{For the foreseeable future, the chapters will be using physical numbers, as in I will move from using 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to using Zero, One, Two, Three, etc. This is because my keyboard is broken - and I don't know when I'll find either a fix for it or an attachable keyboard.}
And, just like that - I brought parts of high value in exchange for six Gate-cards, twelve Ability-cards, and exactly six Fearrippers, from all six attributes - a successful deal.
So, I teleported to the cave - the exact same one that I first laid in while I regrew my legs - and entered my space, continuing on my works for days on end, slowly building up my suspended laboratory, secluded from the laws of the outer world, unless I enable it.
My progress was fairly quick, and I'd managed to build around Five hundred One-By-One meter floor plates, and four hundred eighty nine identically-sized wall plates - with my technology setup properly, and Tigerra contained in a proper storage vessel. I've also finally gotten around to settling my Transporter Card System, or the TCS, up in the space - contained in a metal box, safe and sound.
That is, until I was informed of an update - Komba O'Charlie and Billy Gilbert have swapped sides - seems they have broken through their hypnosis, odd. So, with that information, I'll have the space to do something else - Getting that Cycloid for my research, powerful Partner Bakugan are always welcome to my laboratory.
So, I prep for their capture - creating three more cylinders, one each for Julio, Chan Lee, and Klaus, as mere regular Bakugan cannot escape me. I might just capture them to add to my reserves, and I can also see how my miniature military fares against real targets.
So, I loaded them all up - a small infantry of six Sieges, and three Falconeers - ground and aerial assault. I loaded them up, and left for Australia - intent on defeating Billy - taking that earthen Cycloid for my own.
I arrived at Bakugan Valley, home to the deadliest female of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers team, Julie Makimoto, and her Gorem Bakugan - truly powerful, too bad that Bakugan is held in the hands of someone who can't use it to its full potential.
It is, however, home to Billy Gilbert, and my target - his Partner Bakugan. I teleported over to the nearby area - which sported housing, and saw him there - likely just going for a walk to keep his exercise up - so I arrived directly behind him, in my 'The Brawler' attire - glaring at him.
"Billy, you fool!"
He turned around suddenly, shocked at my appearance - and also likely confused about how I found him at his home, and his response showed it. "What!? H-How'd you find me, Brawler?"
"For one reason, punk - To Brawl!" I pulled out a Gate-card. "Either you come and Brawl here, or I'll burn this town to the ground, right here, right now!"
I threatened, and received my reward - a Brawl. "Fine, we'll brawl - but know this, I'll never surrender to you!" and, from his pocket, a brown, shining ball shot out, landing on his shoulder - Cycloid - his Partner Bakugan.
"Yeah boss, lets get this guy!"
"'Field, Open!""
We both threw our field cards down - it was time to Brawl. "I'll start - Gate-card, set!" I threw my card down, so did he - it was time to tell him the new rules. "Rules for this battle are simple: Your three Bakugan, and all your ability cards, versus my Baku-Army!"
"What!? That isn't in the rules!" He yelled at me, which only made me laugh. "We aren't fighting fair - we're fighting for your town, Billy. Now, either say yes or I'll just wipe you out with Trojak."
Seeing he had no viable options, he just sighed. "Fine! Cycloid, Hynoid, Wormquake, Stand!" He threw three Bakugan down on the field - His earthy brown cyclops, a cylindrical worm, and a ragged dog - eager to die.
"Ground Troops, Stand!" I threw out all six of my Sieges, letting them stand - Two Pyrus, Two Aquos, and Two Haos, activating the Light-Triple-Node effect, which meant...
{Battle recognized - Subterra Cycloid at Three-Hundred-Seventy Gs, Subterra Wormquake at Four-Hundred Gs, Subterra Hynoid at Three-Hundred-Sixty Gs, Two Pyrus Sieges at Eight-Hundred Gs, Two Aquos Sieges at Eight-Hundred Gs, Two Haos Sieges at Eight-Hundred Gs.
Activation of Light-Triple-Node for Siege cards. . .
Billy Gilbert - Total of Five-Hundred-Ninety Gs.
The Brawler - Total of Three-Thousand-Six-Hundred Gs.
You are winning by Three-Thousand and Ten Gs.}
I smirked, and Billie's eyes widened at the total. "What the- How could I possibly beat this!?" He just grabbed every card he had, and began playing - but against this unfair total, he lost before anything could be done to this army - his Bakugan sent flying, all but Cycloid.
