
Rise of the Wolf

Scott Mccall is a 16-year-old boy living in a society that views werewolves as nothing more than myths and folklore. However, Scott's life takes an unexpected turn when he is granted a werewolf system, which transforms him into a powerful werewolf. The system has granted him immense physical strength, heightened senses, and the ability to shift between his human and werewolf forms at will. As he struggles to understand and control his newfound powers, Scott must keep them a secret from his family and friends, knowing that their fear and prejudice against werewolves could put him in danger. He quickly realizes that he is not the only one with werewolf powers, and there are others like him out there, who are being hunted and persecuted by those who fear them. Scott must navigate a world where werewolves are both feared and revered, and where he must decide whether to use his powers for good or for personal gain. He is forced to confront the consequences of his actions, as he struggles with the moral implications of his new identity. As his powers grow stronger, Scott discovers that there are those who would use his abilities for their own purposes. He must decide where his loyalties lie and whether he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Scott's journey is one of self-discovery, as he learns to embrace his inner werewolf while navigating a world that may never accept him for who he truly is. He must find the courage to be true to himself, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Enibs · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Secrets of the bungalow

As twilight casts its enchanting spell upon the woods, a solitary bungalow emerged from the depths of the surrounding foliage. Nestled amidst towering trees, it stood as a sanctuary of tranquillity in the embrace of nature's magnificence. The evening hues painted the sky in a tapestry of deep purples and dusky blues, while the air carried a cool, earthy scent, awakening the senses.The bungalow, constructed of weathered timber, exuded an inviting charm. Its cosy porch, adorned with rocking chairs, beckons weary souls to rest and indulge in the symphony of the forest.

A soft light emanated from the windows, casting a warm glow on the wooden facade, creating a haven of gentle solace.A pathway, lined with moss-covered stones, led to the entrance of the bungalow. Delicate flowers, their petals closed for the night, adorned the edges, releasing a subtle fragrance that mingled with the scent of damp earth. The rhythmic chirping of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl serenade the night, creating a soothing symphony that lulled the mind into peaceful contemplation.Inside, the bungalow revealed a sanctuary designed to embrace its natural surroundings. Large windows frame panoramic views of the forest, allowing moonlight to filter in, casting ethereal shadows on the wooden floors. Soft, plush furnishings invite one to sink into their embrace, creating an ambience of cosiness and relaxation.

A crackling fireplace, adorned with flickering flames, danced merrily in the corner, casting a warm glow that danced upon the walls. The scent of burning logs permeated the room, evoking a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Bookshelves, lined with worn tomes, stood like silent companions, inviting residents to lose themselves in literary realms as nightfall deepens.

Scott pedalled furiously on his bicycle, his heart pounding with a mix of anger and determination. The setting sun painted the sky in fiery hues as he raced along the winding path leading to the bungalow in the woods. Leaves rustled under his tires, a symphony of crunching sounds that mirrored the intensity of his emotions.Scott had a furrowed brow and gripped the handlebars tightly as he navigated the twisting trail. The dense forest loomed on either side, casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance menacingly, mirroring the storm brewing within him.His thoughts raced, replaying the perceived injustices that had fueled his anger.

Derek Hale, the one he sought, was the cause of his frustration. He had done his best to follow his advice, but things seem to be pushing him to the edge, testing his patience and resolve. Determined to confront him, Scott pedalled on, his determination propelling him forward. The bungalow appeared like a hidden gem amidst the foliage, its flickering porch light casting a warm, inviting glow. As Scott skidded to a halt, the silence of the woods engulfed him, save for the faint sounds of chirping crickets. He dismounted his bicycle, leaving it on the path, and made his way towards the bungalow. The wooden porch creaked slightly beneath his feet as he approached the entrance, his hand clenched into a tight fist.

A moment of hesitation washed over him, as the gravity of his anger mingled with a flicker of uncertainty. Would this confrontation bring resolution or deepen the already brewing enmity he didn't want to take place? Taking a deep breath, Scott raised his hand and knocked on the door. The sound reverberated through the stillness, echoing into the depths of the forest. A few tense seconds passed before the door swung open, revealing Derek, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"What's this about?" Damian asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and caution.

Scott paused, his anger momentarily subsiding as he faced his pack-mate. The bungalow, with its dimly lit interior, provided a backdrop of calmness, a contrast to the storm raging within him.

"I... I wanted to talk," Enibs finally managed to say, his voice softer than he had intended.

Damian's expression softened, and he gestured for Scott to enter. As they stepped into the bungalow, the peaceful ambience enveloped them. The warmth of the wood and the gentle crackling of the fireplace created a cocoon of tranquillity, allowing Scott's anger to melt away.

They both sat on the sofa, opposite themselves, staring themselves in the eyes, each trying to intimidate the other. With a sigh, Scott began and said,

"I spoke to my coach, he wasn't having it, stating we needed every hand on deck now that one of the star players is injured."

Taking a deep breath and then bringing his head forward, Damian said, "You have a guide made by your friend Miyah and that's a good one. That doesn't mean you've got all the answers regarding us werewolves. It might not seem like it, but I am looking out for you Scott. I mean, think about what could happen. You're on the field, the aggression takes over, you lash out, and you shift not like last time where you were able to do it privately, but in front of everyone. When your friend and your mom see you, they stay as far away from you as possible and things start falling apart."


Stiles burst into Scott's room, his breaths coming in short gasps. Scott looked up from his cleats which he was cleaning, startled by his sudden intrusion.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" he asked, concern etched into his face.

"Nothing, I just came to ask how the meeting went is all." Scott puffed out.

"Well same thing, I shouldn't play, aggression would make me lash out and transform in front of everyone, yada yada."

"I also found something in his house." Scott quickly added.

"There's something buried there. It's as big as a regular grave."

"Are you sure it was a grave?" Stiles asked, trying to keep his voice steady. Scott nodded slowly showing hesitation, his voice showing uncertainty.

"I'm positive. There was a mound of dirt, and it was covered in leaves and branches. It looked like someone had tried to hide it."

Stiles felt a surge of adrenaline as he considered the possibility of a grave in the woods. He knew he had to investigate, but he also didn't want to go alone.

"Scott, can we go check it out?" he asked, hoping his friend would agree. Scott hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, but we have to be careful. I don't want to get into any trouble."

"Do you think it was Derek?" Stiles asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do something like that. What about you?"

"I... I don't know man, I mean, it's right beside his house. All available evidence point right at him."

Sighing, Scott replied, "That's true, also you need to find a way for me to play next weekend without transforming."

"Because I have to play." Scott completed, his face taking a determined look as he finished the maintenance task he was doing.

Happy New Year dear readers!!!

Many more chapters to come

Sorry it's late.

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