
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Chapter 99

"Heeeh... I don't think all of that is matters though. If you want to compare yourself, compare with your enemy. That way, you can know what you need to beat them." Yoru said.

"Comparing ourselves with our surroundings is also necessary. So we can understand how far we are from other people." Aoi gave her argument

"In that case, you'll only be able to catch up to them and you won't be able to become stronger thaen them. Even if you learn to take advantage of their weaknesses, you'll only be able to beat them. That's doesn't mean you're any stronger than them."

Aoi paused and stopped in her tracks. She looked like she was thinking about something and didn't move at all. Keine tries to resuscitate Aoi by all means, but to no avail.

"Better let her be like that for a moment. Maybe she got a little enlightenment from what we talked about earlier." Yoru said to calm Keine.

"Meanwhile, we better take her to the practice room where Saeko is."

Yoru then carried Aoi in a princess carry and walked away from Keine who still couldn't understand what was happening.

After arriving at the practice room, Yoru saw that everyone was resting. They all seemed to be chatting comfortably, and only Rias that immediately looked at Yoru because she was the first to notice Yoru's arrival.

"Is she your new...?" Rias ask when she saw Yoru carrying Aoi.

Saeko and the others immediately turned their heads and focused on Yoru, more precisely on Aoi who was being carried by Yoru.

"No." Yoru put Aoi on one of the available chairs.

"They came here with the SDF member, the one I was carrying was Aoi Ichijou, while she is Keine Kanzaki." Yoru explained.

Aoi was still silent because she was thinking about something and Keine lowered her head. Everyone also lowered their heads.

"Have you gotten used to your powers yet?" Yoru asked.

"A little difficult. But not too much of a problem for everyday life." Fiona replied.

"How about you?" Yoru looked at Rias and company.

"It's good. But, did you prepare this personally for us?" Rias asking.

"Of course that's a personal equipment. What you use maybe will have different effect if other use it." Answer Yoru.

"Ohhh... Then, how did what you give to Rias perfectly fit on her?" Akeno asking.

"Why? Did you forget about my eye?" Yoru smile.

"Ara... Ara..." Akeno smile.

Rias and Koneko embarrassed. And Yuuto raise his hand.

"Is there any problem for you?" Yoru confused.

"It's not really a problem. But, it's just, you know." Yuuto wasn't sure how to convey his feelings.

"Don't you like the shape of your equipment?"

"Not dislike, but, just uncomfortable." Yuuto scratched the back of his head.

"Just use it for now. We don't have a lot of time to make everything comfortable to wear."

Yuuto could only nod his head after listening to Yoru's explanation.

"So, why did you bring them here?" Fiona ask Yoru.

"I know Rika is here because Shizuka is here, but what do you two want here." Shiiko said with a straight face.

Keine was a little surprised at Shiiko's question, but she still managed to answer right away.

"Actually it's not me who has a need here, but Aoi. She hopes to cross swords with Busujima-san." Answer Keine.

"Call me Saeko, Busujima should only be used by my father." Saeko said.

"But it looks like we need to wait a while. Because she still isn't conscious right now." Shizuka said.

Not long after that, Aoi conscious start to come back.

"Where is this?" Aoi was a little confused because she was in a strange place and there were many people there.

"You were unconscious earlier, so Yoru-san brought us here." Answer Keine.

Aoi nodded her head after listening to Keine's explanation. And she then turned to look at Yoru and lowered her head.

"Thank you Yoru-san." Said Aoi.

"It's okay." Yoru smiled.

Aoi then smiled at Yoru's answer.

"I heard that you want to cross swords with me. Are you sure?" Saeko suddenly asked.

Aoi looked at Saeko and was silent for a moment before sighing and saying.

"It seems impossible. I'm much weaker than you. How many zombies have you killed to get where you are now?" Said Aoi with a little regret.

"No idea, I didn't count any of that." Saeko looked confused.

"Killing zombies isn't the reason why you became strong. Yesterday you weren't this strong. You were so much weaker than Yuuto yesterday but why are you almost as stronge as Yuuto now? Not just you, but everyone here. You all are much stronger than yesterday. Exactly what made you guys grow stronger in such a short amount of time?" Rias asked with a serious face.

Rika, Aoi, and Keine were curious about what Rias was saying. And all look confused how they will answer this question.

"We practice a lot here." Shiiko looked unsure.

Rias and the others looked in disbelief.