But then, he saw it, and he even heard it,
"Doom card, activate." I dropped the card on the ground, then promptly pierced Cycloid from all directions, watching him fall to his knees, the portal appearing. "No, Cycloid!" he reached out, but he was too slow - and Cycloid was lost to the Doom Dimension.
"No... Cy-cloi.." And then, he passed out - exhausted from the strain of the battle. In my triumph, I took his hat, as a memento of my victory, one I'd use for my alter ego, 'The Brawler'.
So, I transported myself to the Doom Dimension, to find the defeated Cycloid, but I found even more benefits - Tentaclear, Fourtress, and even Sirenoid - the four Bakugan I've been wanting to run some experiments on. Since there isn't any rules here, I threw out the Ground Troops along with Prime Trojak, and he led the assault.
"What!?" "Hah?" "What the-"
The first to collapse was Cycloid, already tired from the loss at the hands of my soldiers, which I sent a Falconeer to detain, and that left me with the heavy-hitters - I will deal with them swiftly.
"Fusion ability activate - Mighty Blade + Raging Sparta!" I threw my cards out, letting him quickly takedown Fourtress before he can activate his abilities, knocking him down into spherical form - then Tentaclear disables Raging-Sparta, so I use my next move - "Double Ability Activate! Fire Judge + Honor-Bound!"
Trojak shrunk down to sword-size, wrapped in two blazes of fire - one from Mighty-Blade and the other from Fire-Judge, as I used my TCS to teleport around them - taking slashes at Tentaclear from the sides, while the Army made an attempt to capture Sirenoid - which failed.
Soon, with the right critical hits, Tentaclear fell - collapsing to a ball, as I sent out two more Falconeers - to capture both the compact Fourtress and the Tentaclear.
"Now come, Sirenoid - you will fall to me, and become part of my forces." I tried to reason with her, to only see her defiant strikes at my Sieges - a foul move. I activated two cards of my own: "Double Ability activate! Tactical Change + Dive Mirage!"
Trojak became an Aquos trident, with a stream of clear water running from the tip to my trident, curling around it until it reached my body, coiling around my torso. I dived into the floor - meeting Sirenoid, who was taking swipes at me directly - met with dodging, and a precise strike to her eye.
"Aaaugh!" She cried out, wildly writhing around in pain, which I took advantage of - throwing Trojak, letting him return to Bakugan form, his fist sunken into her lower gut, going straight through.
Sirenoid cried out, her beautiful voice now hollow and cracked, "You won't win, Brawler... The Bakugan Brawlers will prevail.." then, she broke - returning to ball form, which I promptly snatched, diving out of the floor, taking all my Bakugan back.
Then, I returned to Wardington, holing myself up in the cave - sealing my captures in containers. I then spent the next few days fixing up my lab - finally getting the setup correct. I had aligned my machines up perfectly, my prizes all lined up - except one - Tigerra.
I looked for her, everywhere I could, but all for naught - what happened? But then, it clicked - The World itself. I had forgotten that The Bakugan World has its own protagonists, and that here, as long as those select few still exist, all exports of luck will flow their way - and that seems to have stolen Tigerra from me.
None the less, I still collected adequate data on her, and have come up with a recipe for a card based on her 'Cut-In-Slayer' Ability-card, which I have marked as 'Slash-Of-The-Leader'.
Now, all I need is a regular Ability-card, which I'll use Haos-Freeze, which seemed appropriate in my eyes, and some practice - I have yet to find a way I can guarantee achieving an Ability-card, but that will come later.
Now, as if he was waiting on this moment, Masquerade contacted me - He says I need to fight the Brawlers right now, and that Dan Kuso has improved dramatically - with his new-and-improved Ultimate Dragonoid - a deadly improvement, said to be even stronger than his new Partner-Bakugan, Hydranoid, in its current state.
So, I re-appeared at the Roman colosseum - ready to Brawl, dressed in my usual attire, sitting down in the seat of the Roman Emperors, a symbol of my power.
And, as if on que, the Bakugan Battle Brawlers arrived in a rush, finding me, sitting here - just like last time. And I could see it - Tigerra, my well-fought prize, sitting on the shoulder of Runo Misaki, the weak one.
"Well, well, well... Guess who arrives before the King, one last time."
I looked down at them, twiddling the Doom-card between my fingers - and they watched it flicker between Cycloid, Tentaclear, Fourtress, and Sirenoid, before returning to the Doom-card. Dan was the first to call out, "What the - Its the Bakugan of the top ranking Brawlers!"
