
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 100

Keine just stood there and didn't say anything. Since Keine didn't answer, Yoru then stood up and said.

"If you want proof, follow me."

Without waiting for an answer, Yoru walked away from Keine.

Keine actually still couldn't believe what Yoru was saying, but he was curious about the technique Yoru used.

'If energy can be transferred through sex. Maybe we can develop this technique so that it can be used without having to have sex.'

Keine thought and she decided to follow Yoru.

It didn't take long, and the two of them to enter the laboratory.

"Keine, why are you following me?"

Keine looked embarrassed after hearing Yoru's question.

"I'm doing all this just because I want to know what happens when you transfer energy." Keine answered calmly.

But her face was a little red, and Yoru could see it all.

[She feels embarrassed.]

'Of course. She said she wanted to know the process of mana transfer. In other words she said she didn't refuse to have sex with me. But, System, can mana transfer really be done through sex?'

[Correct. Although that's not what's important.]

'You mean?'

[Mana transfer can be done in three ways. First, with a direct touch. You always used this method, especially when you first helped Saeko and Shizuka to control mana. Second, by air. You used this way when we leveled up Saeko and the others. And the third, with your body. What I mean here is, make other people consume something that comes from your body. Whether it's saliva, blood, flesh, even sperm. So if you say "Can mana transfers be done via sex?" The answer is yes.]

'Ah... Because with sex, I can do all three ways at the same time.'

[Correct. So, you don't have to have sex with Keine if you don't want to. However, you can use this chance to do it with Keine.]

'Huff... Nope. I have a better idea.'

[Up to you.]

"Keine, why do you think energy transfer can be done through sexual intercourse?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked for proof, isn't it. But if you ask me to find an explanation. Maybe because when we have sex, we are connected to each other." Keine looked doubtful.

"What do you mean by connected?" Yora smiled.

Keine looked irritated with a red face.

"Do you need to ask?"

"If what you mean by connected is when the penis enters the vagina. That's true, at that time one will connect with another person. But, can one only connect with just that?"

Yoru then walked up to Keine. Keine looked confused and embarrassed to see Yoru approaching her so he walked backwards. But he stopped when his back hit the wall.

Keine closed he eyes as she felt scared of what would happen next.

But, Keine became confused. Because what she thought would happen didn't happen at all. But, Keine felt that someone was patting het head.

"What if I pat your head, are the two of us connected?" Yoru asked.

Keine still couldn't believe what was happening. But, before she could do anything. Yoru pulled Keine and hugged her.

"Is by me holding you like this, are the two of us connected?"

Keine began to realize what was happening.

"So, energy transfer can be done not only through sexual intercourse?"

"True. But, while sexual intercourse is the best way. But not the only one."

Yoru released Keine from his arms. Keine still looked a bit confused by what happened. But she also looked a little disappointed.

"Why? Are you dissatisfied with my explanation?"

Keine shook her head.

"That's not it. I'm just confused about something. If sexual intercourse isn't necessary, why did you choose to do it? Even though you said earlier that sexual intercourse was the best way. But isn't that all that can only be done by men to women or vice versa."

Yoru then sat down again and told Keine to sit too. After they sat down, Yoru started to talk.

"Energy transfer can be done in three ways. The first is through direct touch. The second is through the air. The third is by consuming something that comes from the energy provider."

"Direct touch can be done through handshakes, hugs and others. As long as the giver touches the receiver, energy transfer can be done."

"By the air can only be used by people who can control the energy that is around us. Because energy is not only in our bodies but also in the air. So, if someone can control the energy that is in the air, they can do this method."

"While consuming is swallowing or ingesting something that comes from the giver. For example, saliva, blood, meat, or sperm."

"With explaining this, do you understand why I said transferring energy through sexual intercourse was the best way?"

Yoru stopped talking and waited for an answer from Keine who was understanding everything he heard.

"Touch, air and consume."


Keine's face turned red after he understood what Yoru explained.

"So you don't need to have sexual intercourse if you want to transfer energy?"

"No, it's just that sexual intercourse is the best way. I tend to do it when having sex. Moreover, they are my wife, what's wrong with me having sex with them?"

"So you can make Aoi stronger without having sex?"

