
The spirit forest! 3

"Don't be stupid, I won't be unconscious, not now and not ever. Even if I do, it won't be forever only until my spirit has recuperated so don't say something like that next time," he smiled to reassure them but they were no fools to fall for it again.

"Master...." she called while the tears welled out of her eyes, she wrapped her arms around his back, hugging him tightly, causing her tears to fall on his robe, he smiled warmly and reciprocated her hug, Xi Feng also felt like joining in but he couldn't bring himself to, as a man.

"If we keep hugging, we won't be able to find the grass in time...." he waited for her to loosen her grips on him but she still hugged him, even tighter. the fourth prince sighed knowing that it would be hard to get her to release him.