
W-1, P-4 | Neo Vestroia.

[I will note now that earlier in the chapters, I made the mistake of not adding the attacks to the Bakugan Ability-cards, so I've decided to do it now - I won't go back unless I've got nothing else to do, since its a lot of details. Also, I am not too aware on the attacks tied to every Ability, so there is a fair chance I will make a majority of it up.]

It has been about five months since the Bakugan have disappeared - and I've selected my next identity - a Subterra-attributed Bakugan user, a Vestal too - I've used the TCS system to travel and spend majority of that time spectating the gradual enslavement of the Bakugan race - Trojak appears to be hidden somewhere away from the Vestals, otherwise I could sense his powerful levels of strength.

Along with their evolution, I evolved too - my body more durable, and my systems updated to accommodate the changes Vestalkind have made to the inefficient Bakugan Battle System - a much needed upgrade, given it was made by a group of children.

With this new definitive, streamlined system, I must now find a partner Bakugan of my own, as waiting or searching for Trojak has proven to be inefficient - I shall find a Subterra Bakugan.

I already have an idea in-mind to get a powerful Subterra Bakugan, I've tried to commit to it multiple times, but each time I do, the Bakugan World itself stops me from putting it to use, or even pulling out the materials - except today.

So, I checked on the Battle Brawlers - to find Dan Kuso and Marucho Marukura aren't in their houses, around town, or with any friend of theirs, not even Klaus or Alice have a clue where they are - Odd.

So, without this critical information, I can make an approximation - the plot has shifted somewhere else, and I must follow. My reasoning? a very simple factor, on a similar level to Fate - Luck.

Where the plot goes, Luck will follow in that direction, aiming for the protagonist, but it doesn't mind rubbing off on passersby, or even being entirely re-directed, so the protagonist can have growth time.

And, judging by the dimensions I've got access to, my best bet is checking New Vestroia - which happens to be my goal either way. I activate the TCS, and arrive at Psi Town, a small settlement on Planet Vestal I've come to make out as a home base for Vestal-related affairs.

Here, I was simply known as the man who sold vegetables and fruits for good prices, and had a small collection of Bakugan - which I'd bought over the past few months, Subterra attributes.

Although these twenty-one Bakugan seem like a large amount, its not much - considering all of them are weak, but still - further along in the order of events - its what I'm about to do next that'll decide how this goes.

From my inventory, I unfurled it - A first-rain Bakugan card, still stored in its metal casing. I still had one left, considering I plan to use this one immediately - and I do. I clicked the suitcase-sized container, revealing the card - it was shining bright.

To entice it towards the Subterra element, I surround the case with my collection of Subterra Bakugan - and it worked quite well. The Bakugan were emitting traces of energy, similar to the time I used Bakugan Energy, which I've titled 'Baku-Energies', to evolve Prime Trojak into Emperor Trojak.

The flashing whites of the card were infected - cracks, strains of orange spider-like fissures running along the face of the card, and in a mere four seconds, the card was fully enveloped in Subterra-Energies.

I reached my hand out - and the Bakugan World appeared in the face of an interface screen again.

[Your current equipment is in Phase-One of the Bakugan plan, but the plan itself is already in Phase-Two - Improve your card?]

It was an option, but given my circumstances, and from what I could tell, having Bakugan that could work with this updated equipment would be optimal - So I agreed to having it improved.

Then, suddenly, the card collapsed in on itself, compressing into a small, red ball - growing in size slowly, slowly become more of an orange coloration, improving. So, I stored the casing, and dug a small hole in the ground quickly - putting the glowing orb inside, resting my Subterra Bakugan around it.

This would take a while.

As this happened, I went back to selling vegetables, and even saw a kid - a young one, looking around for someone to duel, a 'Power-Gauntlet' on his arm, which indicated his status as a Ventus-attributed Brawler, a mixture of pure whites and intricate soft greens.

So, I raised my own - I had recently acquired one for a high price, which I simply stole money from a wealthy family in Alpha City - which showed I was a Subterra-attributed Brawler - identical to his, with soft oranges instead of greens.

"You, young man." I pointed towards him. "You wanted a brawl, didn't you?" 

He smiled at me, and nodded, pulling up his Power-Gauntlet, "Yes, I've been looking for someone to brawl all day, ever since I got this Power-Gauntlet!"

We both raised our Gauntlets, yelling, ""Gauntlet, Power Strike!""

They shone, and I dropped my Gate-card down, "Gate card, set."

He nodded, and quickly threw his own Gate-card, "Gate card, set!"

So, I tossed up a Bakugan I've been using for a small while - A pair actually - Hammersaur and Anchorsaur, surprisingly effective Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl, Bakugan stand! Rise, Subterra Anchorsaur!"

And from the dirt and gravel emerged a reptilian - a perfect mixture of earthy browns and stone grays, scaled, with his shins, wrists, and upper-torso covered in black armor - two big, round shield-like growths on its upper-shoulders.

"Good play, old man! Bakugan Brawl!" He threw out his Bakugan. "Bakugan stand! Rise, Ventus Fly Beetle!" he summoned his large, mint-green Hercules beetle to battle.

"Good play, young man!" I commented, throwing an Ability-card into my Gauntlet. "Ability card Activate! Stone Blocker!" the shoulder-shields mounted on his body solidified into rocks, enlarging in size.

"Thanks old man!" The kid chuckled.

{Battle recognized - beginning fight.

Bakugan initiated = Subterra Anchorsaur with Four-Hundred Gs, Ventus Fly Beetle with Three-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Subterra Anchorsaur equipped with -Stone Blocker- Ability-card, nullifying the next Ability-card used against Subterra Anchorsaur.

You are winning by Fifty Gs.}

"Okay old man, its time to even this out!" He held his hand out. "Ventus Reactor!"

