotion.


In the Divine and Devil realm, all gods and devils where brimming with excitement because an hour ago a treasure was born into existence that was prophecies to be able to allow any being to advance and become Sage, the goal of all beings!

Sage!! This is the dream of all beings, even the Primordial Gods and Devils are no exception to this rule. In the distant past, it is said that Sage World was created by a Sage. If this was all, it wouldn't matter since primal gods and greater devils could create their own worlds as well.

The thing was that Sages, even the weakest one could destroy worlds and create them at the same time, if they so want to. Not only that, Sages also have an unlimited amount of lifespan, meaning that they can't die even if they wanted to. The reason for all of this? It's because they are Sages, beings that are out of the boundary of the universe laws.

For a treasure to be able to allow people to become Sages, it can only be a Sage Rank Treasure, the most powerful rank in the universe for anything!

The gods went out to find the best god for the job of looking for the treasure. Everyone was discussing who they should go to, everyone had different opinions. Later, some gods suggest that they went and visit the Goddess of Destiny at her destiny palace to locate the treasure. All the gods agreed and set out.

They all know that other than the Goddess of Fate, the other best choice would be the Goddess of Destiny as she deals with the domain of luck, unlike the Goddess of Fate that deals in the domain of the future.

Some of them had suggest going to the Goddess of Fate, but soon changed their minds as the Goddess of Fate is a far too powerful a god, that even Primordial Gods must be polite to. So, it would be weird if such a god would lower their status to talk to them, let alone help them.

The number of gods that went to find her, were so many that they could build a country of only gods.

Across the skies of the Divine Realm, all one could see are blazing meteors flying towards the northern part of the Divine Realm in large numbers. They were so fast they left long streaks of lights behind them.

At the same time, the high-ranking demons in the Mortal World, went to their secret halls to communicate with the devils. There is no way that they would allow the priest of the gods, to get an edge on the them!


Waking up from the uncontrollable pain that he had been in, Malvick opened his eyes and scanned the place he was at, not knowing where he was. The last thing he remembered was dying to a small nuke and the next thing was that he was waking up here.

"Where am I?" Malvick spoked but was shocked when he heared his voice that was akin to two sandpapers scratching against each other. Even though it was his own voice, he was shocked as he had never thought that he would have such a voice after only sleeping for a while!

He slowly looked down at his body that seemed to be drained of blood, he could see the faint shadow of his bones and even his heart that was struggling to even beat. He also felt an unbearable pain across his body, that would cause any man to kill themselves, as to escape from it.

Pain of this multitude was nothing to him as he had experienced for worse than that before.

*Growl! *

The sound of his stomach was heared as he grumpy got up off the ground and almost fell back down as his body was too weak to move.

Malvick started to leave the area he was at, to search for food. In fact, he wasn't looking for anything fancy, just something to fill his belly like, roaches, worms, frogs. Contrary to what one would expect from, roaches, worms and frogs, they had a very high nutritional contents contain inside of them.

Plus, he could not really expect anything else, as these are ones of the rare beings that have not evolve after the nuke war, other than the fact that they had a very high reproduction ability that keep them from becoming extinct, they are just like they were before nuke war. That's to say that they don't have strong combat abilities as even a child could handle them easily.

As he walked, his vision gradually got blurry and he became weaker over time as he has not found anything to consume. It was as if they were purposely hiding from him.

'I need food, I need food or I'm going to died.' Malvick's will was strong and hard as he continued to walk with only his will. He knew that if he was to falter for a second, he would without a doubt, die.

Not knowing for how long he had walked for, Malvick collapse on the ground with his mind fill with thoughts of his impending death.

Knowing he would die from hunger, Malvick close his eyes as he came to accept his faith. His mind wanders from his body gradually as he forgot that he even had body. Just as he was about sever that connection with his body, he heared a rumbling sound approaching him, so he used all his remaining strength to open his eyes, he saw something that made him wonder if he was somewhere else.

'Am I in a different world?'

What he saw was a group of three-meter-tall horses, if that was all, he wouldn't have cared at all, but when the horses had two eastern like dragon horns on their heads and was running a couple feet off the ground, one would wonder if they were in a different world.

Darkness soon became his companion as he slips out of the world of light.

Hope you like so far. if one is confused in this chapter, reread the second chapter or leave a question in comment section, I will try to answer it, with the best of my ability.

Soul_Rivercreators' thoughts