"How did he get those!?" Marucho called out, staring in shock, along with Runo, Shun, Julie, and even their cohort Pat, who watches over their public website, and Dan was the first to step up to the pitch.
"You, me and Drago are back for a second round!" He held up his new, powerful, Ultimate Dragonoid, which was ready to go. I jumped up high, landing before him, Prime Trojak in my hand.
"So, you've come for the throne that this King sits on? Fine, then you may fight my champion a second time - Prime Trojak!" I held Trojak out in-front of me. "Its time to fight, Dan Kuso!" we both threw up our field cards.
""Field, Open!""
His friends held on, letting them watch our battle. "I'll give you an easier time - you can pick two of your allies to fight beside you, pick wisely." they looked at me as if I were an idiot, but his allies were already rallying, which ended up with me versus Dan, Shun, and Runo.
""""Gate card, Set!""""
We all threw down a Gate-card, and I threw my Bakugan down first. "Bakugan brawl, Prime Trojak, stand!" I tossed him onto my Gate card, and they, in response, threw their aces in too.
"Bakugan brawl! Ultimate Dragonoid, Stand!" "Bakugan Brawl! Storm Skyress, Stand!" "Bakugan Brawl! Blade Tigerra, Stand!"
{Battle recognized - Ultimate Dragonoid at Five-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Storm Skyress at Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Blade Tigrerra at Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Prime Trojak standing at Five-Hundred and Thirty Gs.
Dan, Shun, Runo - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Fifty Gs.
The Brawler - Five-Hundred and Thirty Gs.
You are losing by Nine-Hundred and Twenty Gs.}
Before they could respond, I immediately activated my Ability-cards, "Combo-Fusion ability activate! Pyrus Conquest + Mighty Blade!" I threw eight cards at once, and the strain on Trojak was visible, and even audible - his low screams turning louder as it processed, his blade now a blazing mass of blue flames.
{Combo-Ability -Pyrus Conquest- and Fusion-Ability -Mighty Blade- recognized, addition of Three-Hundred Gs, setup of Blockage, Nullification, and Reflection for Three-Abilities solidified, Loss of One-Hundred and Fifty Gs to Ultimate Dragonoid, Storm Skyress, and Blade Tigrerra.
Dan, Shun, Runo - One-Thousand Gs.
The Brawler - Eight-Hundred and Thirty Gs.
You are losing by One-Hundred and Seventy Gs.}
"What! How is that possible!? A Bakugan couldn't possibly withstand that many Ability-cards being used at once!" Marucho exclaimed, and the Bakugan responded in-kind.
"Trojak, look at what you're being made to do! Your being pushed beyond the limits a Bakugan can withstand, and your going to break!" Ultimate Dragonoid exclaimed, trying to get Trojak to give up earlier.
"I agree - Your body won't survive much more of this kind of pressure!" Blade Tigrerra joined in, only to be silenced by the pained shout of Prime Trojak, commanding them to silence themselves.
"I.. I refuse to lose.. Refuse to lose to an overgrown lizard, a pompous peacock, and a goddamn tiger!" Trojak stomped his foot on the floor violently, yelling louder and louder, "I am Prime Trojak, the ultimate Bakugan, able to fight in any scenario! Those Preyas Bakugan are nothing compared to me!"
He yelled louder, and the Preyas Bakugan that accompanied Marucho popped out of his pocket yelling loudly, "Hey buddy, I'm still over here! Call about chopped liver, eh?"
I then ignored that, focusing on using more Ability-cards, and the Brawlers finally realized the fight was still going on - and it was looking bad for me already.
"Double Ability activate! Whirlwind Lightning Storm + Valiant Fang!" "Double Ability Activate! Velocity Fang + Lightning Tornado!" "Double Ability Activate! Boosted Ultima + Fire Tornado!"
{Double-Abilities -Whirlwind Lightning Storm-, -Valiant Fang-, -Velocity Fang-, -Lightning Tornado-, -Boosted Ultima-, and -Fire Tornado- recognized.
Transfer of Four-Hundred Gs of Prime Trojak to Storm Skyress, Transfer of One-Hundred Gs of Prime Trojak to Blade Tigrerra, loss of One-Hundred Gs and disabling next Ability/ Attribute-Gate-Card, Transfer of One-Hundred Gs from Prime Trojak to Ultimate Dragonoid, subtraction of One-Hundred Gs from Prime Trojak and an additon of Two-Hundred Gs to Prime Dragonoid.
Blockage and Nullification of -Whirlwind Lightning Storm- and -Valiant Fang- Ability-cards, reflection of -Boosted Ultima- onto Blade Tigrerra.