"Not really. As I said before, "Sexual intercourse is the best way". So there is a huge difference between energy transfer done in the usual way and with sexual intercourse. If Aoi wants to be as strong or maybe even stronger than Saeko, Ordinary transfer energy won't be able to grant her wish."

"So that's the reason why Saeko suggested Aoi to be your wife. But, you can still strengthen others a little with just ordinary energy transfers right?"

"In that case, it depends on the receiver. The amount of energy possessed by a person is different from other people. The stronger a person is, the more energy they have. In other words, those who are strong will be able to receive more energy which will make them stronger." Also."

"Ah... So, Aoi has no other way. Since Saeko is your wife, you can have sexual intercourse whenever you want. That way, Saeko will also become strong faster. But, does this method also work for people who don't even have any energy at all?"

"If what you say is ordinary energy transfer. This method is not effective. But if you say sexual intercourse with me, I can confirm they will be able to become strong more easily."

Keine couldn't believe what Yoru was saying. However, she seemed to be considering something.

"Keine, energy transfer techniques that can strengthen others aren't something many people can do. And those that can receive energy transfers and become strong aren't that many either. In this world, there are probably only two or three people who can do energy transfer. And maybe only one in a hundred million people can become strong from energy transfer."

Keine was shocked by what he heard.

"Then why are all your wives strong?"

"Because in this world, I'm the only one who can force others to become strong through energy transfer. However, the risk is definitely not small."

"You mean?" Keine started to look worried after hearing that all of this had risks.

"Like I said, not everyone can receive energy from other people. If they force this, their bodies could be destroyed. Let's just say you get wrong blood transfusion. You know the consequences right? And multiply that risk a hundred or a thousand times. "

"Then why were you silent when Saeko was talking about this to Aoi!!!" Keine looked angry.

"Keine, how long have you been Aoi's friend. Do you think she would just back down even though she knew about all the risks involved?"

Keine could only bite his lip because he knew very well that Aoi would still do all of this even though he knew all the risks involved.

"Aoi is not much different from Saeko. They are the type of people who will do everything so they can become strong. Even though I know they have line that they won't cross. But, as long as the way they know doesn't cross that line..." Yoru stop talking.

"Aoi will do it with a smile on her face." Keine looked worried.

Yoru patted Keine's head and said.

"Don't worry, even though the energy transfer process is painful. However, I can make sure that Aoi won't be hurt."

Even though Keine was still feeling very worried, but somehow, she felt like she could calm down a bit after hearing what Yoru said.


"Are you feeling any calmer?" Yoru asked.

Keine nodded his head, but she still wouldn't let go of Yoru's embrace.

"Yoru-san, with energy transfer, can I become strong too?" Keine asked with some hope.

"Of course, why not? Do you want me to do it for you first?"

"But…" Keine immediately felt embarrassed and her face turned red like a tomato.

Regardless of Keine's condition, Yoru immediately picked up Keine and sat on the sofa.

"Keine, I thought you were a clean-minded girl. But it turns out you're a pervert too." Yoru teased Keine a bit.

"Pervert...!!! I don't think dirty thing at all!" Keine tried to refute what Yoru said.

"Otherwise, then what are you thinking now?" Yora smiled.

Keine immediately covered her face in embarrassment.

"I don't think like that."

"Ohooo... If not, then what were you thinking?"

"Eh... ah... Ano... I was thinking..." Keine looked left and right.

"Kiss... I just thought you would kiss me because the energy transfer is better done if all three ways are done simultaneously!" Keine looked proud of what he said, though his face was still red.

"Eh... So that's what you thought? In fact, just sitting like this without doing anything has made me able to transfer energy well. But since you asked me to do it with a kiss, I can't refuse right? Because you asked me to do it with a kiss." Yoru grinned widely.

Keine was taken aback.

"You set me up." Keine looked slightly angry.

"What? I didn't do anything. You're the one who said it. "I just thought you would kiss me because energy transfer is better done if all three ways are done simultaneously." Right?"

Keine couldn't argue and could only close his eyes.

Keine readied himself and waited for Yoru to kiss him with his eyes closed. But, he didn't feel Yoru's kiss at all.

Waiting, and waiting, Keine didn't feel the kiss he was waiting for. Until he finally opened his eyes.

"Good morning..." Yoru said, greeting Keine who opened his eyes.

Embarrassed, Keine asked. "Aren't you going to kiss me?"

