
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

S1 Ep.16

It was common to join a Hunters Guild after graduating a Soul Academy like Wakana but it was much harder to create one yourself.

If it was easy then there would be hundreds of thousands of small group guilds.

Many people spend years of applying to create a guild but are often rejected by the Soul Hunter Society.

But Koji had an ace up his sleeve as he had not forgotten helping clear the New York Dungeon all those years ago.

Rossin Baiko himself even made sure they would not forget as he had been safeguarding Koji's rewards with a firm grip. But now that Koji had recovered it was time to collect his reward as Koji was staring at a golden ticket that was placed in his hands by Rossin.

"Here is your Guild ticket. Give this to the Soul Hunter Society and they will help you create your guild."

Koji shook Rossin's hand before departing the Wakana Academy once again to go to the Soul Hunters Society headquarters.

Koji had narrowly avoided the reporters and civilians using a disguise technique before he eventually stood at the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

Koji quietly slipped the attendant the Ticket and spoke softly.

"I wish to create my own guild, I am Soul Master Koji."

Koji's arrival seemed to be expected as a Soul Hunter officer approached Koji before giving a slight bow.

"Good evening sir, I am Edward Khaku. Follow me for your Guild Test."

Koji nodded and followed the man in anticipation as he told about the so called guild test by Rossin before its departure.

"Once you hand them the guild ticket you'll be forced to take the guild test. Each test will challenge you on your skill and knowledge."

Koji had expected the test to be unbelievably difficult to complete but instead Koji was handed a clipboard and pen with the standard guild document on it.

"Umm excuse me? Is there no test?"

Edward however just left the room while an unfamiliar face walked through the door and introduced himself with a 90 degree bow.

"Greetings Soul Master Koji, I am Stanly Wole, Chairman of the Soul Hunter Society."

Koji was naturally stunned to have the chairmen himself come see him personally.

"Do not be alarmed, I am merely here to assist you in creating your guild properly. But I also wish to see the rumoured Future Soul King for myself."

Soul King, a title given only to 4 other people.

These people are at the pinnacle of human beings but to call Koji a future Soul King? It felt like a bad joke but also Stanley's attempt to cozy up to him.

"Flattery will get you no where, so what do you want?"

Koji's instincts were right as Stanly explained his visit.

"I hear you have developed something called Soul Arts? I simply want to know if they will pose a threat for the people."

Koji laughed as he set the pen down and handed Stanly the clipboard.

"It's true that I've developed such techniques but I only teach them to whom I trust. They will not pose any dangers."

Stanly had eyes and ears at every Soul Academy so he knew about Koji for quite some time.

But at the first mention of these Soul Art Stanly was immediately intrigued and disturbed as what he was told by a teacher whom saw the battle at Wakana Academy could very well pose a threat for the public.

Koji knew full well how dangerous these Soul Arts could be in the wrong hands.

Thus Koji vowed to only teach them to others if they have earned his trust which was difficult to do.

"I give you my word that only those I trust will ever use them."

Koji was filled with confidence after all he made them and could sense when a soul art was used.

But Stanly didn't know this but had heard many times that Koji wasn't the one to abuse his powers.

"Very well I won't restrain you from using these Soul art but I must see them used with my own eyes."

Koji had an awkward silence as he didn't know how to tell Stanly that it would take weeks to witness everyone of them.

"I don't have the time to show you all of them as that would take weeks."

Stanly didn't believe it at first but soon realized Koji wasn't lying to him.

'Just how many of these Soul Arts did he create?'

Stanly imagined they were numbered in the thousands but that wasn't why Koji would have to wait several weeks to show them all.

During his time in limbo and when first hearing about Soul Arts from Hatasho he was given a warning he will never forget.

"Do not overuse the Soul Arts, they will not only drain your essence but… if they are used too often they will cause total amnesia, forever."

But Koji was reassured by Hatasho he could use even the most dangerous Soul Arts possible multiple times without any backlash.

Stanly sighed as he and Koji left for the lobby.

"Fine, I will keep my eye on you, very closely. Have a good day Master Koji."

Just as Koji was about to say goodbye he realized it was just a shadow Clone with whom he was talking with.

'Huh so that's what it feels like. Anyway I better go check in with Madam Bo and the rest.'

Using another series of flash steps Koji arrived at the Wakana Academy gates but felt something off as not a single noise could be heard even though it was still in the middle of the day.

'Somethings Wrong… Soul sense…?'

Koji was very confused as he had sensed only three other presences in the entire school but only felt one familiar presence, Madam Bo.

The other two were unfamiliar but very strong, maybe even stronger the Rathmo.

But Koji could feel no hostility but nevertheless koji approached Madam Bo's office with the utmost caution.