{Spike in B-Power for Ventus Fly Beetle detected, increase of One-Hundred Gs. You are now losing by Fifty Gs.}

Damn. With this information, I pull out a classic Ability-card, inserting it into my Gauntlet. "Ability card Activate! Grand Slide!" when I activated the ability, it didn't process for a few seconds, before the Gauntlet started spurting out electricity - disabling his Gate-card.

"What the- is that an ability card!?" The kid cried out, but I reacted faster. "Subterra Reactor!" and let my System calculate the stats.

{Activation of -Grand Slide- Ability-card, disabling -Ventus Reactor-, deduction of One-Hundred Gs from Ventus Fly Beetle, activation of -Subterra Reactor-, addition of Three-Hundred Gs to Subterra Anchorsaur. You are now winning by Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

I smile, and throw in another Bakugan. "Bakugan stand, Subterra Hammersaur!" from the ball rose a Bakugan identical to Anchorsaur, except its shoulder-shields were now hands, clawed, and sharp.

{Introduction of Subterra Hammersaur with Four-Hundred Gs. You are now winning by Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs - you can now take his Bakugan from him upon achieving victory.}

I snapped my fingers, and the two charged his Ventus Fly Beetle - wiping the insect out in seconds - and all three Bakugan on this field ended up flying back to my hand.

The young man looked shocked - he has likely only received his Bakugan recently, and losing it would be quite a shock. I smile, and toss him back the Ventus Fly Beetle - I've already looked over this Bakugan species, and even the common Mantris Bakugan I used to own were a better choice.

"What- Why'd you give it back? Didn't you win?" He asked, confused - but still, happy-as-can-be. "A young man like yourself shouldn't wind up without a dream so soon - you'll be a fine brawler, just give it some time!" I assured him, truly sticking to my personality - at least until my next Guardian Bakugan is prepared.

"Well, thanks!" The kid shook my hand, and he bought some vegetables for his house - netting me a small profit of Fifty Teers, the currency here - I've already hacked myself a small fortune, and already made another, smaller fortune doing this job.

Well after that, nothing of interest has happened - no advancements on Earth, very few in Vestal itself, and only mild supplements of knowledge have come to me through New Vestroia.

And I have learned about a group known as the Bakugan Resistance - an opposing force trying to inform the masses of Vestalkind that don't know about Bakugan sentience. 

And, directly opposing them is the Vexos - the top Bakugan brawlers of Vestalkind, one Vexos per Attribute, and I've got my mind set on defeating Gus Grav - the strongest Subterra-attributed Bakugan brawler, and his Guardian Bakugan, Premo Vulcan.

Through watching his battles through their television machines, I've listed down all of the Ability-cards he's played in his history, and will adapt accordingly.

Today, however, was different - the Subterra Bakugan should be ready, and powerful to boot - otherwise, I will have to move to Plan-B. As I arrived at the hole, I found my regular Bakugan, all scattered around the hole - smoke forming out of it - must truly be powerful.

I reached in, and pulled it out - the sphere a pulsating, powerful orange coloration - an earthy-brown rectangular marking below it, with two silver lines meeting up to the tip of the rectangle, and a thin, red line running down the middle of it.

And, when it opened - I could tell, it was reptilian in nature, similar to Dragonoid, but with its fat and muscle better distributed, instead of the bottom-heavy Dragonoid. With eyes shaped like a visor, blue in colour, it had a generally large physique, similar to Hammer Gorem, and two large, powerful horns on the top of its head.

I shall name him Gyrinq.

Upon being opened, it looked around, before looking at me - growling, not in anger or dispute, but in acceptance and submission - even better than Trojak. While in his current state, Trojak was extremely formidable, but he was also infuriating to deal with at times - given his constant desire for battle.

I nod, petting him, and dirtying him up with fresh soils - a good servant is rewarded, otherwise their work would decrease heavily in quality. And, he seemed to be pleased, to be covered in soil once more - I've also got his list of Ability-cards, amazing moves all-around.

With my new Bakugan Gyrinq, I shifted my Illusionary-Drive once more - taking on a more 'regal' appearance - using a modified variant of my 'The Brawler' belt, with Subterra-Attribute markings instead of Pyrus, with reddish-browns instead of reds, another variant of Masquerade's jacket, but orange in colour with three dark grey bolts on each shoulder, white pants, and leather boots.

And, yet again, I had black hair, this time to my nape, with orange strands through it, pale green eyes - slim, muscular physique - and I've updated my sound systems to add slight depth.

Now, I was doing much better - Galian Grove, in full.

Given my new appearances and Bakugan, I believe I am well-equipped to battle in the arena of Alpha City - and I intend to win. The prize is vital - status, and with status comes knowledge - as it turned out, a majority of the knowledge carried by Vestalkind is stored either on independent machinery or in their own heads - inconvenient for me, but efficient none-the-less.

As I left my household, the passersby looked amazed - the old man who sold vegetables at the corner had a young, intimidating son - a handsome one at that. I've specifically increased the sexual attractivity of this illusion for one reason, and one reason only - Fate and Luck.

As I've said before, Fate flows in a very specific way, while luck follows alongside it, deviating often - and when luck does change its direction, its towards two kinds of people - Anti-socials and Handsome people.

Being good-looking is a way for luck to come towards you, and handsome or beautiful people will always have average luck, same goes for anti-social people, but their luck appears later or in short bursts.

So, in this new illusion, I should be, functionally, the best I could be - and I will likely keep this form, permanently. I walked through town, giving smirks and waves to everyone I passed - this identity must be known for his confidence, but not arrogance, but certain he must not lose, ever.

I made my way out of town, and slipped behind a nearby tree - activating the TCS and appearing in an alleyway of Alpha City, an entire day before the tournament. Given I had free-time, and required a partner to duel with, I spent a few hours building a small series of androids - their parts cheap, definitely superior to a human, but nowhere near anything else in quality.

