
Ruling Hollywood

Timothe Elliott Austin-Quint suffering from DID or dissociative personality disorder. Currently, he has five distinct personalities each with their quirks and talents. 1st personality: "Let's evolve the music industry! I want to create classical music!" 2nd personality: "Timothe my hands their aching! I need to draw!! F'ck give me a pencil!" 3rd personality: "W-What do you f'cking mean that this world does not have any games?!" 4th personality: "Hmm I'm going to make a buffet for our guests to enjoy!" 5th personality: "I want to make movies! Come on Timothe I want to make sitcoms and series!" With five personalities and with their distinct talents how can Timothe manage them all? His first personality became a global singer who is titled the greatest musician of all time. His second personality is nicknamed the god of 'Comic Books, Manga, Anime?' His third personality is the genius creator of Resident Evil. The one who created Facebook?! The fourth personality with his cooking skills invented coke?! Timothe thought that was the end of it, till his fifth personality started to make sitcoms, movies, and series?! Now Timothe was currently holding the crown of Hollywood, now what should he do? [Ps. I update five chapters a day! I'm a newbie, and English is my second language. So if you read the synopsis, you can already imagine that there would be numerous cringe in the fan-fic. So if you don't want to get 'cringe' I advise you not to read this fan-fic.] [First of all, I will allow 'you' to pinpoint my mistakes, cause that would be helpful for me to furthermore learn and grow in my writing career. But if 'you' would read the fan-fic just to criticize, then please don't read any further.] [Now I'm starting this fan-fic cause I was inspired to do so, this fan-fic would be lengthy. I am aiming for this fan-fic to reach over 100+ or even more chapters! I'm getting tired of many authors just abandoning their fan fics especially if the story intrigued me. That's why I decided to create this fan-fic and I'm going to suck my brain dry, anyways before you read, really check the synopsis] [Ps. Additional tags: No-Harem! This story would be set in a modernized world, why would we create a harem for the mc? that's illegal and can get our mc in bars. Smut! Yes, there would be smut! I've been honing my writing skills especially if it's a sex scene and I'm going to put all my hard work into learning how to write sex scenes for a month here! Though having a smut scene will happen rarely.] [This world is set in a parallel world anyways I won't put the spoiler in the synopsis] Volume 1: Prologue: The personalities! This chapters would consist of our mc getting to know of his other personality and would dive down in his past! Volume 1:? Volume 2:? Volume 3:? Volume 4:? Volume 5:? Volume 6:?

ColinIvory · Celebrities
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21 Chs

Chapter 5: Prologue

"Do you understand now Mr. Timothe?" Ethan said it all in one shot.

This caused Timothe to have second opinions, he is baffled regarding what is currently happening.

So this world is sort of another world well he did notice that the interior of the house does not match the interior of those high-tech rich houses he once visited when he was repairing their cars, but what confused him was his soul was sold.

And now he is some sort of slave to this world's god? Now this was getting better his life was now in someone else's hands. Timothe who was at a loss for words, couldn't express anything else. He was astounded by the explanation of this floating cat or Ethan said to him in one shot.

"So all I have to do, is take their talents-I mean learn their talents and skills and help this world evolve that's it right?" Timothe asked to which Ethan nodded his head.

"Yes that is correct"

"Then why didn't you simply reincarnate them in this world? I'm just somebody who repairs gravitational cars. I don't have any other talents like they do to assist this world to develop. If you wanted to evolve this world you could have just reincarnated them as well instead of them being locked like a bird in this place."

Trent glanced at Timothe and he rose a smile. He was entirely confused as to why they had to remain inside Timothe's body when they could have just reincarnated in this world, had semi-free will, and helped this world develop.

Ishaan and Onishi were also thinking about what Timothe said, as they all darted at Ethan.

"Well it might appear effortless to construct a human and living body for each of you to inhabit, but it's not. Each creation of a human costs 1 multiverse coin that equals to one universe. Can you imagine how many living organisms are there in a single universe just to create your body?"

'Oh no wonder Jesus solely created two people to populate Earth' Trent gave a profound reflection on such a matter.

"Anyways back to the issue. Timothe these three will help you and teach you their skills. Now that you have comprehended this matter, I will go and report this to Ivory" Ethan floated up as a portal opened.

But before leaving Ethan skimmed at Timothe and tossed him a small cube that was glowing. "I almost forgot, that cube will help you track your skills and talent, and the completion percentage of you honing their talents that would be all" With that final sentence Ethan left through the portal.

Timothe who was nevertheless a small baby looked at the three with a wry smile. Though he has some objections about their sudden appearance but if it means that he would spend time with his new family then he can only hope for the best.

"Umm, It's a pleasure working with you. I hope to learn a lot of stuff from you," Timothe said as the three nodded in response.

"Now that the introduction is complete, we will now make a schedule for you," Trent said as a small note emerged out of nowhere and landed on Timothe's hand.

Timothe glanced at the note it was his schedule. So first he would be learning from Trent since he has that toy piano. Ishaan isn't in the schedule as his fingers couldn't even hold a pencil properly and so was Onishi.

"Trent will be in charge to teach you since you have a piano. I and Onishi would watch you from afar," Ishaan said gleefully while Trent was smiling at the schedule.

"Oh haha sure" Timothe only gave a wry laugh, it seems that his so-called baby vacation is going to end soon.

Timothe woke up, he blinked his eyes a few times and knew that what had transpired wasn't a dream but was true since right now he was holding a small cube.

Meanwhile, Trent was happy maybe he could even ask Timothe to give him some control of the body.

Trent, Ishaan, and Onishi didn't know the existence of this so-called god.

A few hours ago, they were just sitting on the abyss without anything less boring to do when suddenly a kitten floated near them. At first, the three of them were extremely wary, while Onishi was revering to the kitten as some sort of god.

They knew the existence of the system, but it was their first time meeting Ethan the floating cat. In just a few minutes, Ethan explained to them his purpose of meeting him and soon they get to know of the existence of this god called Ivory who ruled and created this universe.

But what intrigued them the most was when Ethan said that he could help them come out and possess the body from time to time. Ethan already explained to the three of them that their souls were bound to one another and this body.

Meaning that they can never leave one another, this made Trent, Ishaan, and Onishi discouraged. But when Ethan showcased to them something that they could do inside the abyss the three of them became elated.

To ease their boredom, Ethan gave them the authority to do what they want in the abyss. Ethan taught them that with a snap of a finger, they can materialize anything they want.

They also knew that Ethan wanted to talk with Timothe and told them that this was their chance to finally make Timothe aware that other souls are living inside of him and mostly the three wanted to earn Timothe's good side since he was the original owner of the body.

"Well tomorrow you will be going out aren't you excited, Trent?" Ishaan did feel envious but he knew that one day he will have a chance to possess the body.

"Of course I am!" Trent couldn't fathom his excitement, he has been inside this abyss for 10 months and now he can come out from time to time but only in his spiritual form but still that was already amazing!

But I love you so (stones!) Please let me go, nope never ever going to let you go my precious stonessss

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