
Rise of the Wolf

Scott Mccall is a 16-year-old boy living in a society that views werewolves as nothing more than myths and folklore. However, Scott's life takes an unexpected turn when he is granted a werewolf system, which transforms him into a powerful werewolf. The system has granted him immense physical strength, heightened senses, and the ability to shift between his human and werewolf forms at will. As he struggles to understand and control his newfound powers, Scott must keep them a secret from his family and friends, knowing that their fear and prejudice against werewolves could put him in danger. He quickly realizes that he is not the only one with werewolf powers, and there are others like him out there, who are being hunted and persecuted by those who fear them. Scott must navigate a world where werewolves are both feared and revered, and where he must decide whether to use his powers for good or for personal gain. He is forced to confront the consequences of his actions, as he struggles with the moral implications of his new identity. As his powers grow stronger, Scott discovers that there are those who would use his abilities for their own purposes. He must decide where his loyalties lie and whether he is willing to risk everything to protect his loved ones. Scott's journey is one of self-discovery, as he learns to embrace his inner werewolf while navigating a world that may never accept him for who he truly is. He must find the courage to be true to himself, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

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33 Chs

Lovers' match

While walking towards the infirmary where Stiles was waiting for him, Scott checked out the notification he had received earlier about some kind of induced bond.

<Skills >

<Bond >

<Ability to mark any creature of your choice. The marked would have a mist over its head directing you them as well unique scent. Useful in tracking down creatures. type bond made depends on the condition which was made.>

<When bloodlust is detected, a bond can be made forcefully on the creature.>

<Creatures marked: Brian Greenhead>

<Slot 1 5 left:>

He could see a red mist in front of him forming a thin line and snaking its way across the path he was going. A strange scent entered his nose as well. He was wondering why the mist was heading towards the infirmary, where he was also headed. As far as he knew, Brian was the only person he had marked.

'Well, Jackson's there, so it would be why he was also there.'

Heading towards the ward where Stiles was probably waiting, he saw the mist heading towards the door, and the scent he had been smelling all along was now stronger. Fearing the worst, he ran into the ward, Mr Dales, the coach right behind him running as well even though he didn't know why Scott was running.

They entered to see Stiles surrounded by Jackson and his friends. They lunged at Scott on Jackson's order not noticing the coach standing right by the door side. Both parties; Scott and Jackson's friends were charging at each other and in the middle of it all, Scott received another system notification,

<Heart rate increasing>

With this display came a surge of energy in him. He could feel his heart beating, and it wasn't at a normal rate. He could feel himself getting stronger, faster and more agile with each increase in heart rate. He got to the middle of the room and the other party hadn't even reached halfway, making him get into their half and with just a few meters left before collision, the coach put it all to a halt.

"Hold it right there, all of you. What the hell is wrong with you? And what were you doing to him, Jackson?"

The coach asked referring to Stiles.

"Oh him, err we were just asking him for Scott's whereabouts."

"Why, so you can beat him like you were about to ?"

"Not at all sir, you see we had a misunderstanding in the cafeteria regarding a girl, and I wanted us to settle it all, you know, the athletic way."

Jackson defended giving the coach a most believable smile.

The coach thought about it and agreed with it. He saw this as a means to test out the captain and co-captain's skills and expertise against the upcoming stars.

"And who may this girl be?"

"Alisson Argent, she is a new girl sir, you might not know her."

"Alright, that aside. I agree with that, I am glad you found ways to settle conflicts the athletic way and not the damaging way. When will this hold?"

"During practice coach."

Scott didn't like how things were going right now. Jackson was proposing a match to decide who gets to have Alisson, a girl his body had reacted to, positively or negatively, he didn't know and couldn't decide. He never said he had feelings for her and he had never come in contact with her except when he messed up the hallway. Or maybe he did have feelings for her, he had thought about her quite a few times.

"Scott, are you ok with all these?"

The coach asked. They all knew why, he wanted to make sure they both agreed to it so when the game was over and a winner was decided, one of them won't sulk and claim some stupid reasons.

"Yes sir."

<New quest: Show 'em who's boss>

<Reward: 20xp>

'I like where this is going.'

Scott didn't notice it, but a creepy smile was now on full display for everyone in the room to see. Jackson and Brian didn't like how it looked. It sent shivers down their back since they had just experienced his strength first-hand. A single punch was enough to send Jackson flying dazed and Brian's arm was still bruised from his grip.

"Ok then, see you both during practice."

"I and Brian were thinking of making a 2v2 match. Brian and I in one team and Scott and Stiles in the other, to make things more interesting."

"Ok sounds good, now leave the room all of you."

They all left the room to prepare for practice and when he was about to step out of the room, the coach told Scott that he didn't need to apologize to Jackson anymore.


"Alright gather everyone, today's practice would be different."

It was practice time already and the coach had assembled all the players to make an announcement.

"The team captain has challenged the upcoming stars Scott and Stiles to a 2v2 match with Brian in Jackson's team and Stiles and Scott in the other"

Murmurs were heard as soon as the coach finished the announcement, the reason being that it was unknown why there was a challenge. In terms of superiority and professionalism, Jackson should beat Scott hands down, or so they thought.

"Ok so here's the plan, we play normally and when we get the chance, we hurt Stiles so it becomes a 2v1 situation. The coach wouldn't allow for that so the moment Stiles is injured we try to score a goal as quickly as we can. You would then come off to make it 1v1 and then the rest shall be a piece of cake for me."

Jackson unfolded his plans to Brian as they both warmed up on the field in preparation for the about-to-start match.

Blowing the whistle, the coach indicated that it was time for the match to start. Both teams came to the centre shook hands, flipped coins and went through all official procedures. The match would take 20 minutes in total, with a 3-minute break in between. When all seemed to be in order, the whistle was blown and the match stated.

Little did Jackson and Brian know of the surprise that lay ahead for them.


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