Dan, Shun, Runo - One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs.
The Brawler - Seven-Hundred and Thirty Gs.
You are losing by Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs.}
Seeing the gap, I threw a card to get that pesky Velocity-Fang ability out of the way. "Ability card Activate, Rapid Fire," and then I began putting down more cards, "Triple Ability Activate! Tactical Change + Abyss Ruler + Water Refrain!"
Prime Trojak raised his enflamed hand up, and the surging flames turned into crashing waves, circling his body, the blue flames still hot and searing the air around the trident, sending thick, blue pulses into the air.
{Triple-Ability cards -Tactical Change-, -Abyss Ruler-, and -Water Refrain- recognized, converting Prime Trojak from Pyrus to Aquos, addition of One-Hundred Gs to Aquos Prime Trojak, disabling Ability-cards from Players Dan Kuso, Shun Kazami, and Runo Misaki for thirty seconds.
Dan, Shun, Runo - One-Thousand-One-Hundred Gs.
The Brawler - Eight-Hundred and Thirty Gs.
You are losing by Two-Hundred and Seventy Gs.}
"Now, its time to face my wrath, Brawlers!" I threw two cards out immediately, "Double Ability Activate! Tactical Change + Copycat!" Trojak screamed in pain, being torn apart by the powerful energies circulating through his body right now - and the opposing Bakugan didn't even think he'd last at this rate.
"Trojak, just stop it! You'll burn yourself to ashes in a few more minutes!" Dragonoid called out, "Trojak, its time to see that your being used!" Skyress made an attempt to talk Trojak into giving up - which would've worked, but recently, I've been pushing him even harder - to ensure his loyalty.
{Double-Ability cards -Tactical Change- and -Copycat- recognized, -Copycat- copies the most effective card used at the current moment, -Boosted Ultima-, recognizing process. . .
Converting Aquos Prime Trojak into Subterra, addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Prime Trojak, deduction of One-Hundred Gs to Ultimate Dragonoid.
Dan, Shun, Runo - One-Thousand Gs.
The Brawler - One-Thousand and Thirty Gs.
You are winning by Thirty Gs.}
"GRRRAAAGGHHH!!!" Trojak yelled, sprinting at the three opposing Bakugan. Dan yelled out, "Drago, get out of there!" "Skyress, move!" "Tigrerra, go!" Shun and Runo cried out, but Blade Tigrerra was just too slow compared to the avian creatures - and was tackled into the dirt, turning into a ball.
"Good, Trojak, keep going!" Trojak was wildly sprinting - breaking out of Subterra form back into Pyrus form, his body unrecognizable - just a screaming mass of flames. He landed three good hits on Ultimate Dragonoid, and even scraped Storm Skyress, but the thirty seconds were up - and their abilities were open again.
"Double Ability Activate! Ultimate Dragon + Fire Judge!" Dan threw his cards, "Ability card Activate! Gust of Wind Blow!" and Shun threw his card, so I pulled my stoppers out. "Triple Ability Activate! Tactical Change + Blinding Spice + Double Dimension!"
{Double Abilities -Ultimate Dragon- and -Fire Judge-, Ability-card -Gust of Wind Blow-, and Triple Abilities -Tactical Change- + -Blinding Spice- + -Double Dimension- recognized.
-Ultimate Dragon- nullified by -Double Dimension-, deduction of Fifty Gs from Storm Skyress and Ultimate Dragonoid, changing Pyrus Prime Trojak to Darkus Prime Trojak, addition of One-Hundred Gs to Ultimate Dragonoid, addition of One-Hundred Gs to Storm Skyress.
Dan-Shun-Runo - One-Thousand-One-Hundred and Fifty Gs.
The Brawler - One-Thousand and Thirty Gs.
You are losing by One-Hundred and Twenty Gs.}
"Fuck- Trojak, Ability-" But before I could yell out more cards, he screamed loudly, bursting into more flames - reverting to Pyrus Prime Trojak once more. Then, I felt it in my pocket - his Tactical Change card, its burned up, almost completely missing its features.
{Detecting rise in B-Power from Pyrus Prime Trojak - Prime Trojak now at One-Thousand-Five-Hundred Gs.}
What? This wasn't in my calculations - this could be another improvement to his already powerful ability list, so I ordered him - "Push on, Trojak! Win for me!". And he tried hard to do it, jumping high - slashing Storm Skyress into two before Shun could intervene, turning back into a ball.
