
Chapter 28- Asterin/Azriel

The cold wind blew under her hair, announcing the arrival of fall and perhaps a freezing winter.

It was nighttime when the soldiers arrived at the tower, looking for her. Asterin wanted to believe that their line of people would hold against men trained in the army, but she knew better to give herself hope.

She stood in the highest point of Star Spire, looking down the soldiers who were trying to pave their way in. Monika had instructed that she was to be kept in a room that could not be reached so easily. And so, the higher she was the better.

Someone was yelling, but from so high up there was no way Asterin could hear what they were saying. It was strange to be in this position once again, to have people protect her like she was special. After being banished to the tower she’d been a usual girl, now it felt more like her old self once again.

Asterin had no idea if she was happy about that.