But he was still found none the less by a tall black robed man wearing a rooster mask as well as a woman wearing a similar outfit and the mask of an Ox.

"Brother Rooster, is this the one?"

The man looked Koji up and down while Koji was too terrified to even move.

"Indeed Sister Ox. Master Koji we would like to speak to you in private. Soul Art 9: Domain of the void."

Koji wasn't stunned that he had seen the use of another Soul Art but of the Soul Art itself.

Domain of the Void is a reality unlike any other, it's the land of the users mind where they make the rules of the world.

It was one of the more difficult Soul Arts to achieve as it required not only an astounding amount of power but also serenity of the mind.

But Koji was even more cautious then before as a table and three chairs came into view.

"Please sit Koji, we mean no harm."

Koji reluctantly sat down across from them both.

"What do you want from me?"

But before either of the two strangers spoke a third voice was heard behind Koji.

"This is the one? We awoken from our slumber to find this little boy?"

Koji felt insulted and turned around only to see it wasn't just one person behind him but 8 others all wearing the same outfit with different masks.

'Rooster, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger, Snake, Rat, Dog, Pig, Horse, Goat and a monkey?'

Their males were identical to the 11 out of 12 Chinese new year zodiac animals.

But instantly the table expanded to accommodate the new arrivals.

"Sister Horse please do mind your tongue to the young man."

The Horse masked girl began stomping her feet it a tantrum.

"Why am the horse! I wanna switch!"

Everyone apart from Koji groaned in unison as if it was regular before the slim Snake masked figure spoke as he hit the horse on the head.

"That's enough. We are still Waiting for Father to join."

Just then Koji felt it, an overwhelming aura by the final Zodiac to arrive, The dragon.

"Sit down."

Immediately none of the others spoke another word or made a sound either before they sat down all while Koji was terrified.

"What's going on here… who are you?"

None spoke for a moment before Koji realized what they were doing, Linkage Of Minds. Another extremely powerful Soul Art that links the Mind, Body and Soul between multiple people into one.

But after a long silence the Snake was the first to speak.

"You are Master Koji yes? Do you know of the tournament?"

Koji was quick to respond with a slight nod before the Ox Spoke.

"How many Soul Arts have you Learned?"

Koji however kept silent to the question before the Ox asked again but only in a more aggressive tone.

"How many, answer the question or I will beat it out of you."

Once again Koji kept quiet while only looking at the Dragon who also stayed quiet.

Everyone noticed the intense starring contest before the Dragon Spoke as he removed his mask.

"It would seem these aren't needed, hello my son."

Koji had noticed those crystal blue eyes anywhere as it was revealed that the dragon was his father.

"H-How? How are you alive?!"

After years of sadness with without the hope of seeing his family one last time Koji was fuming with rage and happiness to see his father alive and well.

"All will be made clear soon but first we need to prepare for the tournament that will come soon."

Koji however felt nothing else was as important then getting answers.

"No! You are going to tell me everything right now. If you were alive all this time then why didn't you look for me!"

Koji had felt abandoned and for good reason before the Father revealed a gaping hole in the center of his chest.

"Myself and the others before you Koji were chosen by whom we cannot say. I am still your father and I wanted nothing more then to see you but it would be too dangerous."

Koji looked at the others before they revealed similar holes in their chests like Father's.

But Koji was still dumbstruck that his

Father was alive as he visited his grave every month.

"Wait if your alive then is-"

"I'm sorry but they are not."

Koji felt the feint hope that his mother and sister were alive again fade away.

But out of annoyance the woman wearing the pig mask spoke.

"Are we done talking about your pathetic little family yet? We have work to do."

Koji snapped as his Soul Pressure skyrocketed.

"Pathetic?…. You…. I WILL TARE YOU APART! Soul Art 11: Hangman's Noose."

A hangman appeared behind the pig masked woman and was about to tie the noose before the Father snapped his finger and raised his voice.


No one not even Koji dare to move anymore as he witnessed his father destroy the Hangman entity with just a snap of his fingers.

The Father looked to the Pig with a look of anger and resentment.

"You will not speak ill of my family, is that understood?"

The pig only gave a slight nod before she and the others besides Koji, the Ox and his father.

"Koji we will speak again by know that I did what I did for you to have a better future."

Koji was confused before he realized he had returned to the Wakana Academy hallway where he first met Rooster and Ox.

But as Koji was about to ask them both a question they both disappeared.

'Clones again? Whatever…. Dad….. what did you do…'

"Master Koji? Are you alright?"

Madam Bo stepped out of her office to see Koji standing alone with a tear in his eye as he had just learned that his father is alive.

But Koji only gave a smile before leaving as he knew it would only draw attention to him and his father had he spoke about his experience.