"Nnngh... Master, I'm... I'm..!" He cried out, dropping to his knees - exploding with energy, blinding everyone - shit, I've lost this battle.
I've gotten too confident with my mannerisms, and I must improve immediately. So, to move along with my plans, I play along to Plan V - I let my mask crack from the energy.
When the explosion settled, they found themselves back in the arena - I was to my knees, my mask cracked - I could feel it, Trojak was in my hands - practically a burning ball of hot magma, my scanners couldn't even process his form as of now - he was evolving as we speak.
I let my mask slowly slip off my face. "N-No, I can't- I can't lose, to the likes-" I stopped suddenly when the mask finally dropped off my face entirely - changing my illusion disk, letting my hair flop down, becoming loose and, losing the orange streaks that ran through it, returning to my other disguise - Ebott Tassel.
They all, rightly, looked shocked, especially when the mask dropped itself through a portal to Vestal, intent on hiding it there for now. "Woah, what happened!?" It was clear that Dan was confused, and so the entire team ran up.
"I-I... where am I?" Dan finally got a better look at me, and exclaimed, "Hey, your my neighbor who moved in a few months ago!" then Runo checked herself, and agreed - it was me, their local 'mothers boy'.
So, I put up a smokescreen of lies - telling them that I was just walking around when I was approached by Masquerade, and he put a mask on my face - hypnotizing me, and that now I don't know where my Darkus partner, Fearripper, had gone off to since that happened.
And, obviously, judging by Masquerade and who he was, they trusted me - dropping me off to my house a few days later. Now, in peace, I went back into my space - which I will now identify as my Lab.
Upon entering, I built a sturdy platform with a spherical indentation in the center for Trojak to sit on - planning on helping along with his evolution. I spent the next few days fixing and setting up gear, all for this evolution.
Now, Trojak was sat in the center of this formation, held on top of the stable metal structure I'd built for him, and on the edge of every corner of the cuboid shape was a long, rectangular pillar - each one housing a Bakugan.
In the upper-left container was Cycloid, who had his tube packed with loose gravel, in the lower-right container was Tentaclear, who had his tube filled with weak, small, spherical lights.
In the upper-right container was Fourtress, who had his tube packed with hot coals, and finally, in the lower-right, was Sirenoid - who had her tube packed with frigid waters.
And, all of these pillars were wired directly to the centermost structure, almost ready to activate, and the last part I need is something to spark this evolution, and I've decided on a material of choice - Uranium.
So, I go on a quick teleportation trip down to America and rob it from what I presume to be a storage room of a nuclear reactor, which was just laying around - pathetic storage systems, really.
I returned to the Lab, shifting Trojak up - making an indentation on the Uranium plate for Trojak to be seated in for the process to begin. I turn on all four columns, and they began to shake lightly - the screams of the individual Bakugan growing louder as I began to siphon from their energy reserves.
Trojak seemed to only get hotter, but turning into a bigger ball of Magma, and it even began to glow brightly - absorbing the energies made by the four. I checked the sides - each side had three slots, each the size of an Ability-card, just in-case this result produces an Ability card or two, it would be nice.
This went on for hours, until the four Bakugan couldn't lose anymore energy, their colours becoming weaker, dull, the screams silenced - but Trojak seemed to be at his peak. He was surrounded in bands, specifically one orange, one yellow, one red, and one blue - it was working perfectly to my plans.
I quickly got closer, molding the uranium around Trojak, compressing it down into a smaller ball, and I let it sit back on the platform - It would take a few days to rest. While that's happening, I began to improve on my systems more, recalibrating my limbs for certainty, fixing my optic sensors, and improving the Baku-Pod systems in my database to another level, so it isn't only useful for Bakugan battles - turning it into the System.
I thought in my head - 'System, activate Bakugan scanning features.'
{On it.} then, the systems scanned over the four Bakugan present.
{Cycloid - Subterra Bakugan - Guardian Bakugan of Billy Gilbert - Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs. Has the Ability-cards of Right-Giganti, Left-Giganti, and Stare Down.
Tentaclear - Haos Bakugan - Guardian Bakugan of Julio Santana - Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs. Has the Ability-cards of Flare Blinder, Mega Flare Blinder, Solar Ray, and Gamma Ray.
Fourtress - Pyrus Bakugan - Guardian Bakugan of Chan Lee - Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs. Has the Ability-cards of Face-of-Rage, Face-of-Joy, and Face-of-Grief.
