
Round Table with Myself

Fanfic Inspired by Traversed 99 Worlds at the Same Time. Time Travel at the Same Time: Is the Golden Finger Actually Me?. Traveling through countless worlds simultaneously. If you've already read these, you’ll have a good idea of what this story is about. If not, let me give you a brief summary. After dying from being hit by truck-kun, our protagonist reincarnates in another world without a system. Realizing this, he recalls the stories he read about those lucky enough to have wishes, systems, or blessings from gods. Unbeknownst to him, one night he finds himself in a space with a round table in the center, surrounded by fog. Looking around, he sees other people. A voice tells him that they are myself from different worlds—whether they be from movies, TV shows, games, other fanfics, animes, cartoons, manga, or light novels. They can also share powers, experiences, and skills, albeit with certain rules. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ DISCLAIMER ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I don't own any of the characters from the canon. Please support the original work. I don't own the cover image. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, kindly tell me in comments ++++++++++++++++++++++++

TONRA_19 · Films
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: New Padawans

Grey´s Anatomy Universe, Earth, United States, Josh´s House - 2006

Having returned from the space with fog and the round table, Josh Whitman woke up in his room, preparing himself for what's to come in this world with the arrival of Izzie and her fellow interns. Now a second-year resident, he had grown accustomed to long shifts and demanding cases.

Learning under the guidance of Dr. Richard Webber, who had taught him a lot during his intern year, Josh also prepared himself to mentor new interns as part of his new responsibilities this year.

After getting ready, but not before grabbing several energy bars and taking the keys to his 2005 Ford Mustang, he headed to his daily battleground, Seattle Grace Hospital.

Leaning on the nurse's station, he reviewed patient records with a concentrated expression. As he turned a page, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, Josh. Busy?"

Turning to see Vivian, a nurse with her blonde hair tied back in a loose ponytail and a playful smile on her face. "I could say that, but it's nothing I can't handle. And you?" I replied, offering my own charming smile.

Vivian shrugged. "Just keeping up with the pace. Coordinating referrals, lab tests, prescribing medications, the usual." Seizing the opportunity to chat, she added, "I was reading about this new cardiac surgery procedure the other day. It's incredible how they use stem cells to repair damaged heart tissue."

Josh debated whether to laugh or tell her he was who wrote that procedure. For those who don't know, Vivian is one of the people he met last year, being one of the first-year nurses. Since then, we've grown closer, but I know she harbors feelings for me.

We've only gone as far as first base, just a few kisses. I'd also told her. I wasn't looking for anything serious and that I´m in love with someone else, but most women are stubborn when they love someone for real.

As we continued chatting and flirting, Dr. Bailey approached. "Nurse, I need you to check on the patient in room 408. Also, prepare OR 2," the Nazi commanded, her gaze fixed on me. "Right away, Dr. Bailey," Vivian replied.

I gave her a Ryomen Sukuna-like provocative smile as I made eye contact. She didn't look pleased. "Dr. Whitman, I couldn't help but notice your little chat with Nurse Glover. You seemed quite cozy."

"We were discussing a case and catching up," I defended himself.

"I wasn't referring to work discussions; I mean the constant flirting. She's here to work. Although you're our rising star appreciated by Dr. Webber, I won't allow such behavior."

Opening my mouth to defend myself, Bailey raised a hand to stop me. "I've seen it before. Doctors getting overly friendly with nurses thinking they're harmless. But let me remind you, this is a hospital, not a dating site."

"I understand, Dr. Bailey," I responded seriously.

Bailey's expression softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Good. But if I catch you crossing that line even once, I'll make your life hell. Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, Dr. Bailey," I replied, maintaining eye contact. "I'll keep my interactions strictly professional in the hospital," adding, smiling proactively, pulling out an energy bar, and eating it Hayato Shinkai-style.

Nodding, but clearly annoyed by my last words, Bailey said, "Now get back to work. Just remember to focus on the patients, not the nurses."

As our friendly chat was interrupted, eight figures approached us. "Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie," she introduced herself, extending her hand to the Nazi.

As Dr. Bailey looked at Izzie, "But we didn't mention the interns. In our internal discussion," I commented with a smile.

Bailey frowned and turned her gaze at the eight interns. Despite our small talk, we got along well, and she knows my character, which I love to mess around with at certain times.

Among the eight figures, one of them is Cristina Yang, with her dark, curly hair and marked features. In her eyes, there's ambition and sensible attitude. She's someone who wouldn't let anything stand in her way to become a surgeon.

Next was Meredith Grey, with her calm yet determined demeanor, and her blonde hair. She has a melancholic teenager look on her face, constantly in conflict with her personal and professional life but very intelligent.

Then there was Izzie Stevens. Josh couldn't help but appreciate her beauty, with her long blonde hair, bright expressive eyes, and warm welcoming smile. She's kind and empathetic, putting patients first. However, she has a vulnerability, a need to prove her worth beyond her appearance.

Turning my gaze to George O'Malley, with his slightly tousled brown hair and kind eyes. He's a bit nervous and insecure, resembling Josh's old self before reincarnation. But he knows George has potential, but his lack of confidence holds him back. Being compassionate, he wanted to do his best for his patients.