"We also have a serum that can make us stronger. But this serum can't be used by everyone, only certain people can use it." Fiona replied.

"Did professor Mochizuki is the one who make it?" Rika asked.

"Yes. But that serum was only used by everyone who is here except Yoru and Shiiko who couldn't use it." Fiona explained.

"So it really can't be used by everyone." Rika nodded her head.

"What make someone can use this serum or not?" Keine asked.

"Age or health, because professor Mochizuki can't use this serum. And also race, because me and Shiiko can't use it either." Yoru replied.

Rias and the others looked slightly confused by Yoru's explanation.

"I understand age and health. Because maybe this serum might have side effects if used by someone of a certain age and of a certain health. But what do you mean by race? Aren't you two human?" Keine asked.

"Both of us aren't human, so neither of us can use it." Yoru answered with a straight face.

Aoi looked surprised, and Keine was a little curious about Yoru and Shiiko. Meanwhile, Rias understood what Yoru said.

"So the reason why you can summon Onii-sama is because you aren't human after all." Rias said.

"Actually, I'm still human. It's just that I'm a high-level human. Humans are also the same as demons. There are ordinary-level demons, and high-level demons. And I'm a high-level human. Meanwhile, Shiiko is actually half a zombie because she uses her own body as an experimental material." Yoru explained.

"It turns out that humans also have such a thing, I just found out." Rias nods her head.

Aoi became even more confused. And Keine became even more curious about Yoru and Shiiko.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Saeko shout.

Everyone immediately looked at Saeko because they were surprised by Saeko scream.

"What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" Fiona asked.

"I remembered why we were able to become strong." Saeko looks proud.

"Is the serum not the reason?" Keine was confused.

"Serum is indeed one of the reasons. But actually there is another reason why we can be strong in a short time." Saeko said with a slightly wicked smile.

All of Yoru's wives knew what Saeko would say. But they could only sigh.

"Other reason?" Aoi is very curious.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Saeko teased a little.

Aoi nodded her head, Rias and the others were curious about what Saeko would say.

"Saeko, are you sure you want to say it?" Fiona asked.

"Yes? It will not became a problem, right?" Saeko was confused.

"It's fine, but..." Shirley was a little embarrassed.

Shirley, Ayaka, and Megumi looked completely embarrassed. Shiiko looked calm. Fiona and Miki looked like they had given up. While Shizuka, Yuko, and Sayo just smiled.

"What's the reason? Can this be used by demons too?" Rias asked.

"You can. This method can be used by all races. But it can only be used by women, men can't use this method." Saeko answered seriously.

"How?" Aoi and Keine were very curious.

"Easy. You guys just need to have sex with Yoru." Saeko smiled proudly.

Shirley, Ayaka, and Megumi became even more embarrassed and covered their faces. Shiiko looked calm but her ears were red. Miki immediately facepalmed. While Shizuka, Yuko, and Sayo laughed.

"She said it." Fiona facepalm.

Shizuka, Yuko, and Saya laughed after Saeko said what she wanted to say.

Meanwhile, Aoi and Keine were silent. Rias and Koneko looked embarrassed, while Akeno smiled.

Aoi was silent but she looked serious. Not long after that, Aoi asked.

"Did Yoru-san transfer the energy in his body to all of you through sex?"

'System, did I give mana or something to Saeko and the others when we were having sex?'

[You could say that. Even if it's only a little, your sperm also has mana. But, what Aoi means is maybe the process of you transferring mana when we level them up]

'But, is the process of transferring mana when having sex really possible?'

[Of course. Do you want to do it?]

'Maybe, because we often do it. So, I can make them stronger with this right?'

"You can say that." Saeko answered proudly.

"So I can become strong more easily just by having sex with Yoru-san." Aoi looked calm.

However, Aoi's composure immediately disappeared when Saeko let out her bloodlust.

"Did you think I would let you have sex with Yoru just because you want it!"

Aoi instantly jumped back and grabbed her katana. Keine was confused by what was happening. But Rias and the others looked calm.

'She can control her bloodlust.'

[It's good that they can get stronger.]

"Why did you forbid me to do it?" Aoi asked even though she looked a little scared.

"I'm not forbidding you. I'm just warning you. We all have commitments, we do all this not just to strengthen ourselves." Saeko looked a bit calmer.

Aoi also looks a little calmer after being freed from the bloodlust released by Saeko.

"Commitment? What commitment do you mean?" Aoi asked.