Sirenoid - Aquos Bakugan - Guardian Bakugan of Klaus von Hertzon - Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs. Has the Ability-cards of Anthemusa and Forcing Wave.}
Perfect. And, even better, Trojak was finally ready for use - I could tell, even feel it. When I picked him up, his outer-layer was comprised of uranium metal, with the odd golden line along his crevices and red sections, primarily along his back and arms.
My new Bakugan - Emperor Trojak - standing at Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs.
He was truly perfect, considering he got four Ability-cards based off of the targets. He now had -Maximum Giganti-, -Alpha Flare-, -Face of Royalty-, and -Call to Arms-, four amazing cards, and all the previous ones were improved.
I'm confident now that if I fought Dan and his whole gang, with these cards, I'd win, no doubt. And his appearance changed too - now clad head-to-toe in golden armor, with the markings of Cycloid on his chest, Tentaclear's eyes on his forearm and shin guards, and two, circular holes in the sides of his lower-torso armor - where two gigantic, red arms can sprout from, made of fire.
Truly powerful.
With my newly-improved Bakugan, I decided to take him out for practical testing - and came out victorious, obviously - and only three of the seventeen battles I've gone through required me to use Fire-Judge.
Now, however, it was time to arrive at Vestal again, to retrieve my mask.
I arrived immediately, and found my mask currently being worn by a Vestal - and he seemed to be doing it, the job of The Brawler - except under Vestal management. Seeing this, it was a perfect opportunity - I shall let him keep the mask, and gave him my spare Bakugan container I used for The Brawler, including the outfit, Pyrus Mantris, Pyrus Tuskor, and a recently-modified Pyrus Laserman.
But, to give a few differences, I made this variant of The Brawler visor a bit smaller, as I am seeing about improving the visor to a similar appearance as the one worn by Masquerade, but superior.
So, I appeared before him, calling out to the visor, "Invertia Code, Seven-Seas-Saga release, command, release." with that, the unsuspecting Vestal became braindead, allowing me to rework him.
I first dressed him up, and game him an older TCS system, which was built-in to his jacket. I updated the hypnosis programming of the visor, which should make this mindless Vestal behave brash, arrogantly, and violently - and he must never bring up his past, besides bragging about how strong he was as a child.
A perfect copy.
So, I called out a final time, "Aitrevni Code, Saga-Seven-Seas, command, release, command." and, he snapped out of it, smirking wildly - running back into the town, waiting for someone with Bakugan to appear, so he can do as he is supposed to - Brawl.
I returned to my abode, and was messaged by Hal-G, the goblin-faced man beside Masquerade that was on the side of Naga, telling me I had to return now, and that soon, we'd reach our final battle - The final fight for the Infinity Core.
However, I was currently still disguised to the maximum - even Hal-G still thought I was but the host for The Brawler's visor, which I conveniently sat in my room, as an ornament my 'parents' have bought - all for this moment.
I could hear him arriving, specifically when I heard 'Hal-G~' slithering its way through the corridors of my house. In just a few seconds, he'd arrived to my room - visor in hand - and said, "Come now, Brawler! You will reawaken, and join I, Hal-G, and serve Naga's will!"
He had a bad tendency of saying his own name, but it was time to get into character - as he'd just put the visor back on my face, my hair rising up, golden orange strands running through my black mane, my clothes shifting through the Illusionary-Drive, returning to The Brawler, in-full glory.
"Damn, thanks for getting me back in the battle, Hal-G!" I laughed loudly, thumb-flicking Emperor Trojak into the air, catching him with my left hand, holding my hand out, "Meet Emperor Trojak - we'll make sure the master doesn't lose!"
"Good, good, don't fail us again, Brawler! Now, get prepared to fight for the Infinity Core, for in three days time, The Bakugan Brawlers will be unable to defend from our assault - we've tricked them into Vestroia!" Hal-G stated.
"Hm, good, good! I'll make sure to get that Core!" We stood there, laughing villainously for a few minutes, before he left - leaving me here, preparing my team.
I was set on victory, polishing Emperor Trojak, with his two soldiers - Siege Bakugan, both Darkus, meant to follow him out to battle, and primarily to de-activate Ability and Gate cards when they come.
With my selection done, I just begun to search around the world for Wyvern, the twin of Naga, since she is said to have current ownership over the Infinity Core - to surprisingly little success.
And then, it finally came - The signal to begin waging War on humanity.
I threw down Emperor Trojak - riding on his shoulder. Well, with this whole scenario going on, I've decided to post myself up in the Roman colosseum, a popular pick for my biggest decisions - and apparently all my Bakugan soldiers could join.