"Huff... It seems you have a big misunderstanding. I already told you, "You just sitting like this without doing anything makes me able to do energy transfer well." So, why should I do anything else?" Yoru smiled.

Keine finally covered her face and also lowered her head in embarrassment. Your just smiled and then hugged Keine.

"Have you calmed down yet?"

"Hmm." Keine nodded her head.

"If so, you can let go of your hug."

Even after hearing what Yoru said, Keine still hugged Yoru. Even his hug became tighter.

"Keine, your boobs are touching me."

"Hmm... I know..." Although a little embarrassed, Keine forced himself.

"Then can you let go of your hug?"

"Don't want to."

Yoru could only stay silent and pat Keine's head.

"Whatever then." Yoru said.

"Hmm..." Keine just nodded.

Yoru didn't just stay silent and enjoy Keine's embrace. Just like what he promised, he performed energy transfer, or rather mana transfer and controlled the mana within Keine's body with utmost precision. So Keine didn't feel anything, but the result could be seen clearly that the amount of mana in her body increased.

"Keine, we better head back to the practice room. It'll be lunch time soon."

Hearing what Yoru said, Keine let go of her hug and started to stand up from Yoru's lap. And without saying anything, with a slightly red face, she exited the laboratory room.

Yoru deliberately did not return with Keine so that there would be no misunderstandings between Keine and Aoi. At least that's what Yoru thought. But, not everything goes the way we want, right?

After a while, Yoru walked back to the practice room and saw everyone standing outside the room.

"Have your training finished? Do you have a plan to take down Angelise's robot?" Yoru said calmly.

"Yes, even though Angelise's robot is big and agile. But we have Miki, she can shoot better now. So she can shoot Angelise's robot's legs to interrupt its movement." Fiona explained.

"That's good. What about Mami and Chiffon?"

"Mami has a slow speed, Yuko can handle her, but she sometimes uses the ribbon on her clothes to attack anyone who can get close. But with the speed that Yuko and Shirley have, everything goes smoothly." Fiona looks proud.

"But, for Chiffon..." Fiona looked at Rias.

Yoru, is he really just a pawn? Rias looks slightly disappointed.

"Is she really strong?"

"As far as I know, she is. Is there a problem?"

"Not really, instead I feel like she's weak compared to what you said. You say she's as strong as me or you, but the truth is she's so weak, I can kill her with just one attack. Even though her martial arts skills are better than Koneko's, but she isn't strong enough to fight Koneko let alone Yuuto and Akeno."

"Ah... I forgot, because she was under Forced Control, her prowess dropped drastically." Yoru scratched the back of his head.

"Huff... Then, she won't be a problem."

"I don't know. Since they are being controlled by other people, can't they also be made berserk by the person controlling them? Or maybe they are given certain magic so that their abilities are multiplied but still controllable." Yoru said with a little serious.

Rias looks slightly angry.

"Then how strong do you think she really is."

"I told you, maybe as strong as you or me. But maybe, on par with Akeno."

Rias looks worried. And Akeno smiled.

"The serious talk is stopped. We'd better have lunch first, then we can continue with our training or do other preparations." Yuko said breaking the slightly tense atmosphere.

After that, everyone walked to the cafeteria to grab lunch.

Along the way, they become the center of attention. Even though everyone should be used to Yoru and the others. But this time, Rias and Akeno made them all the center of attention again.

Rias and Akeno don't really care about what other people think of them. But Rias looked a little irritated because she overheard someone saying that Rias was Yoru's new wife.

"Yoru, what exactly are you doing to make everyone think like this?" Rias asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"You mean?" Yoru looked confused.

"Why does everyone think that me and Akeno are your new wives?!"

"Hmmm..." Yoru was silent.

"Maybe because he always adds new wives wherever he goes. First me and Shizu-nee. Then he leaves and comes back with Shirley. Then goes again and adds Ayaka. Goes again and Shiiko appears. Then we arrive here and Fiona joins. Then one by one we gather here." Saeko explained.

Rias just looked at Yoru with a slightly disbelieving face.

"Rias, don't you want to be Yoru's wife?" Akeno asked slightly teasingly.

"Wha... Who would!" Rias looked a little irritated, but her face was red.

"Ara... Ara..." Akeno smiled and then walked closer to Yoru. Until finally he hugged Yoru from behind.