Now, I have ten servants - each one clothed in a simple uniform of black pants, shirts, shoes, and visors - with black jackets that have round metal pauldrons and a number that signifies which servant they are on their back and wrist-cuffs, silver in colour.

They are also a variety of ethnicities, hair colours, genders - everything to differentiate them, but the one I'm taking in is Servant-One, who has a slim but muscular physique, short black hair, and black eyes, hidden beneath the visor they all wear.

Then, I armed him with a Hammersaur, Anchorsaur, and a Clawcer - all Subterra, and the required Ability-cards to use them properly. Also, in this day, I upgrade a few of my original Ability-cards into the newer format - some improved, while others were flat useless, given that the Gate-cards have changed - I will improve those later.

For now, I shall focus on researching the new Gate-cards and the old Gate-cards - until the tournament begins. 

And, just like that, it passed, extremely quick - and I've already gotten through majority of the competition, which went so quickly I didn't even bother with revealing Gyrinq, or even really playing - Servant-One was enough to get through it all easily.

However, we've reached the fortieth battle so far, and my sensors have detected an anomaly - Shun Kazami. It appears he has found his way into New Vestroia - therefore, Dan Kuso and Marucho Marakura are likely here too.

And right beside him is an unidentified male - given that he is beside Shun, they are likely allies - and given the perceptive skill of Shun Kazami, he has obviously figured out that the Bakugan are being treated like slaves, and taken to the Resistance. So, with all of the aforementioned in play, the unknown man must be another member of the Resistance - they will be quelled, to increase favor with the Vestal prince, Hydron.

So, I moved forward, holding up Gyrinq, looking at them. "Today, you face me - Galian Grove, the future Subterra Vexos." my face showed no second guessing - I was certain I was going to win this battle, and win the next one after.

"Look at that, someone with more ego than Dan." I heard Shun tell the other man, who I look towards closer, quickly connecting to the database for more information. Apparently, this man is Ace - a Darkus brawler with a high-level of skill - good to know.

"Silence, Ventus brawler." I point at Shun. "Now, lets get to the fight." I armed my Power-Gauntlet, so did Servant-One, and they quickly suited theirs up.

""""Gauntlet, Power Strike!""""

We called, and the Gauntlet's activated - four Gate-cards flying down to the center, and Ace was already throwing. "Bakugan Brawl!" he threw down his Darkus Bakugan - Percival.

It was a purplish dragon, specifically a hydra, bipedal in nature, with a long black cape - his hands were dragon mouths, with the most noticeable feature being its large, yellow horns, two on each of its heads, even the hand-heads.

"Percival, stand!" he arose, standing before their podium. So, I'll give them a run for their currency. "Bakugan Brawl!" I threw him out, and then, he arose - Subterra Gyrinq.

It was a head taller than Percival, covered in a mixture of the extremely thick and durable earth-brown scales, and the thinner, light orange scales, a long, semi-thick tail with a four-pronged spike tip draping behind it, six vents in its back, and especially large horns.

His head was a soft orange in colour, with the outer-rim of its head covered in earthen-brown scales, covering its forehead, which lead to two giant, inwards-facing horns, both silver, and his face - which was mainly covered by a silver-plate, his eyes covered with a futuristic blue visor.

His scales were placed with the earthen-brown scales at the neck, shoulders, upper-torso, forearms, and shins, while the light orange scales covered the lower-torso, upper-arms, and thighs - his entire back covered in dark brown scales, with a line of red spikes running along his spine, and the underside of his tail covered with the light orange spikes.

"Gyrinq, stand!" He gave out a primal roar, looking down upon Percival.

{Battle recognized - Beginning fight.

Bakugan initiated = Darkus Percival with Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Subterra Gyrinq with Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

You are winning by Two-Hundred Gs.}

"Woah, this guy is a monster!" Ace called out, seeing the gap in our B-Power, and Shun responded in-kind. "I'll even out the odds a little, Bakugan Brawl!" he threw out his Bakugan - a kind of bird, with three pairs of wings, bipedal, sharp talons and a mouth-guard, and markings all-over its body.

"Ingram, rise!" Shun called, and the Bakugan got into position.

{Introduction of Ventus Ingram, which has Four-Hundred Gs.

Ingram and Percival have Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Gyrinq has Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are losing by Two-Hundred Gs.}

"It is time to brawl - Ability-card Activate! Scale Claw!" Gyrinq's forearms, hands, shins, and feet were thickened up with another layer of black scales, hardening up intensely, and he began running straight at Percival.

{Ability -Scale Claw- used, Addition of Four-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq.

Ingram and Percival have Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by Two-Hundred Gs.}

He reached halfway, before Ace called, "Double Ability Activate! Darkus Driver + Tri-Gunner!" the maws Percival used for hands opened, filling with Darkus-energies, his actual mouth opening - gathering even more energy.

As he compressed his energy, Gyrinq got in close - punching him in the gut, and darting behind Percival's back - holding his arms out in the direction of Ingram. So, to counter the attack, Shun called, "Double Ability Activate! Shadow Echo + Shadow Split!"

Ingram jumped into the combined shadows of Ingram and Gyrinq, and darted out behind Gyrinq - removing him from Percival, before finally releasing his Tri-Gunner, to be met with an Ability-card. "Ability-card Activate! Seismic Visor!"

Gyrinq clicked his head back - shooting it forward, covering both Percival and Ingram with its dividing blue light - making them feel weakened.

{Abilities -Darkus Driver- + -Tri-Gunner-, 'Shadow Echo' + 'Shadow Split', -Seismic Visor-.

Addition of Five-Hundred Gs to Darkus Percival through -Darkus Driver- and -Tri-Gunner-, loss of Fifty Gs to Darkus Percival from being attacked by Gyrinq, Deduction of Three-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq and Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Ingram, but all Ability-cards used by Percival and Ingram now rendered useless against -Seismic Visor-.