I had Eighteen Siege's, three for every Attribute, forming a circle along the edges of the colosseum's interior, with Emperor Trojak sat in the stands - he was gigantic - with me sitting on a golden throne, which he was holding forward.
"March my army, March!" I yelled out, and the masses of Siege began to move out - causing extreme damage to the entire city of Rome, hastily claiming the place as their own - with me at the helm.
This process was going fairly well, until it didn't - The Brawlers had reappeared at Wardington - apparently Wyvern was somewhere there. So, I was about to teleport all over the place, when I was stopped - my TCS system wasn't working.
And there it is again - The plot.
Since I'm following the rules of the Bakugan-World, I cannot kill any main character, or any character that shows up on the main characters path of friendship, but I can defeat them if I play by their rules, which is how I beat Dan Kuso, but this is another one - Fate.
Every world has their own Fate, which guarantee certain events, like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears, its Fate that the Mother bear, Father bear, and Infantile bear all have different tastes in everything, regardless of scenario, with Goldie Locks finding herself liking the same things as the Infantile bear - Fate.
It all loops back to this simple concept.
And, given I am in this world, I am incapable of pulling their Fate too far off course, otherwise the world itself will contest me, and likely abandon me out in the vast expanse of space. If I follow with its rules, however, it will allow me to stay, and even let me bring some of their technologies with me - which I hope to be Trojak.
So, given I have no current way to teleport there, I began making my way there - from Rome. I'd given multiple attempts to use the TCS system in other circumstances, like going to an area around Wardington, to moving to Australia, and even trying to get to Vestal - nothing worked.
So, to get there quicker, I rode Trojak, and used my communications systems with my Parents to command them to put down a Gate-card, and play a Darkus Fearripper.
Once they fulfilled my command, taking advantage of this new-world circumstance, I activated Dive-Mirage, diving below the water to appear directly at the Gate-card - in an instant.
To circumvent this, the world began to shake - and I could tell, the Brawlers would be on their way here, either that or an army - with the Bakugan I used to empower Trojak. As I could tell, despite being utterly pathetic in combat abilities, they were still in the top ten - I'd need to fight them off.
So, I got back up - re-transforming Trojak into his Pyrus state - his new weapons, a broad greatsword and a small, rounded shield, the Pyrus symbols emblazoned on the hilt of the blade and flat-face of the shield - attack and defense, balanced.
And, in the distance, I could see them - Cycloid, Tentaclear, Fourtress, and Sirenoid - four generous batteries for my goals, who've already served their purposes - so I must be rid of them. I fix my visor onto my face more securely, and sat on my golden throne, which was one Emperor Trojak's shoulder.
"So, we meet again, my traitorous foes!" I laughed loudly, clapping my hands - my vast army of Siege's flooding out from behind me.
They all took different reactions to the new form of Emperor Trojak - but all of them held fear. Billy was the most fearful, Julio was raging, but his fear held him in check, while Chan Lee was sweating bullets - and Klaus was already considering fleeing.
"Oh? Are my enemies faltering? Well too bad, we'll be fighting regardless! Gate-card, set!" I threw down my gate card immediately, causing them to tense. "We'll have to hold him off until Dan and the others can come over and help us!" Klaus said, receiving a three-fold nod from his allies, and more unnoticed ones from their army of followers.
They each jumped off their Bakugan, holding their Ability-cards in their hand - I joined them in that part, my throne now seated on the ground. "Siege Army, defeat their legion!" I called, and the Siege's began running out from behind Emperor Trojak.
{Battle recognized - Emperor Trojak at Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs, Cycloid at Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs, Tentaclear at Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs, Fourtress at Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs, Sirenoid at Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs.
Billy-Julio-Chan-Klaus - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.
Brawler - Six-Hundred and Fifty Gs.
You are losing by Eight-Hundred and Thirty Gs.}
"Double Ability Activate! Royal Judgement + Maximus Giganti!" I threw two cards at Emperor Trojak - causing him to swell in size, towering over even Cycloid, his greatsword submerged in flames.
"Oh yeah? Double Ability Activate! Right Giganti + Stare Down!" The arm of Cycloid grew exponentially, his eye glaring at Emperor Trojak - causing his B-Power to decrease, going in for a swing - only to have his arm grabbed, and thrown back at Fourtress.
{Double Abilities -Royal Judgment-, -Maximus Giganti-, -Right Giganti-, -Stare Down-, recognized.
Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Emperor Trojak, Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Trojak, two-times increase in size to Emperor Trojak, reduction of Fifty Gs from Emperor Trojak, Addition of One-Hundred Gs to Cycloid, reduction of One-Hundred Gs from Fourtress due to impact damage dealt by Emperor Trojak.
