
Saceria’s Only Hope

A boy from another world has lost most of his memories. But, he has no time to think about anything other than what’s happening now. He has been reborn into the planet Saceria. This world is facing a crisis never seen before, all the men was infected with a disease and monsters now roaming the world. How will our protagonist save the day? Will Saceria die out? Find out the mysteries now with Saceria’s only hope.

FairlyOdd57 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

3rd Person POV:

"What did you put in me!" Susan shouted in anger.

"I forgot to mention that Ziton to some women can act like a debauchery drug." Ms. Flore said while cleaning up the room.

" A what?!" Susan shouted at Ms.Flore, making her turn to her.

"It can arouse the user in some ways, but you nothing to concern yourself with. The effects on you will wear off shortly." Ms. Flore stated as is she was annoyed with the girl.

"How many times will I need to take Ziton?" Susan asked a little nervous. She has never had sex or masturbated before this. And she was to embarrass to ask for help.

" You'll need to take the drug once a week. It looks like your new guard has arrived." Ms. Flore stated as she cleans up the room and a women dressed in a suit entered the room.

Time Skip To Day Of Birth

Susan has done many things to get to this point, and she was so ready to give birth right now. From news interviews to taking that damn Ziton!

Main Protagonist POV:

It feels so tight in here, it's like someone has a death grip on me.

I want out…


All of a sudden I saw a bunch of light, I can hear a bunch of noises.

I wanted to scream where I was at but all I can hear is a babies cries. I tried to look at my hands, only to see that they were light orange in color.

I don't think that was my usual skin color, but who are all these people? I asked myself as I looked around the room.

I feel like they're crowded around me, wait am I a baby. How can I just realize this now.

But what are they doing, they have this pink tube of some sorts.

Waaahhhhh- what are they doing, why are they putting it on my dick! I so confused right now, if I'm a baby. Shouldn't they put me in a bed or play with me.

It feels like thousands of tiny needles is being inserted into my dick! Wait what are they about to do now, they got some pink syringe in hand.

Wait, don't come over here! I tried to kick and hit them away from me, but they just pinned me down and injected whatever that pink stuff into m-my BALLS!

As I wailed and screamed for my life, I started to feel heat and more pain come from done there.

And than I passed out.

Hazel's POV:

Even if we can't turn a baby into a adult over night, we at least need to make sure Saceria's population of males increase. By increasing his testosterone levels, we can start Project D.

So even if this he cry's.

Even if he fight back at our ways.

We have to do this, we need to do this! For need to do this for the greater good of Saceria.