'Maybe, I can also do the same commitment. If Busujima can do it, I'm an Ichijou definitely can do it too.'

"Are you sure you can do it? If you think because you're an Ichijou, you can definitely do it, you're wrong. I can do all these things not because I'm a Busujima. But because I'm Saeko Busujima. Busujima is different from Ichijou who still sticks to their traditions. "

Aoi didn't quite understand what Saeko was saying.

"Don't equate me with all Ichijou. I'm proud of Ichijou, but that doesn't mean I accept everything in Ichijou." Aoi answered seriously.

Saeko smiled slyly which made Aoi a little worried.

"If you believe you can do it, you will be the eleventh." Saeko smiled proudly.

Shizuka, Yuko, and Saya laughed. Fiona and Miki just sighed. While Shirley, Ayaka, Megumi, and Shiiko just smiled seeing everything happen.

Aoi was still a little confused by what Saeko meant. However, Keine slightly understood what was going on and looked slightly surprised.

"Aoi, do you understand what happened just now?" Keine asked as she was feeling a little anxious.

"What's wrong? I don't know what commitments I need to have yet. So we don't know yet whether I can do it or not." Aoi looked calm.

"Huff... Have you forgotten what Saeko and the others did to get them strong?" Keine looked a little resigned.

Aoi paused and thought. She seemed to be trying to remember what they had been talking about all along. She thought and thought, until finally she seemed to remember something and looked a little worried. But she tries not to look like she has a problem.

"Oh... Can't you do it? After all, this isn't just about having sex. If you think it's all over after you have sex, you're dead wrong. What I mean by commitment is not just having sex. Sex is just the entrance of everything. If you have sex with Yoru, this commitment will haunt you."

[Yoru, are you going to just shut up? Poor Aoi getting teased by Saeko.]

'Leave it alone, as long as nothing is too big a problem, everything will be fine.'

Yoru left Saeko and Aoi alone without interfering with what was happening.

[Then, you better think about how you will complete the mission at hand. Beating the king won't be a problem if the other pieces don't interfere. But, are Saeko and the others enough to defeat the special pawns?]

'What do you mean, are you talking abot the para-mail and the legendary pandora?'

[Yeah, and we don't know anything else yet.]

'That is true.' Yoru was silent.

'System, can you make an imitation of the special equipment she's using?'

[Of course not. If you really want it, you can buy it in the Shop. But I can make a simulation so you can fight a para-mail or something similiar.]

'But, do you know the ability of this para-mail?'

[Of course, though I can only make a simulation based on the data from the para-mails in the shop. For the problem whether the ones in the shop are stronger or weaker, I don't know.]

'As for the abilities of Mami and Chiffon, can you make a simulation for the two of them?'

[No way, I don't know what stigma Chiffon has and the magic Mami uses. Shotgun summon, I don't know what kind of magic this is myself. Because the shop doesn't have that kind of magic.]

Yoru looked a little worried.

But in the midst of his anxiety, Shirley approached and asked.

"Yoru, is there a problem?"

Yoru looked at Shirley with a slightly surprised face.

"You look a little anxious, what are you worried about?" Shirley asked in a slightly worried voice.

Yoru realized what was happening and saw that Saeko had finished talking to Aoi and now they were focused on what Yoru was doing.

Yoru then smiled and patted Shirley's head.

'I guess I better ask them all.'

Yoru then snapped his fingers and three women appeared suddenly. Saeko and the others were surprised by the appearance of the three women.

"Yoru, are they your new wives?" Saeko asked.

"No. They will be your enemy later. The yellow-haired one named Mami Tomoe, she doesn't look strong, but she has magic that I don't know myself even with my right eye which should be able to see everything. So you can tell how serious she is."

Everyone nodded their heads, only Aoi and Keine couldn't understand what Yoru was saying. But without explaining anything, Yoru continued what he wanted to say.

"Secondly, the one in the middle is named Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi. She's just an ordinary woman, she can't even use mana at all. But the problem with this woman isn't herself. It's what she uses."

Yoru snapped his fingers and a ten meter tall robot appeared and surprised them all.

"This robot is named Glaive, apart from its size which can be considered large. This robot has an Anti-Dragon Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher included. From the name you already know. This robot is made to fight dragons. So, you can imagine how strong this robot is ."

"Wait a minute." Keine interrupted Yoru's word. "I have a lot of questions. But can you explain where you got all this information from?"