Billy-Julio-Chan-Klaus - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.
Brawler - One-Thousand Gs.
You are losing by Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.}
Seeing the amount of damage they took from my Bakugan, and just how powerful he could get in a short span of time, I immediately activated my next abilities, "Double Ability Activate! Alpha Flare + Face Of Royalty!"
As the abilities activated, the eyes engraved on the forearm-guards opened - releasing a bright, golden light on the four opposing Bakugan, making them groan in dissatisfaction - two gigantic, flaming arms sprouting from the lower-holes in the chestplate - activating Face Of Royalty.
{Double Ability -Alpha Flare- and -Face Of Royalty- recognized.
Cycloid, Tentaclear, Fourtress, and Sirenoid rendered immobile for five seconds from -Alpha Flare-, reflection of next Ability-cards from -Alpha Flare-, All Ability-cards and Gate-card empowerments disabled for Tentaclear from -Face of Royalty-.
Billy-Julio-Chan-Klaus - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.
Brawler - One-Thousand Gs.
You are losing by Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.}
I sat back, smiling as I watched them use their cards.
"Ability Card Activate! Copycat!" "Ability Card Activate! Solar Ray!" "Ability Card Activate! Face of Joy!" "Ability Card Activate! Forcing Wave!"
Seeing Julio activating an Ability-card, I manually moved my forearms out of the way - allowing him to fall deeper into my trap.
{Ability Cards -Copycat-, -Solar Ray-, -Face of Joy-, and -Forcing Wave- recognized.
Reversal of Ability-cards from -Alpha Flare-. . .
Copying -Face of Joy- with -Copycat-, leading to an Addition of One-Hundred and Fifty Gs to Emperor Trojak, Addition of One-Hundred Gs to Emperor Trojak from -Solar Ray-, Addition of One-Hundred and Fifty Gs to Emperor Trojak from -Face of Joy-, Addition of One-Hundred Gs from -Forcing Wave-.
Billy-Julio-Chan-Klaus - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.
Brawler - One-Thousand-Five-Hundred Gs.
You are winning by Twenty Gs.}
"Now, lets end this! Double Ability Card Activate, Tactic Shift + Copycat!" as the cards hit Emperor Trojak's towering physique, he became a mixture of earthy brown colours, his sword turning to stone - shapng itself into a mace, the shield increasing to titanic sizes.
{Double Abilities -Tactic Shift- and -Copycat- recognized.
Addition of Two-Hundred Gs to Emperor Trojak due to four Subterra ability cards being used in the duration of the battle from -Tactic Shift-, change from Pyrus to Subterra for Emperor Trojak, Copying -Face of Joy- with -Copycat-, leading to an Addition of One-Hundred and Fifty Gs to Emperor Trojak.
Billy-Julio-Chan-Klaus - One-Thousand-Four-Hundred and Eighty Gs.
Brawler - One-Thousand-Eight-Hundred and Fifty Gs.
You are winning by Three-Hundred and Seventy Gs.}
Then, Emperor Trojak moved in at high speeds - crushing both Cycloid and Fourtress, slamming them back into their ball forms, quickly smashing Tentaclear through an apartment building - leaving Sirenoid.
I've always disliked her attitude towards me, she should be grateful this world decided she'd live, otherwise she would've been destined to be a battery - a source of energy for me to drain dry and dispose of.
"Oh Sirenoid and Klaus, always trying to stop the inevitable. Just submit to me, and I might let you two live for a few days after I drain you dry!" I laughed loudly, ordering Emperor Trojak to tackle down Sirenoid - defeating her swiftly.
Now, with that out of the way, I moved closer to Wardington Tower - seeking the Infinity Core, only to be blasted back along with Trojak - it seems I was too late - Naga has already been defeated.
So, in-order to keep my identity as Ebott Tassel safe, I decided to store the visor - hiding away in my house with Trojak. I overlooked the news - The Brawlers defeated Naga, Hal-G was no longer under the influences of Negative Energy, and now the Bakugan were going back to Vestroia.
I tried to store Trojak in my Lab, but the world prevented me again - urging Trojak into the hole in the skies, along with the rest of my Bakugan. "Master, I shall return to you one day!" he told me, and I nodded - throwing him into the hole.
I shall gain him back later.
As for now, I shall remain here - In this world, improving myself - I still have improvements I need to add to The Brawler, after-all - maybe even a change of brand is required.