
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

How do a little rat like me actually kill a cat? I have no idea. My body ain't strong enough and the weapons I create are too low in quality, but it matters not. I will find a way.

For starters I need to know what is already available, as in what kind of tech exists in this farm. My first scouting mission ended with me getting drunk, so I learn nothing there. The mines connected to the rat cave is abandoned and everything looked too old and worned out, plus the big rat is there so staying there for any longer then I had, would have been bad. I've been arround the farm for quite awhile but I've been rather reserved in my exploration.

Not today, there is still a few hours before sunset. Now would be the best time for another scouting mission, so I approached the farmhouse, it was the one with the lights that I saw on my first outing. There are a few farming equipment near the door, I took a good look at them before moving on. They were rather primitive, steel with wooden handles. Primitive but effective, it was hard to tell what era this world was in from just this, we could be in mediaeval times or it could be that the owners of this farm were just really poor and couldn't afford better equipments.

With a touch I could tell the quality of the steel were quite high. All the tools here were quite worned out yet taken great care of. After finishing my inspection I stealth my way into the farm house, the structure itself was quite well built, which wasn't a surprise everything in this farm was well built. On second thought the structure on this farm are all quite wierd, there are basically no square shaped here, the architecture of everything is different from the one I'm used to. The roofs are semi spherical, the pillars are cylindrical with more of an oval shape, the doors are elliptical in shape and they don't open in the middle. I couldn't quite looked at the structure on my first scouting but the style there going for here is just bizzare.

Inside the farmhouse I could see more of the weirdness continue, the benches and desks inside were peculiar, they all had short limbs. The humans here, I assume they were humans because when the one caught me eating their egg I couldn't get a good look due to the fact that I ran away with full speed, they could be elf for all I know, didn't really see the ear. But they look human enough, there skin is quite heavily tanned i might add. Anyway the bench looked quite small for them, it shouldn't reach to there knee cap at all and the surface of the table/desk was also too short to reach for an adult standing up.

No square shaped here as well, all of them looked circular. It kind of gives me a tropical traditional vibe. The house consists of the bare minimum for the farmers, the kitchen was mostly just stone slabs, their utensils were mostly made of wood and I see a few ones made of smooth stone. I looked above and ses some kind of a device, it looked like a fruit hanging over the roof. It was covered with leaves and was held in place by a piece of wood.

I was confused with every thing here, and hearing no sound I intruded their room. No one was here I know, farmers work by the day after all. There were a few wooden chests on one corner of the room, and what I could only assume to be a bed on the other. The chests looked like a spherical pot of wood with a lid on it, and if it wasn't for its size and some small gaps showing what it contains inside I would have definitely though it was a pot. Well, technically it is a pot, on rules saying you can't put your clothes on a pot. The bed was on a floor bed with a few layers of woven fabric and some leaves underneath.

They really are poor, wouldn't be able to tell that from all the thing they have on the farm. Animal husbandry, crops plantation and wine brewery does not really speak of poor but from what they have inside there house they have nothing.

I walked out the house somewhat disappointed not expecting what I had learned and also concerned for the farmers livelihoods. This ain't no place to raise children and with the rat invasion imminent this ain't no place to live at all. I want to warn them of the invasion but had no idea how, there was also the possibility that they just kill me on sight. I'm still a rat afterall.

My inspection of the house completed I decided to broaden my horizon and inspect the farm itself, it was really huge so it will take a while. I tried not to stay in the open, moving form place to place in the cover of shadows and other objects I could hide on. Usually I just went into a thick bush.

Few hours in and I realise there were five main crops grown here. The most abundant was a type of wheat, grains thing I couldn't quite tell, second was some type of berries, likely the one they used for there wine brewery, third was a blueish vegetable that looked like an eggplant but blue in colour, it was also a creeper plant with bushy green leaves and big sticks planted along side then. The other two were just kind of there, they weren't in there fruit season or something so I couldn't really tell. The size of their leaves were the only thing I could use to tell them apart.

The farmers were working on their field quite hard. Didn't try to get a close look and just avoided them in general yet it was obvious from the farm itself that they were hard workers. I was looking at them from a bush, too focused on my observation that I nearly didn't see the cat that had it's eye locked on me. It was the same cat I had seen before, after all it was missing an eye. Before it could pounce on me I ran with all I might.