Ingram and Percival have One-Thousand-Five-Hundred Gs, but now have Eight-Hundred Gs due to the reduction of Ability-cards by -Seismic Visor-.

Gyrinq has Seven-Hundred and Fifty Gs, but now he has One-Thousand and Fifty Gs due to the reduction of Ability-cards on Ingram and Percival, so you are winning by Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"How does it feel to be under the watch of a real Bakugan?" I laughed, pointing at them. "Gyrinq, scrap those Bakugan!". So, Gyrinq sprinted at them again, still glaring, and they both dodged out of the way, going into the sky.

"Oh don't worry, that won't do much! Ability-card activate! Boosted Wing!" and in an instant, from the six ports from his back, he sprouted three pairs of wings - made from golds, silvers, and coppers - and took to the skies, disabling the growth of Percival.

{Ability -Boosted Wing-.

Deduction of Three-Hundred Gs from Percival and an Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq, Abilities of Ingram re-stabilized due to being out of range of -Seismic Visor-.

Ingram and Percival have One-Thousand-Two-Hundred Gs, but now have Seven-Hundred Gs due to the reduction of Ability-cards by -Seismic Visor-.

Gyrinq has Nine-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"Hold on Percival, I'll get you out of-" I stopped him in his speech. "Ability-card Activate! Terra Roa!" Gyrinq tackled Percival onto the floor, beaming his visor into his face, and dug his tail dug into the ground - sending out waves of orange-and-teal energies, symbolizing Subterra and Ventus.

{Ability -Terra Roa-.

All Ventus-attributed Abilities and Gate-cards disabled for as long as Gyrinq's tail is firmly cemented into the ground.}

With this confirmation, Gyrinq started pummeling Percival into the stadium floor, eliciting cheers from the crowd, with the few boos sprinkled through out as Percival was beaten too hard to make any noticeable sounds.

So, Ingram dived down, and Shun even tried to activate his -Ventus Reactor-, only to have it break in-front of him, when Percival had finally been beaten into ball form. "Now Gyrinq, tear into Ingram!" 

"No, Ingram!" Shun yelled out, and Ingram tried to catch himself, but was ultimately caught by the leg - and slammed against the jagged horns atop Gyrinq's head, returning him to ball form.

{Ace and Shun Kazami have gone from Five-Hundred to Two-Hundred and Fifty Life-points.}

I nod off, and re-call Gyrinq.

"Now, lets finish this!" I told them, and they nodded.

"""Bakugan Brawl!"""

"Bakugan stand! rise, Ingram!" "Bakugan stand! come on, Percival!" "Bakugan stand! defeat them all, Gyrinq!"

as they all stood there before each other, we were all holding Ability-cards - ready to toss them down at the drop of a hat - and I'd drop them first. "Triple Ability Activate! Scale Claw + Boosted Jet + Boosted Wing!" at the card insertion, his vents widened - wings made of volatile orange energies sprouting from the crevices, his limbs growing darker and stronger - blitzing directly at them.

{Battle recognized - Beginning fight.

Bakugan Initiated = Gyrinq at Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Percival at Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Ingram at Four-Hundred Gs.

Abilities -Scale Claw- + -Boosted Jet- + -Boosted Wing-.

Addition of Nine-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq from -Scale Claw-, -Boosted Jet-, and -Boosted Wing-, Deduction of Five-Hundred Gs to Percival and Ingram from -Boosted Jet- and -Boosted Wing-.

Ingram and Percival have Three-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by One-Thousand-Two-Hundred Gs - You can now take both of their Bakugan upon winning.}

"Ingram, move out of the way!" "Percival, dodge!" They both called, in the middle of loading a card, but the speed of Gyrinq was too much for their human minds to equal - and both aforementioned Bakugan were clotheslined as they were getting up in the air. Gyrinq grabbed Percival's cape, wrapping it tightly around Ingram's wings, and used the connected area to slam them both against the floor, over and over - their B-Power plummeting rapidly.

"Ability-card Activate! Armored Megadome!" Shun called, followed closely by Ace, "Ability-card Activ-" while Ace was talking, I blatantly interrupted him, stopping him from playing his card from shock.

"Ability-card Activate! Hazard Blitzer!" Gyrinq held them down by the joint part, and began bellowing a thick plume of orange energies, burning at both Bakugan, while Ingram got into the fetal-position, hardening up.

{Abilities -Armored Megadome-, -Hazard Blitzer-.

Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Ingram via -Armored Megadome-, reduction of Fifty Gs to Ingram and Percival from -Hazard Blitzer-, with a continuous decrease of Ten Gs per second from -Hazard Blitzer-.

Ingram and Percival have Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Fifty Gs, you are winning by One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs - You can now take both of their Bakugan after winning.}

Gyrinq held them down, burning down their little defenses, charring their joint just enough for Ingram to break free and give Shun the time to use another Abiltiy-card, otherwise Percival was seconds away from losing.

"Ability-card Activate! Continuous Dance, Phoenix Position!" The hands of Ingram lit up with green energy, light flickers of red energy swirling around them as he dived down to attack Gyrinq, throwing jabs, palm-thrusts, and punches in droves at his back.

"Ability-card Activate! Terra Roa!" Gyrinq dug his four-pronged tail-tip into the ground - sending out pulses of orange and purplish energies as Ace loaded up an Ability-card into his Power-Gauntlet. "Ability-card Activate! Misty Shadow!"

Percival tried to breath out a thick, dark mist - only to have it cleansed and turned into regular air upon exiting his mouth - All thanks to Terra-Roa.

{Abilities -Continuous Dance Phoenix Position-, -Terra Roa-, -Misty Shadow-.

Deduction of One-Hundred and Twenty Gs from Percival due to prolonged exposure to -Hazard Blitzer-, Deduction of Three-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq via -Continuous Dance Phoenix Position-, All Darkus-attributed Abilities and Gate-cards disabled for as long as Gyrinq's tail is firmly cemented into the ground due to -Terra Roa-, -Misty Shadow- disabled via -Terra Roa-.