"Then you don't mind if I join to be one of Yoru's wives right?"

This statement surprised everyone, except for Saeko and Yoru's other wives. Rias and Koneko looked really surprised. Yuuto was slightly surprised, but he then nodded his head and seemed to have slightly understood something.

However, someone was clearly a little angry.


Aoi hit the table in front of her.

"Woi ponytail. Don't jump in people's queues!"

Aoi then stood up and approached Akeno. After that she pulled Yoru's head and hugged him.

"The number eleven is me. Then Keine. If you want, you can be number thirteen."

Yoru looked a little confused. "Aoi, why is Keine also mentioned."

"Don't you think I don't know what you two were doing earlier. I can smell your body odor from Keine. I'm sure you two did something earlier." Aoi looks very sure.

Keine couldn't say anything and could only cover her face in embarrassment.

"Ara... Ara... So I'm number thirteen? No problem." Akeno smiled.

Aoi then looked at Rias. "And you redhead. Don't regret it after this."

"Wha... Who would regret it!" Rias looks irritated.

"Hai... Hai... Everyone stop. You guys are disturbing other people who are here. You can continue this conversation later."

Everyone seemed to calm down and returned to their seats after hearing what Yoru said.

Keine looked a little angry at Aoi. Koneko and Yuuto asked Akeno many things. And Rias looked at Yoru with an irritated face.

'Why does she look angry at me?'

[Probably because of Akeno.]

'Huh...??? I can't believe she's...'

[We don't know. Just because she has a hot body and a pretty face, doesn't mean she's straight.]

'It is deeply regretted.'

Yoru shook his head.

"Yoru, what's wrong?" Saeko who was sitting beside Yoru asked.

"It's okay. Just a little confused." Yoru smiled.

"Why are you confused?" Fiona looked slightly serious.

"I only found three specials pawn. And I'm sure there are other specials pawn."

Even though Yoru said it in a slightly joking tone, Fiona and the others knew that this was serious.

"Then, what are you going to do? Are you going to go out and find where they are." Rias asked.

Yoru looked a little confused.

"Actually, I really want to go out to find where they are. But I also need to prepare this place. That's why I'm a little confused, what should I do after this."

"It's not that I don't want to help, but I can't help." Rias said.

"Ahahaha... I know, you don't have to do anything." Yora smiled.

"And Akeno, you don't need to do anything either." Yoru immediately added because he saw Akeno about to say something.

Hearing that, Akeno looked slightly down.

"Fiona, were you able to control things with Souichiro and Tadashi?"

Fiona looked a little worried after hearing what Yoru said.

"Don't worry, I'll help too." Saeko said because she saw Fiona so worried.

"As for Aoi, since you're not as strong as the others yet, so don't push yourself too hard. And Keine, for now, you follow Shizuka and Shiiko."

Even though Aoi looked disappointed, she didn't argue because she herself knew that she wasn't as strong as the others.

"Fine, I have no other choice." Said Aoi with a disappointed face.

"After this, I'll be going out for a while to find out the strength of our enemy. So, I'll leave everything here to you all."

After finishing lunch, Fiona and Saeko went straight to Souichiro and Tadashi along with Aoi and Rika since they were both part of the SDF. And Keine left with Shizuka, and Shiiko. And for the others, they are free to do what they want. But they prefer to return to training.

And Yoru went out and flew to find where the King and the other chess pieces were. Yoru fly with invisible magic on, so no one can see.

However, he did not find what he was looking for. He couldn't find where the King and the other pieces were. He only found millions of zombies led by dozens of pawns. And some of them are Special Pawns.

"It seems they are indeed in another dimension."

[It seems so. Map can't find them, but at least we found four special pawns. Even if they don't seem to be a problem]

"But I still feel uncomfortable. Like, I'm missing something."

[I know, even though we already know the status of one Knight, Rook, and Bishop, we don't know the status of the other pieces yet. And as I predicted, the King's status will probably still be stronger than yours.]

"Do you have any ideas to make me stronger in a short amount of time?"

[Sorry, I don't have any way. But, with ten million zombies, you might be able to level up several times.]

"I need to kill twenty-five thousand so I can complete one mission. In that case, I need to kill two and a half million to advance one level. And ten million can only raise four levels. Seems like that's still not enough."

[Then, wanna try attacking somewhere else?]