
RWBY: Bad Time

A new world, free from my past worries, free from my responsibilities, free from my worries... Unfortunately, this asshole is still here, and somehow, he convinced me into playing along. _ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter Two

"Why are we doing this?"

I asked, starting at the floor of the Bullhead we were in.

"Because why not?"

Dantte responded while recalibrating his guitar. I narrowed my eyes at the floor and dug into my pocket.

I needed a smoke.

"So, you somehow, someway I still don't understand, convinced me to accept one of the immortal beings' offer, just so you can troll him?"

He hummed happily and nodded. I had to repress a sigh, son of a bitch.

"Okay, here's the plan-"

He took out a notebook from somewhere and presented it to me.

"- It's going to involve pink paint, sprinkles, a shit ton of feathers, water, and lobsters."

I stared blankly at the crudely drawn plan for a moment. Leaning back, I took a deep breath and took out my pack.

At this rate, even if Aura could heal, I would die of losing too many brain cells.

Taking out my lighter again, I popped the lid open and hit the flint wheel.

The spark started the flame and I lit the cigarette.

So much fucking money to prank someone.

"What are we going to be eating for the next month, then?"

I asked as I took a drag. He went silent for a moment before letting out a thoughtful hum.

"Ramen packets."

I slapped him over the head. Letting out an indignant yelp, he glared at me.


He just groaned, but I knew he would do it anyway. I couldn't stop him even if I tried.

"You're no fun."

I hummed and took out my scroll and my earphones.

Plugging them in I turned on some music and leaned back.

[My tea's gone cold and I'm wondering why~?]

I ripped off my earphones and glared at the motherfucker sitting beside me.

"Didn't I tell you not to use a computer voice to plagiarise music? How did you even download it on my scroll?"

He just cackles. I sigh, this was my life now... I need a break.

With a press of a button, the knockoff was deleted.

Shoving the scroll in my pocket again I leaned back, scowling.

"You know, now that I think about it, girls here work like those anime girls in the shows."

I blinked and looked over at Dantte, face blank until I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, remember that one girl we saved from being a slave and she wanted to tag along? We didn't deny it at first since you intended to drop her off in Vale but she kept sticking around."

He took a breath and continued.

"And she always used to say "It's not like I like you or anything" like six times each week."

I nodded, I remembered her. We met when we were fifteen and traveled together for a month.

"Until you got so annoyed at her being so unreasonable that you blasted her with your Gaster Blaster."

... Okay, so maybe I wasn't completely sane either.

"I may be patient but I have a limit too."

I looked to the side, it wasn't like I killed her, just knocked her out and left her in a village.

I do hope she died though.

"Bullshit, you stand me just fine."

He poked my cheek.

"I developed a resistance to you."

He was my only friend, and everyone needed a yin to their yang. Who else would stand the brooding creature that was me?

I needed someone to balance me out, and he needed someone to make sure he didn't kill himself.

With a sigh, I took another drag and exhaled the smoke.

The bullhead landed and I stood up, Dantte jumping to his feet right next to me.

We walked over to the hanger that was opening and waited for it to descend fully.

As soon as it did, I spotted two figures waiting for us at the docks.

One with a black suit and a green scarf. He held a came in his right hand and a steaming cup in his left. His gray hair was rustling in the chilling wind and his glasses resting in on his nose, not covering his eyes at all.

The second one was a woman, a very attractive blonde, holding a riding crop and wearing a purple coat.

"Welcome, Mister Gaster, Mister Dantte, to Beacon Academy, I look forward to working with you in the foreseeable future."

The man, Ozpin, greeted the two of us, as we walked down the hanger.

In my peripherals, I saw Dantte raise a hand in a lazy wave and I nodded in response.

"Glynda will show you the school grounds, and you're rooms. After you're done with the tour, I expect to see you both in my office."

I hummed. Nodding, I took a last drag from my cigarette and with the activation of some fire dust in my hand, the Butt of the cigarette was gone, turned to ashes.

"Follow me, gentlemen."

Gentlemen... Heh, yeah, gentlemen, pfft.

I withheld a chuckle as Dantte nodded seriously next to me.

Oh, Glynda, you sweet summer child, you and Ozpin are doomed.