Ingram and Percival have Three-Hundred and Thirty Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand-Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs, you are winning by Nine-Hundred and Twenty Gs - You can now take both of their Bakugan after winning.}

"What!? He's neutralized all of Percival's Darkus abilities!" Ace exclaimed, realizing he would soon lose his trusted ally, Percival, if Shun didn't use the right moves - and he did his best.

"Ability-card Activate! Wind Power, Soaring Strike Shot!" Ingram flew upwards directly, holding one clawed fist up - flying down like a bullet, managing to throw me off of Percival - as he faded to his ball form, coming to me.

"Nice try, Ventus brawler - you may have powers I cannot reach, but Gyrinq doesn't lose - not now, not ever, especially not to a nameless freak like you." I inspected Percival, ignoring Shun entirely, especially ignoring Ace, who'd dropped to his knees after his loss.

{Ability -Wind Power Soaring Strike Shot-.

Deduction of Two-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq to Ingram via -Wind Power Soaring Strike Shot-, reduction of Percival from battle.

Ingram and Percival have Four-Hundred Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand and Fifty Gs, you are winning by Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs - You can now take his Bakugan after winning.}

"You should just accept it now and hand over your Bakugan - I've already gotten this new one to my collection." I smiled, waiting for him to make his move. "Oh don't worry, I've got more where that came from, and I'll be taking that-" I interrupted him blatantly.

"Ability-card Activate! Copycat!" I quickly slid my card into the Gauntlet, and Gyrinq flew up with his volatile-energy wings, his scaled fist raised high - as he then plummeted down, boosting at Ingram.

{Ability - Copycat- ---> -Boosted Jet-.

Deduction of Two-Hundred Gs from Ingram due to -Boosted Jet-, Addition of Three-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq due to -Boosted Jet-.

Ingram and Percival have Two-Hundred Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Fifty Gs, you are winning by One-Thousand-One-Hundred Fifty Gs - You can now take his Bakugan after winning.}

"Ingram, get out of there, now!" He was in the middle of putting a card into the Gauntlet, only for Ingram to get bolted into the ground - he had lost, and Ingram had become mine.

As the crowd went wild for me, I raised my two new prizes in the air, smiling - I had won these Bakugan, so I will use them as prime research materials - a strong Bakugan is superior materials when compared to something like a Fly Beetle.

And so, I put both Bakugan into my spare-container, heading off to the break room. On my way there, I encountered a fan - who wanted my signature. So, I gave it to him - my fanbase had already begun, since during the forty rounds I'd fought in, I'd gotten both Bakugan from every competitor, having a collection of eighty different Bakugan, including these two I have just acquired.

So, in the break room, I clicked my bones, and entered the Lab - as in the few months before I had come to New Vestroia and in-between when the Bakugan first left, I had built a machine, based on the pillars I'd built to drain Bakugan-Energy from their bodies when I was evolving Trojak - A new, latest version.

I call it the Baku-Unit, and I've ran various tests with it using those weaker Bakugan - but the results were minimal, and the most I've done is create a Subterra-attribute Ability-card for Fly Beetle - a useless endeavor. 

But, with this, I'll finally reach a proper result.

I inserted Ventus Ingram and Darkus Percival into one of the Five Baku-Units each, and I could hear them screaming, their energies being drained from their bodies - perfect, working well.

I process their data, and prepare the second machine - The Baku-Station, which is where I insert the Baku-Unit, and also store the data, besides my Core. As the data processes, I scan over all of their cards - Misty-Shadow, an Ability of Percival, has caught my eye - I shall need this sooner or later.

However, it had to come eventually - my fight in the finale, against Volt Luster and Lync Volan, with their Bakugan Mega Brontes and Altair, which I've heard is some form of bird - the reserves about the data of this Bakugan are seperate from the rest, so I need to tap into something that has any form of access to it for me to get into it.

I got up, and went out, back to the tournament field - met with my competitors, the strongest Haos and Ventus brawlers of Vestalkind, and future hurtles - except maybe that Lync Volan, he seems easy to manipulate - but first, I must greet them.

I held out Gyrinq, stating firmly, "Volt Luster and Lync Volan, I am Galian Grove, the future Subterra Vexos - it is tolerable to meet you." Lync laughed a little bit, wiping his eyes from the laughter, while Volt stood still, likely infuriated.

"Nice one, maybe Gus would have a round with ya', newbie!" He jested, pulling out his Bakugan - it appeared to be made of metals, possibly mechanical in nature - I must look further into this phenomena. However, when he began walking forward, Volt put his out hand, stopping Lync from moving forward - and told him to stay back.

"Me and Mega Brontes will crush you before you have the chance to fight back." He loaded up his Gauntlet, and so did Lync, along with me - """Gauntlet Power Strike!"""

As the field was now set, I quickly dropped my Gate-card, "Gate card, set! Bakugan Brawl, Gyrinq, stand!" he quickly appeared, so Volt sped up the process too. "Bakugan Brawl! Haos Brontes, stand!"

Then, from the yellow light arose a tall, lanky figure, with incredibly broad upper-shoulders, his arms connected to the farthest end of his widely-spaced upper-body, a face like a court jester, smiling menacingly, with a yellow core in the center of his chest, and two metal rings in-between his body and shoulders.

"Oh? a slippery little lizard for me to squash~" He howled with laughter, flexing his arms like they had omni-directional capabilities, clearly happy - it was time to clear that. "Triple Ability Activate! Terra Roa + Seismic Visor + Ore Cannon!"

Gyrinq dug his tail into the floor, sending orange-yellow pulses through the area, a wide-styled beam of blue energy coming from his visor, basking over Brontes entire body, with small pieces of rocks and metals gathering up between Gyrinq's horns at their tips, growing in size.

