
Ruling Hollywood

Timothe Elliott Austin-Quint suffering from DID or dissociative personality disorder. Currently, he has five distinct personalities each with their quirks and talents. 1st personality: "Let's evolve the music industry! I want to create classical music!" 2nd personality: "Timothe my hands their aching! I need to draw!! F'ck give me a pencil!" 3rd personality: "W-What do you f'cking mean that this world does not have any games?!" 4th personality: "Hmm I'm going to make a buffet for our guests to enjoy!" 5th personality: "I want to make movies! Come on Timothe I want to make sitcoms and series!" With five personalities and with their distinct talents how can Timothe manage them all? His first personality became a global singer who is titled the greatest musician of all time. His second personality is nicknamed the god of 'Comic Books, Manga, Anime?' His third personality is the genius creator of Resident Evil. The one who created Facebook?! The fourth personality with his cooking skills invented coke?! Timothe thought that was the end of it, till his fifth personality started to make sitcoms, movies, and series?! Now Timothe was currently holding the crown of Hollywood, now what should he do? [Ps. I update five chapters a day! I'm a newbie, and English is my second language. So if you read the synopsis, you can already imagine that there would be numerous cringe in the fan-fic. So if you don't want to get 'cringe' I advise you not to read this fan-fic.] [First of all, I will allow 'you' to pinpoint my mistakes, cause that would be helpful for me to furthermore learn and grow in my writing career. But if 'you' would read the fan-fic just to criticize, then please don't read any further.] [Now I'm starting this fan-fic cause I was inspired to do so, this fan-fic would be lengthy. I am aiming for this fan-fic to reach over 100+ or even more chapters! I'm getting tired of many authors just abandoning their fan fics especially if the story intrigued me. That's why I decided to create this fan-fic and I'm going to suck my brain dry, anyways before you read, really check the synopsis] [Ps. Additional tags: No-Harem! This story would be set in a modernized world, why would we create a harem for the mc? that's illegal and can get our mc in bars. Smut! Yes, there would be smut! I've been honing my writing skills especially if it's a sex scene and I'm going to put all my hard work into learning how to write sex scenes for a month here! Though having a smut scene will happen rarely.] [This world is set in a parallel world anyways I won't put the spoiler in the synopsis] Volume 1: Prologue: The personalities! This chapters would consist of our mc getting to know of his other personality and would dive down in his past! Volume 1:? Volume 2:? Volume 3:? Volume 4:? Volume 5:? Volume 6:?

ColinIvory · Célébrités
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21 Chs

Chapter 4: Prologue

"Take you away? Huh?" Trent glanced at the small, shivering baby in front

of him and couldn't help but stare at the baby's delicate white cheeks.

"First of all, I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Trent Colt" Trent sat down, and he took out his hand expecting a tiny handshake from the baby.

Timothe didn't allow his defense to waver as he glanced at the other two men. He didn't accept the handshake from this Blonde-man.

"Ishaan Hobbs" Ishaan likewise sat down and introduced himself to Timothe. "Oi Onishi" Ishaan slightly tapped on Onishi's legs as the other continued to look down on Timothe.

"W-Who are you?" Timothe asked, he was completely stunned earlier that he could speak naturally inside this creepy place.

"Onishi you're making it uncomfortable, sit down," Ishaan said as Onishi eventually sat down.

"Onishi Nazako nice to meet you" Onishi sat down while still oozing his negative aura.

Timothe who was looking at the three of them, was overly cautious. But the question is, what are they doing inside this place? And where is he? Timothe was both interested and afraid of what was going to transpire.

"U-Um I don't know you guys but what do you want?" Timothe asked cautiously. He recalled all those joyous moments with this new family of his. Though he has been with this family for only 10 months, he already cherished this family.

He felt happy that he reincarnated in an affectionate household, unlike his past life where he had trouble making friends, living alone, and living as an orphan with no parents or siblings. He loved this family and Timothe was terrified that these people might take it away.

"So um, we're not good at explaining stuff so first," Trent snapped his fingers, and the black abyss warped. A white room emerged out of nowhere with a ton of tea and sweets, there were also a chair and a giant table.

"Please we should sit first," Trent gestured to Timothe to follow. Timothe followed/crawled and since he couldn't sit on the huge and tall chair.

Trent snapped his fingers once more and a High chair appeared. "May I?" Trent asked Timothe who reddened in humiliation and nodded. After placing Timothe on the high chair.

"So now that we have introduced one another, we would now introduce to you another being," Trent said as a small kitty with wings materialized out of nowhere as it seated on an empty chair.

"Well hello, Timothy I am Ethan, it is nice to meet you at last," Ethan the kitten said as he sipped some tea.

"Now you must be wondering why you are here and you have a lot of questions to ask. So first of all, I am not here nor the other three here to seize your soul back. Your reincarnation here was the most suitable choice we can give you after you died. Now I'm going to give you a small background of this world you are in."

The room warped and showed a small planet, it was Earth. "So as you see this is Earth, and this is" Ethan altered the hologram and there was another Earth piled on the first Earth. "And this is the other earth also known as parallel earth or the multiverse"

"As you see in the hologram, there are numerous piles of earth or universes stacked at one another. Some earth has superheroes, while some earth is what you call newly created or newborn universes, and the universe you are in is one of those infants."

"This planet is called 2452007, a newly created planet. The creator of this planet Ivory had let the world or humans do as it pleases he did create religion and other stuff that could help humans. But he let the world progress as it is and since you are still a baby you don't have much information on this world. And that's my job to explain this to you."

"Well, this world started to develop normally just like many other worlds. Except that their god started to help them each to evolve. Some gods chose humans and gave them all sorts of talents that could help their world evolve. While this world's god Ivory didn't give or thought of such importance."

"Unlike the history on other earth. This earth does not have many of those individuals who shaped their world as it is. On this planet, they don't have Wolfgang or other musicians and many other people who placed their names in history to make advancements."

"In short, this world is far behind other worlds, not only that this made Ivory restless. There are many cases of other gods destroying their creations or the world itself destroying its own due to their inability and the bad decision-making skills of their god. Due to such, when the god Ivory looked into the future of this world, it was utter chaos, and the world was destroyed on its own."

"That's why Ivory contacted our agency. We are the ones who alleviate the risk of each universe's destruction. And Ivory, the god of this world specifically hired us to solve this problem of his, and that is also concerning you."

"We cannot specifically help this world, or showcase ourselves to the people of this world. That's why we purchased your soul from another god, the one who manages your soul and your universe. We bought you for the price of 2,000 Multiverse coins, from your god. As such, your entire being is in a contract with Ivory, the god of this world."

"And now let's get back to the job you will be given. This world does not have people like Leonardo Da Vinci or any other legends in your world who impacted your history. As such, we bought other souls from their respective universes for them to teach you. Simply, your job is to help this world level up. By level up, I mean to help this world reach a great height in music, entertainment, and many more sectors."

"You might have already known them earlier. Each of them has a specific profession such as, Trent Colt specializes in music. Ishaan Hobbs specializes in Art. And lastly, Onishi Nazako specializes in technology."

"These three will be your teachers, and also your roommates inside your head."

My precious stonesss, give me my precious stonessssss

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