
Rise of The Fallen

This is the story of Razjeel, Angel who lost everything and stood against God. He was the first angel ever created and also the first one to clash swords with his 'Father'. Follow Razjeel after he returned after 7 000 years of imprisonment to the world that completely changed but one thing stayed the same... His thirst for revenge towards those who took everything from him. ___________________ It's a DxD fanfic. It was my first ever idea for fanfic. I like the DxD universe and how many possibilities it has, almost endless!! I also never saw any fanfic where Mc is Angel or Fallen Angel so I tried to make one. It was created in my free time but still, I hope you'll like it! If this would be accepted by you, there would be no big harem, it's a drag to make one and keep all the personalities different and give each of the girls some screen time to not forget about her, so it would be 2-3 girls max. I don't own Highschool DxD and its characters except a few which I created. I don't own a cover either, I found it on Pinterest. Please, think of this as Parallel World and don't compare this to the original, it should make reading more comfortable.

ReeviN · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 20

"No, the pleasure is on my side. My name is Serafall Leviathan. Thank you for accepting to see me." Elegant smile adorned her face.

"I had my doubts, but... Now I don't regret it. Okay, but let's get to the business. I know why are you here and all I want to ask is: did you get what you wanted?" Smile disappeared, replaced by a serious expression. She may be pretty, but it's a meeting of the representative of two factions, not a date.

" Hmmm? What do you mean?" Asked Devil-girl innocently.

He smiled wryly. "Please, you are on my playground, I'm aware of 'kids' games." He looked in her eyes. "I know you went here and there asking for some things. And I must say, you did a pretty good job."

She also smiled wryly and laughed as if she was embarrassed. "Hahaha~ I'm flattered. You got me, but that was really necessary to spy on me?" Asked Serafall.

"I didn't send any spies, I didn't need them. It was obvious why you came here. Now, answer my previous question." He leaned backward, still looking in her eyes.

She didn't know why, but she just felt like she had to tell him everything. Feeling that he's gaining upper hand, she blinked a few times and sighed helplessly. "Yes, I did. And to be honest I expected something... someone different. Someone who-"

"Someone who is ruthless, arrogant, selfish? Someone like that?" Said Razjeel, his voice full of mockery. "If I would be like that, I would join Rebels and give myself less trouble."

"I wanted to say someone who's a poser. I thought that this all is just for a show to gain people's favor. To put it frankly, I expected some 'bad guy' acting nice and kind." Said honestly Serafall, shaking her head.

"And what if I am?" A glint flashed through his eyes.

"You probably wouldn't let me go asking around and wouldn't even agree to meet me." Confident smile showed on her smile.

"Hahahah, and what if that was just a part of my plan?" He was getting quite amused.

"I have a feeling that it wasn't. And by the reactions of your people and certain maid, I'm sure of that." Serafall tilted her head and hummed in her small "victory".

Razjeel smirked and shook his head helplessly. 'I bet it was Raynare.' "So? You deem me as a threat to your faction?"

"I don't know yet~. But I hope not. Even if we can conquer you right now, we are trying to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed. So I hope we can stay on friendly terms. As a sign of kindness," She extended her hand and summoned a blue magic circle from where a single sheet of paper appeared "this is the list of some materials and resources, including medicines, we want to give you. We are aware of costs and casualties left by your last war and we are hoping you'll accept our help." She slid the paper towards him and sent him a smile so charming that could conquer the hearts of any young men.

But Razjeel wasn't a fool, and young.

" Hoo? So, you think you can conquer us? Hahahahaha!" He wiped a tear that appeared at the corner of his eye. Serafall blinked in confusion, but she tensed up when the atmosphere in the room changed.

"You missed one thing. You should know that I can crush your entire race if I want to, I have always been able to. The only reason I didn't do that is because there is no gain for me from this. So think twice before you directly threaten me."

He didn't use any magic or trick, the sudden pressure Serafall felt was caused by his sole presence. His demeanor changed, making her feel uneasy. 'He's not joking...' Thought girl. But that suppressing feeling suddenly disappeared, giving her a chance to take a breath.

"I sadly declined the offer. I know what you are trying to do. 'Help them when they are weak and come to collect the debt when they are worthy enough'. Don't use such tricks on me, girl. I was there when it was created." He smiled and wagged his finger, like a parent when berating a child.

But instead of the angry or irritated expression he expected, she... pouted?

" Mooo~ okay, fine. I only did what Sirzechs asked me for. I'm sorry about that, I didn't want to offend you." Said girl feeling guilty.

