
Saceria’s Only Hope

A boy from another world has lost most of his memories. But, he has no time to think about anything other than what’s happening now. He has been reborn into the planet Saceria. This world is facing a crisis never seen before, all the men was infected with a disease and monsters now roaming the world. How will our protagonist save the day? Will Saceria die out? Find out the mysteries now with Saceria’s only hope.

FairlyOdd57 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Susan's POV:

I've been pregnant for a few months now, and I'm about to go to my daily appointment with Doctor Hazel. If it wasn't for that mysterious disease that came in 50 years ago and kill most of the men on Saceria, I wouldn't have to be monitored 24/7!

I'm so tried of this! All the needles and medication, for what! Some paper, every since the " Rehabilitation Law" that was passed 20 years ago. It states that all women from 12-60 years old must participate in giving birth once in their life. Their goal was so that the population wouldn't die out, but 50 years since the incidence happen. And nothing but girls have been born. All the men in our world is either dead or too old to reproduce naturally, so a specialist has to come in to store and multiply their cum for future generations.

But, today I'm going to find out the gender of my baby. I know it's going to be a girl, but it's mandated protocol.

Think happy thoughts Susan.

Happy thoughts.

A Little Later

A nurse just gave me all the normal procedures, now I'm just waiting for my doctor.

"Hello, sorry for the wait Ms.Plair. I hope you didn't wait long." Said Doctor Hazel as she enters the room.

"That's ok, I didn't wait for that long. Ms. Flore just finished checking me up." I responded.

"That's good, we are going to be scanning the baby today to see what it's gender is." Said Doctor Hazel as she sets up her equipment.

After the equipment was set, and I was place on the table Hazel start to look around my stomach using some gel and some weird device. In a few seconds, we saw a little creature on the monitor. It looked strange, instead of having 2 legs, there was 3.


"It, IT'S A BOY!!!" The nurse Screamed near my ear.

"REALLY, AM I TRULY HAVING A BOY!!" I said a little agitated, but excited nevertheless.

"YES! After 50 long years of no hope for Saceria, a son will be born!" Doctor Hazel father explained.

"We don't have time to sit around! We must start administering Ziton right away!" Ms.Flore shotted this almost have way across the room.

"Wait a minute, what in the world is Ziton!" I said confused, as I start to hyperventilate.

"Calm down Ms. Plair, that's not go for the baby if you're worried so much." Hazel says, calming me down some.

"I understand your concerns about a unknown medication, but please know that Ziton is a perfectly safe drug that helps develops a male body much faster." Doctor Hazel goes on and on talking about.

"So nothing bad will happen to me?" I said after listening to her long speech.

"No, you should be perfectly fine. You might give birth early though, by a month or two." Said the nurse as she came back with pink liquid in a container and a tube.

"We will have to insert the Ziton directly into your womb, so please lie back down on the table." Doctor Hazel pleaded as I started to lie on my back again.

"Now just relax, we are inserting the tube now." Stated Ms.Flore as she starts to inserts a flexible tube into me.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" I moaned as she inserted it into me.

Hi everyone, just wanted to say that I’m going to try to write at least 500 words for each chapter for now on.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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