{Battle recognized - Beginning battle.

Bakugan Initiated = Subterra Gyrinq at Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Haos Brontes at Five-Hundred Gs. Activation of Abilities -Terra Roa-, -Seismic Visor-, -Ore Cannon-.

Disabling all Haos-attributed Ability-cards and Gate-cards for as long as Gyrinq's tail is in the floor via -Terra Roa-, Disabling all Ability-cards played by Haos Brontes for as long as he is in the visor-range of Gyrinq via -Seismic Visor-, Charging -Ore Cannon- at Fifty Percent.

Volt has Five-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by One-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"Brontes, move out of the way of his sight!" Brontes let out another small chuckle, followed by an even broader smile at Volt's order. "You've got it!" He duck to the farthest left, on the edge of the arena - where Seismic-Visor doesn't reach.

{Ability -Ore Cannon- at Seventy-Five Percent.}

"Gate-card open! Subterra Reactor!" I called, and the ground became a shade darker, small pillars of rock forming from below, growing as we spoke.

{Increase of Three-Hundred Gs from -Subterra Reactor- to all Subterra-attributed Bakugan, -Ore Cannon- is now at One-Hundred Percent, and ready for use.

Volt has Five-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Nine-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"Triple Ability Activate! Maniactus Magical + Darkus Scythe + Darkus Howl Trigger!" He threw his cards into the Gauntlet, but both he and Brontes noticed when -Maniactus Magical- failed to activate - and settled to double-down on the other, non-Darkus abilities.

From his hands appeared a long, black scythe, and the tip was wrapped in the purple energy of Darkus, which he pointed at Gyrinq, shooting it out as -Ore Cannon- was unleashed, and slashed straight through the cannonball.

{Abilities -Maniactus Magical-, -Darkus Scythe-, -Darkus Howl Trigger-.

-Maniactus Magical- disabled from -Terra Roa-, Reduction of Four-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq due to -Darkus Scythe- and -Darkus Howl Trigger-, Reduction of Two-Hundred Gs from Brontes due to making contact with -Ore Cannon-.

Volt has Three-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Five-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"Gyrinq, scale missles!" I told him, and he cocked his arm back - ejecting a scale from his arm, directly hitting Brontes - and began pelting him with scales, slowly decreasing his Gs.

"Oh you pesky little bugger!" Brontes cried, blocking majority of the scales with his scythe, and twisted around - throwing it directly at Gyrinq, to which he smashed his fist into, breaking it.

"Looks like you need some help here, 'ey Volt?" Lync joked, before tossing his Bakugan up in the air, catching it, and throwing it. "Bakugan Brawl!" and as it expanded, it was, truly - beautiful.

It was serpentine in appearance, with stainless segmented metal pieces acting as the main body, its head equipped with Two-Hundred-Degree viewing and scanning radius, backwards-facing horns, and a tail that had two sharpened metal drivers on either side of it. Specifically, in the middle of his serpentine body, was a green metallic covering, which had the claws, which were two long, light-green spikes, each with a yellow diamond on the top, and its wings - two propellers with extra rectangular shapes erected from the sides of them.

A marvel of machinery, truly, and one I tend to create myself. "Ventus Altair, stand!" Lync finished, smiling proudly at his Bakugan. "This bad boy is gonna break that tiny lizard guy down to bits!"

{Introduction of Ventus Altair, which has Five-Hundred Gs.

Volt and Lync have Three-Hundred Gs and Five-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of Eight-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Five-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are losing by Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

"Gaze at Altair, Gyrinq!" I told him, and he turned his vision towards Altair - and -Terra Roa- had finally run out, so Gyrinq just rushed Altair directly. "Fusion Ability Activate! Robust Beaker + Release Omega!"

As the cards activated, everything past Gyrinq's elbows and knees were coated in extremely thick, sharp, black scales, and golden spikes running along the sides and front of both of them - his scales releasing a hiss of air, pressing outwards from his body - making him appear bigger.

{Abilities -Robust Beaker-, -Release Omega-.

Activating effect of -Robust Beaker- to remove Ten Gs from any opponent hit, and transfer Five of the Ten Gs to Gyrinq, Dramatic increase in speed via -Release Omega-, Addition of Three-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq via -Release Omega-, Reflection on next Ability-card used against Gyrinq via -Release Omega-.

Volt and Lync have Three-Hundred Gs and Five-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of Eight-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are winning by Fifty Gs, and qualify to take Brontes when you defeat him.}

I pointed towards Altair. "Scrap him, Gyrinq!" And he nodded, running at Altair at high speeds that even the Bakugan were having slight troubles to catch, and Volt attempted to play another Ability-card. "Double Ability Activate! Ghost Cell + Jeer Frontier!"

But, in the end, they failed - Brontes was still under the lasting effect of -Seismic Visor-, so he cannot activate any Ability-card and/or Gate-card bonuses or effects for a minute, but it is closer to thirty-seconds of weakness now.

And, just before -Seismic Visor- ran out, Gyrinq had managed to capture Altair in his gaze - not before Lync pulled a fast Ability-card. "Ability-card Activate! Shock Cannon!"

He released a pair of charged beams from his wings - narrowly dodged by Gyrinq, but still giving Altair the added bonuses.

{Abilities -Ghost Cell-, -Jeer Frontier-, and -Shock Cannon-.

-Ghost Cell- and -Jeer Frontier- disabled by after-effects of -Seismic Visor-, Addition of Five-Hundred Gs to Altair via -Shock Cannon-.

Volt and Lync have Three-Hundred Gs and One-Thousand Gs respectively, but have a total of One-Thousand-Three-Hundred Gs.

Galian has Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are losing by Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

Then, Gyrinq finally got to Altair, and he pulled out another Bakugan. "Bakugan Brawl!" He threw it upwards, and arose another mechanical Bakugan - this time weirder in appearance, its body being just an emptied metal rectangle, with two large wings identical to Altair, two feet, and a long, slight-curved green head. "Wired, Stand!"

