
Rome on Middle Earth

The legions of rome were about to go back to their camp after recently winning another battle when a flash of light from the sky blinded everyone, next thing they knew there is mist around them and 13 dwarves and an old man with a pointy hat running towards them with a horde of goblins chasing them. Watch the Legions of Rome fight their enemies as once again they make the world tremble as they participate in earth shaking battles, Battle of the six army, Battle of Helms deep, Battle of Minas Tirith, and Battle of the Black Gate. Cover Art Credit: Leo Karpacz Map of middle earth: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/506021708127327099/ I do not own any characters and images in the story.

NightCrusade · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
Pas assez d’évaluations
45 Chs


Misty Mountains

Tiberius POV

I watched Gandalf leave the tent before I looked towards the centurions. "No matter if we were summoned or not we need to survive!" I shouted loudly. "I don't care about any great evil!, I only care about the legions, I will do all I can to safeguard the remaining soldiers, they are romans and as their prince it's my duty to lead and protect them."

I paused as I looked around the tent. "The adrenaline from all the fighting would soon disappear. Tomorrow when the soldiers wakes up they would start to wonder and ask questions about our situation, if not properly dealt with they would panic and loose morale. They won't be able to fight properly if another threat attack us like those orcs, so I don't want anyone of you panicking and arguing in front of the men." I paused then point my fingers at them. "As their officers you must be a model on what a legionnaires should act like or it will worsen our situation if you show a bad example."

They bowed their heads as they absorb the words I said to them. After a while they saluted as they finally become level headed, now remembering their duties and responsibilities.

I nod as I see them finally regaining their clarity and understanding on what they should do. I looked towards Thorin and ask him information about this world and our future journey.

Thorin takes a map from his pockets and places it on the table, he opens the map and shows me a detailed drawing of a continent that I'm not familiar with. The map made me confirm that we were no longer in Germania or in Europe. Thorin tells me that the name of the continent was middle earth then points our location on the map. He tells me that we are in the misty mountains and that we must pass through mirkwood forest then travel the banks of the river before passing through the elves domain.

"Elves?" I looked towards Thorin and ask the unfamiliar word.

He paused as he places his hands on his ears. "They are man but with pointy ears instead. I advise you not to befriend them, they are arrogant oath breaking bastards that deserve no respect."

"Are the women beautiful?" Darius suddenly intervenes as he excitedly asked the question.

"They're gorgeous!" Before Thorin can reply the dark haired dwarf named Kili answered the question as he looked towards Darius.

The tent was silent before Darius asked Kili. "How gorgeous?" The rest of the men also came closer as they too were curious about the elves.

Kili smiled seeing their reactions before explaining."They have this beautiful long hairs that glows in the sun and their smell are like Nessamelda an evergreen fragrant tree. They are good dancers and singers that will blow your mind when you hear their voice!."

"Are they good dancers and singers on the bed too?" Darius smirks when he asked the dirty question.

Both Darius and Kili looked towards each other before they clasped their hands as they smiled in understanding.

Tiberius and rest of the men inside the tent shook their head in disgust when they heard their conversation.

"Continue Thorin." I interrupted their brotherhood bond.

Thorin sigh as he looked at Kili before continuing. "After passing through their domain we have to go to Esgaroth or lake town as most people call it, where your legions can resupply."

I suddenly remembered the legions current predicament and ask Thorin. "Yes, we have 1 month worth of rations left, will they accept our coins?"

"They will as long its precious stones and metals." He bowed his head before continuing to explain. "After resupplying, your legions will go to Dale, an abandoned city of northmen, where your men can set up camp, me and my companions will go inside the mountain along with some of your men to scout the surroundings before we fight the dragon."

I nod at the plan and think about the future expedition.