Yoru didn't really want to explain, but he had to explain because he didn't want to be asked again later. "Like I said before, my right eye can get all the information on earth. Information about anything on earth. Even I also know that you don't believe in god and hate all so-called gods because they make imperfect creatures like human."

Keine was taken aback for a moment and couldn't say anything. "If you want other information, I can tell you something else. Like your three sizes, the panties you're wearing right now, and other things as well." Yoru smiled.

Keine didn't say anything and just fell silent, but not long after, he did. "Okay, let's assume that all of this information is correct. Then why don't you share this information with soldiers from the SDF?"

"Since they couldn't fight these three women, that's why I didn't tell them. After all I've only seen these three women, and there are other enemies stronger than the three of them that I haven't seen yet. So, I can only say that the three of them are probably the weakest of all our future enemies."

Everyone was shocked by what Yoru said. Of course, even though they didn't know how strong Mami, Angelise, and Chiffon were. But they could slightly imagine what a dragon would look like. Because they know, a robot that stands tall is a robot made to fight dragons.

"When you guys understand a bit, I'll explain other information."

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Next is the weapon from the Glaive. The Anti-Dragon Assault Rifle also has a bullet called the Freeze Bullet. It will freeze anything it hits in an instant. Of course, if this bullet hits a human, they will die instantly. So, if this thing shooting at you guys. Make sure to dodge and never try to block or anything like that."

Everyone looks very worried.

"And the last one is Chiffon Aoi. I will only say one sentence. This woman is probably as strong as me or Rias."

Everyone was shocked. Especially Rias.

"What do you mean she's as strong as you or me!? Is she the King!? Or maybe the Queen!?"

"Nope, this woman is just a pawn. More preciously, just a forced pawn. She's just a human that got hypnotized to be our enemy slave. That's why they fighting us right now."

Rias looks very angry.

"Rias, why are you angry?" Akeno asked.

"Of course, they were just hypnotized and controlled by someone else, and now we have to kill them just because of something like that!"

"Don't worry, we don't need to kill them. We just need to seal them so they can't do anything. I'll give you something that you can use to seal them."

Rias seemed to calm down a bit when she found out that she didn't need to kill those who fell victim to the hypnosis.

"If you already understand what's going on, I'll make a simulation so you can practice here."

After that, Yoru snapped his fingers. Mami, Angelise, and Chiffon were then able to move. Mami then took out a shotgun out of nowhere, Angelise entered the Glaive, and Chiffon just stood there with a smile on her face.

"Mami will use a shotgun as a weapon, and the shotgun she uses doesn't require reloading and she won't run out of bullets. She will also use her ribbon to bind you. Angelise will use the Glaive, even though it's not realy her Glaive but it's something identical so we can use this for training. And I made Chiffon to be as strong as Rias physically, and I also added martial arts for Chiffon. So she will only use CQC and strengthening magic."

Yoru then drew a line separating Saeko and the others from Mami, Angelise, and Chiffon.

"You guys think about how to beat the three of them. In the meantime, I'll be out for a bit."

Yoru then walked out of the practice room leaving them all behind. Once outside, Yoru then started smoking.

[Why do you still look worried?]

'Don't know, I feel like all this is still not enough. I feel that our enemy is not this weak. Yesterday they were able to send five special pawns. And now I can only see three. And somehow, they look very weak. Chiffon is strong, but Mami and Angelise don't look troublesome.'

[You don't need to worry. As long as Saeko and the others carry the seals I made, they should be able to defeat all the special pawns available. How about we go out and find out where the other special pawns are. We still have seven hours before all of this starts.]

'If it's seven hours, it means it's almost lunch time. We'd better go after lunch.'

When Yoru was smoking quietly, suddenly someone broke the silence.

"Yoru-san. Can we talk for a bit?"

Keine approached with a slightly frightened face. She personally vmae is already make Yoru confused, and with her frightening face, that make Yoru more confused.

"What's wrong? Do you still want to ask about earlier problem?" Yoru answered while telling Keine to sit beside him.

"Although I still want to know about that. However, I now want to ask about something else."

"Hmmm... What do you want to ask?" Since Yoru didn't have anything he needed to do, he finally decided to answer what Keine was about to ask.

"About you can transfer energy to other people. Can you only do it through sex?" Keine looked embarrassed as she asked this.

"Not that I don't believe it, but it all sounds impossible."

"Do you think I made all of this so I could have sex with them?" Yora smiled.