Not wanting to deal with it, I click my fingers - and Servant-One stepped up. "Bakugan Brawl. Stand, Anchorsaur, Hammersaur." He threw his Bakugan down, and they immediately began ganging up on Wired.

{Introduction of Ventus Wired, which has Four-Hundred Gs, Subterra Anchorsaur, which has Four-Hundred Gs, Subterra Hammersaur, which has Four-Hundred Gs.

Volt and Lync have Three-Hundred Gs and One-Thousand-Four-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred Gs.

Galian and Servant-One have Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs and Eight-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of One-Thousand-Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, so you are losing by Fifty Gs.}

While they stalled Wired and Brontes waited for the seconds to tick by so he doesn't get stolen, Gyrinq had hopped on the back of Altair, violently punching on Altair.

{Rapid decrease of Ten Gs per punch, for a current total of Fifty punches, for a total decrease of Five-Hundred Gs, and Five Gs added to Gyrinq per punch, for a total increase of Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs to Gyrinq.

Altair has Nine-Hundred Gs, Gyrinq has One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs, you are winning by Two-Hundred Gs.}

And, like that, Altair blew up quickly - taking Two-Hundred from Lync's Five-Hundred life-point total. And, finally, Brontes could do something - if he could survive the onslaught of Gyrinq.

"Ability-card Activate! Desert Python!" From around Brontes feet, sand was coiling around his legs - his B-Power rapidly growing to survive - coiling into a spinning, glowing circle of Haos energy around his palm.

{Ability -Desert Python-.

Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Brontes.

Volt and Lync have Five-Hundred Gs and Four-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of Nine-Hundred Gs.

Galian and Servant-One have One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs and Eight-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of One-Thousand-Nine-Hundred Gs, so you are winning by One-Thousand Gs. You qualify to take both Brontes and Wired when you win.}

As Gyrinq closed in the distance, Volt pulled his last trick out - tossing up a new kind of Bakugan I was not aware of, not spherical in nature, but instead shaped as a hexagonal prism - intriguing. "Bakugan Trap - Dynamo!"

And, from above dropped the equivalent of a spider, six spider legs and an elongated neck, blue eyes, and an extremely odd-mouth shape similar to the nuclear symbol red instead of black - powerful. "Followed up by an Ability-card! Ability-card Activate! Gillian Cords!"

It turned its head towards Anchorsaur, and it unleashed a thick beam of energy at him. "Ability-card Activate. Stone Blocker." Servant-One calmly inserted a card into his Gauntlet, the pauldrons of Anchorsaur becoming solid stone - blocking the attack as it finished off Wired.

{Introduction of Bakugan-Trap Dynamo, with Four-Hundred Gs.

Abilities -Gillian Cords- and -Stone Blocker-.

Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Dynamo via -Gillian Cords-, Blockage of -Gillian Cords- light beam via -Stone Blocker-.

Lync's Three-Hundred remaining Life-points are reduced by Four-Hundred due to Wired losing to both Anchorsaur and Hammersaur - losing Wired to Galian, and is now disqualified.

Volt has One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs.

Galian and Servant-One have One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs and Eight-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of One-Thousand-Nine-Hundred Gs, so you are winning by Eight-Hundred Gs.}

"Looks like its time to lose, Volt." I point at him, pulling out two Ability-cards, and so did he - but I was quicker. "Double Ability Activate! Boosted Jet + Boosted Wing!" "Double Ability Activate! Aurora Dimension + Sub-Dimension!"

As the wings of pure Subterra energy bursted from Gyrinq's back, the entire area was covered in an aurora borealis, the effects setting in as Brontes jumped up in the air - his knee-joints going backwards until his lower-legs were resting along his back, attaching to Dynamo.

{Abilities -Boosted Jet-, -Boosted Wing-, and -Aurora Dimension-, -Sub-Dimension-.

Addition of Five-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq via -Boosted Wing- and -Boosted Jet-, Reduction of Five-Hundred Gs from Brontes via -Boosted Wing- and -Boosted Jet-, Addition of One-Hundred Gs to Brontes via -Aurora Dimension- and fusion of Brontes to Dynamo, creating Dynamo Brontes, Reduction of Three-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq via -Sub-Dimension-.

Volt has Seven-Hundred Gs.

Galian and Servant-One have One-Thousand-Three-Hundred Gs and Eight-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of Two-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs, so you are winning by One-Thousand-Four-Hundred Gs, and qualify to take Brontes and Dynamo when you win.}

"What the- Triple Ability Activate + Bakugan!" Volt pulled out another Bakugan and three more Ability-cards, inserting the cards. "Darkus Scythe + Darkus howl Trigger + Gillian Cord!" Dynamo Brontes scythe re-appeared in his hands, the blade covered in Darkus-energies. He put it lower down, to the face of Dynamo, and it was the covered in Haos-energies - Now covered with Yellow-and-Purple bright lights.

"And now, Bakugan Brawl!" He threw a Bakugan down. "Go, Haos Verias!" And, out of the light, emerged a monkey - a literal monkey - with a staff. Extremely likely an origin to the Monkey-King.

{Abilities -Darkus Scythe-, -Darkus Howl Trigger-, -Gillian Cord-.

Introduction of Haos Verias, which has Three-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Reduction of Four-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq via -Darkus Scythe- and -Darkus Howl Trigger-, Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Dynamo Brontes from -Gillian Cord-.

Volt has Nine-Hundred Gs from Dynamo Brontes and Three-Hundred and Fifty Gs from Verias, for a total of One-Thousand-Two-Hundred and Fifty Gs.

