
RWBY: Bad Time

A new world, free from my past worries, free from my responsibilities, free from my worries... Unfortunately, this asshole is still here, and somehow, he convinced me into playing along. _ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter One

I was digging through my pocket, looking for my pack.

The music was blasting in my ears as I was doing so and the would of combat was sometimes heard through the notes.

What were we doing here again?

A scream was cut off as I finally grabbed what I wanted and borough it out. Opening it, I took out one of the paper cylinders and placed it between my lips.

The sound of something hitting the ground brought my attention to something that landed in front of me and I spared it a glance.

"... That messy fuck."

Muttering, I took my lighter and lit the cigarette.

Taking a deep breath-

"I'm a fucking perpetual motion machine!!!!"

I sighed, exhaling the smoke from my lungs, and looked over to the dumbass that was screaming.

Yup, he was spinning. Vertically might I add.

I looked down at the head of a black wolf that was evaporating by the second and then back at him...

He cut off another one.

He was having too much fun. Sometimes, I'm a little concerned that he might be a psychopath but, eh, what am I going to do? Kill him? Pfft, he's my only friend in this crazy place...


"Hey! Hey! Nick! Come join me, there are like, eighty of them here!"

... Yeah, no.

I remained silent and watched the display for a moment.

"You going to be done soon?"

I asked the one that was playing the heavy metal next to me.

"Nah, I look like I'm having a good time there."

Hmm, indeed.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I contemplated my life choices.

Yeah, I regret everything.

Turning around, I walked into the trees and emerged from between the dozen monsters of darkness that were attacking my friend.

With a raise of my hand, a dozen bones burst from the ground, piercing the animals around me.

"Aw! You're no fun!"

I deadpanned.

This motherfucker.

A giant skull materialized behind me. A second later, the wind rushed past me, ruffling my hair along with my fur-coated jacket.

A black wolf with a skull mask rushed at me, its red eyes glowing with bloodlust.

This thing was called Beowulf, a "Creature of darkness with the sole goal of eliminating humankind".

An ice scythe pierced its head, carving through its whole body as the maniac I called my friend landed on the ground.

The guitar, which was an axe, a scythe, a spear, and a bow was placed on his shoulder as he turned to me, his grin splitting his face.

"You ass! Finally, decided to join me?"

I looked him up and down, making sure that he wasn't hurt, and finally opened my mouth to respond.

"Fuck you too."

Yes, this was normal between us.

He only smiled wider and turned around, waving at the man that was playing the guitar.

The dumbass nodded and started playing a tune that I was familiar with.

Doom music...

I sighed, why me?

Turning around myself, I started at the dozen creatures trying to pass as local wildlife rushed towards me.

Without a word, my hand lashed out, sharp bones descending from the air and pinning them to the ground.

A second later, five elongated skulls materialized in front of me, blue orbs enlargening in their mouths.

Their jaws snapped open and the blue orbs burst forward, obliterating anything in their way.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked over to see my one and only buddy leaning on me.

"Well, the parties over..."

He muttered, expression turning neutral. I just pointed to the sky where a giant crow was rushing towards us.

He sent a glance at it and he was gone, rushing to intercept it.

I watched as he jumped at the descending bird and swung his guitar scythe, piercing its wing bone.

The ice spread across the whole wing and I started calculating how much restocking would cost.

Applying more pressure by securing his footing on its body, he tugged.

The ice broke, taking the wing with it as the bird lost balance and tilted towards its heavier side.

As soon as the impact with the ground was made, its other wing broke and the guitar wielder rolled on the ground to disperse the momentum from landing.

As soon as he stood up straight, he rushed towards the dying bird's head. From the bottom of his guitar, two, curved brown blades appeared from both sides, effectively turning the instrument into a battle axe.

With a mighty swing, he started chopping the thing's neck.

Once, twice, thrice, and finally a fourth time.

The giant bird called "Nevermore" seemingly had enough of life and that crazy bastard and decided to die.

I stared at the guy, as the music flared again and I just about shot the man playing it.

"Okay, we're done!"

Thankfully, the music stopped and I blinked to show my relief.

This was the fourth time this week and there was only so much I could take.

"You know, Dantte, I question your sanity sometimes."

He looked over at me, a hand on his chest, and a dramatic gasp escapes his mouth.

"I'm offended! You know I discarded things like "Sanity" years ago!"

I pursed my lips and nodded, concerning the point.

He was batshit crazy.

The man that was playing the guitar walked over to us, looking exactly like Dantte, if I didn't know any better, I would think that they were twins. They fist-bumped each other and one of them dispersed into blue particles.

"Hmm, yes, you do have a point... How did you end up here again? I thought reincarnation was an option for sane people... So... Anyone but you."

The bastard just shrugged.

"Eh, I held it together long enough to trick those idiots."

Yeah, he would do that.

Shoving a hand in my pocket, I took out a small, rectangular device and pressed the yellow button in the middle of it.

It opened up, revealing a blue screen with icons appeared on it.

Making a call, I put it to my ear and waited for someone to pick it up.

The job was done, after all.