As myself continued to observe the other four unknown figures from this world but some known from his previous world, Dr. Bailey commented, "I have five rules. Remember them. First: don't kiss up to me. I hate it. It won't do you any good. Trauma protocols, phones, and pagers. The nurses will contact you. If they call, respond immediately. Immediately!" as she walked away.

"That's the second rule. Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours." As she walked away from my sight, leaving me with the other four people, my interns. As I continued to eat the energy bar, I looked at them, leaving an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Whitman, I guess you're my interns. The rule mentioned by Dr. Bailey is necessary. Before starting, introduce yourselves, just your names. As we walk to our destination before assigning your tasks."

"Maja Robinson, Dr. Whitman, pleasure," said the average-sized young woman with a slender build. Dark brown hair of medium length with soft waves. Oval-shaped face with high cheekbones, dark expressive brown eyes. Her physical appearance is familiar to me from my previous world, or her alternative version is called Maja Schöne, a German actress, but it seems that in this world she's American and a doctor, even sharing the same name.

"Bond. Moritz Bond," focusing on Moritz, smiling at his little nod to pop culture and to his fellow interns. He's a tall, slim young man with an athletic figure. Angular face with a defined jawline, light brown long hair. Light blue eyes. Similarly resembling the actor Moritz Jahn.

"Stephan Martin. Dr. Whitman, ready to operate," with a medium height and slender build. Dark blonde or light brown hair. Well-defined features with a serious expression on his face. His eyes are grayish blue. Perhaps the actors from "Dark" reincarnated in this world, being the third of this series. His counterpart, the German actor Stephan Kampwirth.

"Finally, a tall, curvaceous, athletic figure. Possessing good attributes both in the front and back. Long, thick, loosely wavy black hair. Oval face with high, well-defined cheekbones. Large, dark brown eyes with an intense and seductive gaze, with olive skin. She doesn't seem to have been seen in the series or in my previous world. 'Maria Hawkins, Dr. Whitman.'

"Well, listen up. Being your first real experience of what it means to be a doctor," I began, overcoming the noise of the hospital. "Each of you will assume similar tasks to what the residents did in our early days, so don't feel overwhelmed."

Turning my gaze to Maja. "Dr. Robinson, it's your turn to suture. We have a steady stream of patients in the emergency room who need stitches. It's crucial work and will give you the experience to improve your accuracy and speed."

Nodding with serious and focused eyes, Maja complied. "Dr. Hawkins," I continued, looking at that diabolical beauty. "I want you to assist with postoperative patients. Check their vital signs, monitor their progress, and report any changes. It's also important to understand the recovery process as much as the surgery itself."

Maria's face lit up with excitement and a seductive look. "Understood, Dr. Whitman."

"Dr. Bond, you'll be shadowing Dr. Taylor closely and taking notes. Especially during procedures, he'll also teach you the art of anesthesiology, which is essential for surgical operations." This way, I ensure that no accidents happen until Shepard carries out the dismissal administrative process in a couple of weeks.

"Finally, Dr. Martin, you'll be handling incoming trauma cases in the emergency room. It's going to be intense, but I have a feeling you can handle it. Stay alert and keep a cool head."

"No problem, Dr. Whitman," he responded confidently.

As we walked, turning a corner, we almost collided with Dr. Callie Torres. A striking figure with dark, loose hair, and a slightly imposing presence, known for her expertise in orthopedic surgery.

"Josh, new interns," Callie greeted with a warm smile.

"Yes, we've just started," I replied. "My padawans, this is Dr. Callie Torres, one of our top orthopedic surgeons. Also a beautiful woman and person."

Nodding at my words, she said, "Pleasure to meet you all. Welcome to Seattle Grace. Josh, if you keep praising me like that, I might have to eat you later."

"We could negotiate that. We'll see," I teased.

"Wait! Josh!" She turned serious. "Actually, I have a case. We have a patient with a severe compound fracture in the OR. Initial X-rays show it's quite complex, and we might need expertise to help with some vascular complications."

My mind shifted into diagnostic mode. "Alright, let's go. Dr. Robinson, ignore my previous instructions for you. I want you to observe. It'll be a good learning experience for. The rest of you, carry on with your tasks."

As we headed to the OR, Callie briefed me on the case. "Patient, Mr. Harrison, came in from a car accident. The tibia is shattered, and there are concerns about blood flow to the lower leg. We need to stabilize the fracture and make sure we don't have any vascular compromise."

Listening attentively, I commented, "Sounds complicated but manageable. Is Dr. Webber, Burke, or Shepard aware?"

"Yes, but they're currently busy. Dr. Bailey was tasked with overseeing the interns. Webber said I should find you; and trust in our Asclepius," Callie said, smiling mischievously.

It's one of my nicknames in the hospital, as I demonstrated my excellent skills even as an intern the previous year; they called me Prodigy, Golden Boy, The Second Coming of Asclepius.