Galian and Servant-One have Nine-Hundred Gs and Eight-Hundred Gs respectively, but have a total of Two-Thousand-Seven-Hundred Gs, so you are winning by Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs.}

While Gyrinq was moving, however, -Release Omega- had finally ended, his scales pressing back in to normal. Seeing the sudden decrease of speed, Dynamo-Brontes reacted before Volt could say a word - and cleaved through Anchorsaur. Verias went straight at Hammersaur, so Servant-One yelled, "Ability-card Activate, Stone Breaker."

{Ability -Stone Breaker-.

Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Hammersaur.

Verias is defeated by Hammersaur, reducing Hammersaur's Gs by One-Hundred in the process.}

After Verias fell, Dynamo-Brontes dived in - cleaving Hammersaur in two pieces - leaving just Dynamo-Brontes and Gyrinq. So, I immediately played my last effective card. "Ability-card Activate! Scale Claw!"

Directly in the middle of Gyrinq's parts solidifying into black scales and growing golden spikes, Dynamo-Brontes stepped in, cleaving through Gyrinq, but only reducing the increase decently.

{Ability -Scale Claw-.

Addition of Four-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq via -Scale Claw-, Reduction of One-Hundred Gs via damage through Dynamo-Brontes.

Volt has Nine-Hundred Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand-Two-Hundred Gs, so you are winning by Three-Hundred Gs.}

Despite having the higher B-Power, Gyrinq was still going through the process of getting used to his regular speeds, and was being circled by Dynamo-Brontes, constantly being attacked, and attacking back.

{Detecting rapid decrease in B-Power for both Dynamo-Brontes and Gyrinq, which will result in a draw.}

Knowing this, I just let it continue - I'll have to pull through the next round. And, just like my calculations predicted, we tied - so, we got ready to go again. By now, the crowd was going wild, and so was the commentator, since practically one man just wiped out two Vexos while only using one Bakugan.

"You ready, Volt?" I called out, nodding. He responded in-kind, nodding respectfully, "Ready to beat you."

"Bakugan Brawl! Gyrinq, stand!" "Bakugan Brawl! Brontes and Dynamo, stand!"

And, with both started using all our Abilities, no holding back - just for this battle. "Triple Ability Activate! Scale Claw + Boosted Jet + Boosted Wing!" Gyrinq's lower-arms and lower-legs were covered in thick black scales, with golden spikes, six volatile wings of orange, Subterra-energies juttering out of his back.

"Quadruple Ability Activate! Maniactus Magical + Desert Python + Aurora Dimension + Gillian Cords!" The area was covered in a haze of what appeared to by pixie dust and an aurora borealis - Dynamo-Brontes standing tall, emanating pure power.

{Battle recognized - initiating battle.

Bakugan initiated = Gyrinq with Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Brontes with Five-Hundred Gs, Dynamo with Four-Hundred Gs.

Abilities -Scale Claw-, -Boosted Jet-, -Boosted Wing-, and -Maniactus Magical-, -Desert Python-, -Aurora Dimension-, -Gillian Cords-.

Addition of Nine-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq via -Scale Claw-, -Boosted Jet-, and -Boosted Wing-, Reduction of Five-Hundred Gs from Dynamo-Brontes via -Boosted Jet- and -Boosted Wing-, Addition of Seven-Hundred Gs to Dynamo-Brontes via -Desert Python-, -Aurora Dimension-, and -GIllian Cords-, fusion of Dynamo and Brontes to form Dynamo Brontes.

Volt has Nine-Hundred Gs.

Galian has One-Thousand-Five-Hundred Gs, you are winning by Six-Hundred Gs, and qualify to take Brontes when you win.}

Sadly, when I played my -Seismic Visor-, it was immediately nullified from his -Maniactus Magical-, so I instead pulled out my other options - so did he, and he surprisingly reacted before me - or so I thought. Because, when I looked closer, I noticed he was readying his cards in advance, before he played Brontes in the first place.

"Quadruple Ability Activate! Ghost Cell + Darkus Scythe + Darkus Howl Trigger + Sub-Dimension!" He played his list, and Dynamo-Brontes quaked at the pressure he was being put under - but continued none-the-less.

He summoned his signature scythe, wrapped in Darkus energies and spirits, the area filled with an odd look due to -Sub-Dimension-, and swung it around. "Round two, you overgrown garden pest!" D-Brontes pointed his scythe at Gyrinq.

"Fusion Ability Activate! Robust Beaker + Release Beta!" I played my cards, and his scales began to shift - all his durable, earthen-brown scales focused around the lower-arms, lower-legs, neck, and tail - The physically strongest he could be.

{Abilities -Ghost Cell-, -Darkus Scythe-, -Darkus Howl Trigger-, -Sub-Dimension-, and -Robust Beaker-, -Release Beta-.

Reduction of Eight-Hundred Gs from Gyrinq via -Ghost Cell-, -Darkus Scythe-, -Darkus Howl Trigger-, and -Sub-Dimension-, Addition of Three-Hundred Gs to Gyrinq via -Release Beta-.

Volt has Nine-Hundred Gs.

Gyrinq has One-Thousand Gs, you are winning by One-Hundred Gs.}

And, they clashed - D-Brontes using his superior flexibility and scythe range to equal out the damage of Gyrinq, until I pulled a deadly maneuver. "Ability-card Activate! Copycat!" I played it, and in Gyrinq's hands, a long, black scythe appeared - closing the gap, and allowing Gyrinq to defeat D-Brontes.

Now, Volt only had Two-Hundred Life-points left.

Now, when I was getting ready to brawl again, Volt held his hand up. "Stop." He looked at me, then back at his hand - where Haos Brontes and Haos Dynamo were, and back at me - Gyrinq in hand.

"I know when I'm outclassed." He gave me a nod, and I gave him one in return, while Lync looked at Volt like a buffoon, and gave me a nasty look. "Just you wait, Galian! The next time we brawl, I'll get Meta Altair into the field, and then you'll be sorry!"

They both left, giving me the victory - and the status.