
Aura & Semblance Information

I'm already giving these information to my readers who haven't watched RWBY, so you won't have to go to the wiki or learn about it in the internet. These are the necessary information that you should know, so you won't have any kinds of confusion while reading. Read properly and carefully to understand if you didn't get it in the first time.


~~About Aura~~

- Aura is the manifestation of one's soul in the RWBY universe, and can be used for a wide range of abilities. The specific abilities and their strengths differ from individual to individual and are dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, training, and innate skill.

Uses and Facts:

- When Aura is used, it can appear in different ways and takes on the color of one's inner energy, hence the color of one's Aura can differ from person to person. It appears as a slight glow around the person's body.

- Aura can be used to increase one's defense, similar to the concept of 'Armament Haki' in One Piece. While users of Aura will not be hurt as long as their Aura is up, they can still feel sensations such as pain and heat. It requires training to always subconsciously have a cloak of Aura on. Skilled users of Aura can even create barriers.

- Aura can be used to increase one's physical strength and speed to superhuman levels. A person can even generate a shockwave of force through the use of Aura if they are really skilled in controlling it.

- Aura can be used to heal wounds and injuries. Healing effects of Aura is automatic and is not necessary to be activated at will.

- Note that Aura CANNOT increase one's stamina.

- Aura can also be channeled through weapons. Similar to the concept of 'Armament Haki' in One Piece, Aura can make weapons stronger, sharper and more durable.

- Aura can be used for Extrasensory Perceptions, or use it to greatly enhance one's Five Senses. It is similar to the concept of 'Observation Haki' in One Piece.

- Because Aura can protect its user against some of the force of physical blows, it is possible to duel using fully combat-ready weapons without risking death or serious injury. This explains why characters in RWBY tend to not get injured as long as their Aura is up.

- Aura quantity or reserves, as a proportion of maximum potential, can be electronically monitored and displayed on devices. When displayed through electronics, they are similar to that of Health Bars in games.

- Aura does not provide 100% protection against concussive blows, such as punches, being hit by hammers or mace or any kinds of blunt weapons. You get the idea.

- It is possible to increase the amount of Aura someone has. But this needs to be done through some kind of special machine. There are experimental technologies that is capable of "capturing" Aura from a person and transferring it to something or someone else.

- Aura users train themselves and their Aura in order to use it more efficiently and have better control over it, NOT to get it to increase its reserves or get it stronger in quality.

- Aura being completely depleted is visually represented as a colored sheen glowing along the length of a person's body, indicating that they can now be physically injured. Aura tends to flicker when it is close to being depleted. Aura can be recharged and the time that is required to recharge is different between each person.

- Aura can be used to 'unlock' the Aura of someone else. However, doing this appears to take a toll on the one that does the unlocking.

- Overall, you can think of the uses and concepts of Aura similar to Armament Haki and Observation Haki from One Piece, but the background about it is different. Note that Aura can theoratically be used similar to that of Conquerors Haki, but guess who's the only one who can do that?

~~Now About Semblances~~

- Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user.

- It can be described as somewhat of an Esper Powers.

- The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character. However, a person's Semblance can be similar to the Semblances of their parents or other family members, in other terms, it can be hereditary and can be passed on to descendants.

- Like Esper Powers, the overusage of Semblances can have different side effects on a person depending on their Semblance. But the common side effect is that the person will be exhausted.

- Emotional turmoil, stress and any kinds of emotions may be able to affect one's semblance. Either by activating them unconciously, making them stronger or weaker, and many other effects.

- Aura is the fuel of Semblances. So if a person's Aura is depleted, then they won't be able to use their Semblance until their Aura is restored.

- The moment a Person unlocks their Aura, they will be able to discover and use their Semblance afterward.