
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

C33- Humans

[A/N= Welcome to the second Ark of my book, and I can only say one thing IT GONNA GET BLOODLY, Thanks for reading, and please drop a review and power stone]

<Western Human continent\ Northmore Empire>

<Imperial City>

The City was crowded with humans going about their business, thieves eyeing their prey, The red light district filled with people pleasuring one another, and the Moon shining ever so bright.

Inside the Royal palace's inner chambers, 5 men and 2 Women sat across a round table, they wore the finest cloth money could get, and they were all Humans.

"King Ronny, will you calm down please, we are here to discuss the future of our kingdoms, Am sure you have all heard that The Astariris Dynasty in the Eastern Continent Have been forcing the other Kingdoms in the East to bow to them" a man dressed in royal alter said, the man had Blonde hair, he wasn't that tall standing at 5.11 feet tall.

"We all know Emperor Duccio Acerbi, but as you said that is the East, what they do there need not consign us" King Ronny interrupted Emperor Duccio, and the Other Kings nodded.

"What do you think would happen, Emperor Duccio, you want us to Swear loyalty to you, you may be the Emperor of the Northmore Empire but that doesn't mean you can tell us what to do," King Earnest Hopper, king of Damsport Kingdom said.

"What if the Astariris Dynasty successfully conquered the East, and decided to focus its attention towards us the Western kingdoms, we are too divided to fight as one" Queen Bianca Ghezzo, Queen of Dorburgs Kingdom said causing some of the King's Sneer.

Being proud men they didn't understand why the Emperor called the two Queens into their private Meeting in the first place.

"What would you have us do Woman, bow to you and the Emperor, is that what you want, but sorry to disappoint you The Kingdom of Romainwil will not bow to anyone not even the Emperor" King Ruy De Arçe said as he got up, to leave the Meeting.

"Ruy, it will be wise of you to think about it out of everyone here your kingdom is the weakest, filled with milk drinkers, Children Knights, and lords too fat to fight," Queen Olimpia Accialini of Maasfoort Kingdom said in a sweet, calm and gentle voice that captivate the other kings.

"You dare call me by my name and threaten me, you woman with no King, I should have your Head for this" King Ruy threatened, making Queen Olimpia smile and reply "You can try, but I don't think you will succeed till the day you can see your Penis with how Fat you are" The other kings laughed indeed King Ruy was fat, his Kingdom although had weak military strength, possess the Biggest Port in all of The Western Human Continent, Making his Kingdom one of the Richest.

"You," King Ruy said, not wanting to embarrass himself any longer left the Inner Chamber with his Royal knights.

"You shouldn't have said that, if the Easterners should declare war on us, his Coffers would have been much needed," Emperor Duccio said massaging his temple as the other kings continued to argue.

"I don't know why you called those two women to this meeting," King Ronny Gritti of The Cardare Kingdom said, clearly annoyed by the women's attitude toward his fellow king.

"You know well why he invited me King Ronny, My Kingdom possesses the strongest military force among the 10 free kingdoms within our continent, it would be an insult if I wasn't invited" Queen Olimpia replied only to hear someone laughing.

She looked at the person and from the crown on his head it meant the person was also a King maybe from the smaller kingdoms, she wanted to question the person but Emperor Duccio stopped her.

"King Grey Haider of Red Rock Kingdom you haven't said anything," Emperor Duccio said making sure to announce his name and Kingdom.

Upon hearing the Name Grey Haider king of the Red Rock Kingdom, The Kings and Queens at the table became too shocked to even move, Queen Olimpia was right the Red Rock Kingdom can be classified as a Small Kingdom but their Military strength is next to none.

Even the Powerful Northmore Empire would think twice before confronting the Red Rock Kingdom because of One Man, King Grey Haider who is said to be a Legendary mage, and his Children being extraordinarily talented in leading troops into battle and never losing once.

King Grey Haider had white hair, his face was filled with wrinkles from old age, no one knew his age but could only guess from this white air, slender body, and arched back.

"I have nothing to say, Emperor Duccio, your Family and mine have been friends for a long time, so I will not lie to you, if the Easterners attack us, I will lead my men to battle alongside you, but my Kingdom will not bow to the Empire" King Grey Haider said without a hint of fear in his voice.

"Good, I never intended to have any kingdom submit to my Empire, the reason I called this meeting was to sign a Defensive pact, in case the Easterners try to invade us, we should be well prepared" Emperor Duccio, said making the Kings and Queens nod their heads.

After spending more time lining out all the details the other kings and Queens left, returning to their kingdoms only King Grey Haider and Emperor Duccio remained.

"It has been a while old friend, you no longer visit me," Emperor Duccio said to King Grey.

"I have been busy, taking care of the little ones is time-consuming" King Grey replied.

"Little ones? All your kids are already adults and your first child is the leader of your Army so what little ones are you speaking of" Emperor Duccio said looking at King Grey's face.

"Am not speaking of my Children, and I need to get back, like I said am busy" King Grey replied with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I heard something went missing in your house," Emperor Duccio said.

"Oh world travels fast, must be the Maid spies you kept in my Palace, well not that I care, yes something did go missing and you need not worry, it will find its way back sooner or later,

And I think we are going to become in-laws anytime soon" King Grey said changing the topic.

Hearing King Grey's Words, Emperor Duccio had a shocked expression on his face, he had no idea what his old friend was saying.

"Oh I see you don't know, well I will tell you, old friend, it seems that your second son seems to be interested in my daughter, I have seen them sneaking around a couple of times, that your son is a sly one if I might add,

Marrying into the most powerful House in the Continent would help his claim to the throne, none would dare go against him in fear of being destroyed" King Grey explained to Emperor Duccio, causing the Emperor to smile warily.

If that were to happen there was bound to be a battle of succession within his Household, Which gave the Emperor a little bit of joy, His First son had a mind for leadership and also had a straightforward personality, he would rather confront his Enemy openly than go through corners.

His second son was a complete contrast to his first son, His second son prefers going through corners to achieve his goals no matter what it takes.

"Are you sure, it is not love, they could be in love for all we know" Emperor Duccio said.

"No, it's not love, because my daughter also has the same plan in mind, she wants to outsmart her brothers to become the Queen of Red Rock kingdom, and having the support of the Empire would be a great deal,

Anyways let's not dwell on it, we will see the outcome sooner or later, I want you to explain how great the threat from the Easterners is, and why you think they would declare war on us" King Grey said.