In the OR, the team was already prepping the patient. Entering quickly, Dr. Robinson stayed there to observe. Callie was beside the patient, pointing out the fracture on the X-ray shown on the lightbox.

"Alright, everyone," I said firmly and authoritatively. "Let's focus. Callie, I'll need you to handle the orthopedic aspect while I take care of the vascular situation."

Starting the surgery, working meticulously to ensure the blood flow to the lower leg remained stable while Callie set the bone. The atmosphere in the OR was tense but manageable, a testament to the team's experience and coordination.

Looking at Maja, I said, "See how we make sure the artery isn't compromised. This is crucial in trauma cases where vascular integrity is at risk." Maja nodded, absorbing every detail.

After the surgery, Callie and I stepped out of the OR discussing the outcome.

"That was close," Callie mentioned, wiping her forehead. "But I think we managed to save his leg."

Nodding to her words, I said, "Thanks to your quick work with the bone. Good job, Callie."

"I couldn't have done it without your help, Josh," she said, looking at me flirtatiously.

"What did you think?" I asked, changing the subject and looking at Maja.

Maja seemed pensive. "It was intense. I learned a lot about surgery and communication in the OR for teamwork."

"Exactly," I said to continue. "Remember, no matter how skilled you are, you can't do it alone. Always trust your team. Now it's your turn to take care of Mr. Harrison post-op. Dr. Robinson, make sure to run tests, monitor the signs, and call me if anything comes up."

As we walked back to the main area, I spotted Meredith Grey with patient Katie Bryce on her gurney. "I sprained my ankle practicing. I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is pretty cool. I'm the only gymnast and I tripped on the ribbon. I've never seen anyone more inept than you, nurse," the patient commented.

Interrupting, I said, "Hello, Dr. Grey. I see you're with the patient they brought in by helicopter. If you need help, I'm available; you can call me," before moving on.

As the hours passed, Moritz had made a positive impression on Dr. Taylor. Stephen was gaining patients' trust with each interaction. As I continued to supervise them, offering guidance and feedback, I hadn't yet intervened with the main cast, which I would do later.

After lunch, I headed to the observation room to watch the first surgery of the intern chosen by Dr. Burke, George O'Malley, who will acquired a nickname. But not before giving new instructions to my interns.

Arriving, I overheard, "He's one of us. The first one. Where does your loyalty lie?" Meredith said. The scene unfolded like the series.

"Move aside, idiot, get him out of here," Dr. Burke said after George's mess-up, continuing the operation.

In the observation room, they remarked, "He's 007," said Karev. "007, indeed." "A full-fledged 007." Izzie looked around confusedly and asked, "What does 007 mean?"

Before Meredith could respond, I made my presence known to Izzie for the second time, saying, "With a license to kill. My dear Watson."

Exiting the observation room, I was paged for a new patient. Upon arrival, Nurse Olivia briefed me, "Middle-aged man, Mr. Thompson, comes from the ER with severe abdominal pain," conducting initial evaluations and ordering a CT scan.

Waiting for the results, hours later, Dr. Hawkins handed me the results, making it clear that Mr. Thompson had a perforated ulcer. Immediate surgical intervention was necessary. "Dr. Hawkins, prep the OR and prepare the patient. Nurse, contact Dr. Burke and help Dr. Hawkins" I ordered in a calm and authoritative tone.

As we prepared for surgery, I encountered the 007. "Hello, intern O'Malley. How are you doing right now?" George, looking a bit exhausted, responded, "Busy. I have a patient with postoperative complications." I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'll help you check on them later. Come with me to the OR."

Turning to Nurse Olivia, I added, "Nurse, also inform Dr. Bailey that I'll be taking Dr. O'Malley for a couple of hours."

In the operating room, with Dr. Burke leading the surgery, as we worked, Burke glanced up, his penetrating eyes behind the mask. "You handled the preoperative assessment well, Whitman. But why did you bring the idiot?"

"Thank you, Dr. Burke. Everyone deserves second chance" I responded, focusing on the task at hand. The surgery proceeded smoothly, and soon Mr. Thompson was on the road to recovery.

After the surgery, I fulfilled my promise to George and checked on the patient with him. Reviewing his chart, I noticed that his vital signs were slightly off. "We need to run some additional tests," I told George. "Let's do a complete blood count, an abdominal ultrasound, and check his vital signs every 30 minutes."

George nodded and took notes. "Got it. Thanks, Josh."

"No problem. Just keep an eye on him and let me know if anything changes."

As the night fell, while giving some additional instructions to my interns, I headed towards Nurse Tyler's station, where Izzie would be, to seek assistance from Dr. Bailey. I was about to intervene to further foster a friendly romantic impression.

I'm back. I'm going to rest for a bit after this chapter and then watch the Champions League final before continuing with the next chapter. I edited Chapter 2 because I hadn't seen the series initially; I was watching it as I wrote. By the time I reached Season 2, Episode 3, I realized that Shepard arrived in the same year as Meredith, so I removed him from Chapter 2, which is set a year before the series. For now, I'm watching the series and checking the wiki. I'll see you later or tomorrow with a new chapter.

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