Razjeel was taken-aback, he blinked a few times and sighed with a wry smile. 'I'm feeling like I'm bullying a child.'

"It's okay, okay. Let's forget about it. Do you want some tea?" Asked Razjeel walking towards the cart at the side of the office, where a tray with tea service was.

"I would love too~. Can I also have something sweet?" Asked Serafall happily.

"Sure." He took the tray and placed it on his desk along with chocolate cookies. "Here you go."

"Thanks!" She immediately took one cookie and started nibbling a cookie. He had to admit she looked really cute. He chuckled and took a sip.

"You are a quite cheerful girl, I didn't expect that. I thought you would be someone who is-"

"Someone who is impudent, boring, mean? Then people wouldn't like to answer my question and I'll feel bad for myself." She pretended to sound like she was mocking him.

"I wanted to say someone who is strict and sly. To put it frankly, someone who would want to blackmail me or something. " Responded Razjeel, deciding to play along.

"Aaand~ what if I'm just waiting for an opportunity to~?" Asked Serafall playfully.

"I have a feeling you are not." He looked at her seriously, but next moment he chuckled quite amused along with Serafall who was giggling.

"I must admit, You are surprisingly cheerful for a politician, Miss Leviathan. That's a good trait." He said, still chuckling.

"Hehe~ Thank you. I think you are really kind. You can call me Sera if you want to!" She beamed with a smile, extending hand for a handshake.

He looked at her hand and for a moment she felt like she got ahead of herself. But when she was about to retract her hand, she felt a warm and soft touch embracing her hand. Looking in his emerald eyes, she felt even more happy than she was.

" Then, you can call me Razjeel. More tea?"



"You see? I told you she is an interesting character. So, you had a privilege to see a 'Magical girl'?" Asked Azazel with a smile.

" Magical who? Is that some kind of a title?" Asked clueless Razjeel. He doesn't know such things like comics, animes, mangas, movies or series. The only time he interacted with modern society was at the time he went buying his first clothes.

" Magical girl, you can call it a title but it's... More of... Ahhh whatever!" Suddenly, an idea flew in Azazel's mind. "You know what. You have to ask her yourself. I shouldn't talk about others private matters." He hoped that when Razjeel started the subject of 'Magical Girls', Serafall wouldn't let him go until she turned him into 'Mao-shojo Follower'. He can't wait to see Razjeel's face after that.

" I see... Okay then. Back to the topic, I think she is a very cheerful and carefree girl." Razjeel said what he thought.

"And she is cute right? Oh, thank you." He asked with a knowing smile before he thanked Raynare who served him a tea. He definitely didn't ask that question because she was here... Definitely...

"She is, I can't deny it. We had a quite pleasant time to be honest- Ouch!!" He couldn't finish because Raynare 'accidentally' stomped on his feet while walking past him towards the tray for the second tea cup.

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice." Apologized Raynare with a 'kind' smile, but her eyes weren't smiling at all.

A teasing smile formed on his face. "Ohh? Are you perhaps jealous~?" He said looking at her.

"What?! You wish to! Ha!"

She snorted and turned around pretending to prepare the tea. But in reality, she wanted to hide her face from him. When he admitted that Serafall was cute, that annoyed her, for some reason that annoyed her so much.

He walked behind her quietly and moved some of her hair covering her ear. "Yeah, I would really wish to~." He whispered to her ear and blew slightly, sending shivers through her body. Her breath accelerated slightly, her face was reddening.

"Just admit you are jealous~ And I heard how you defended me, like lioness, hahaha." He chuckled as he backed away and sat in his armchair.

"I'm not! And I didn't do anything! Shut up already!" She snapped at him and threw an empty tea cup at him which he swiftly catched. She was getting annoyed because of him.

"Hahahahahah!!" Azazel laughed heartily. "It's good to see that your relationship is blooming. I can't wait to be an uncle! But you have quite a competitor" Said amused Azazel. Raynare sent him a glare which made him quiet.

"Okay, back to the real topic. In two weeks there will be that 'Peace Treaty' meeting. I want both of you to accompany me." This time Razjeel's voice was all serious.

"Hm? Why?" Asked Azazel.

"Because you two are the only one I can somehow trust?" He said with 'why are you asking? Are you dumb?' expression.

"I see... Well, why not. It would be a good chance to take a closer look at the Boosted Gear. I may get a sudden enlightenment." Azazel thought aloud.

"I... I don't think it's a good idea." Said Raynare hesitantly. "The Boosted Gear user is close to the sister of Satan Lucifer, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble." Self mocking smile appeared on her face when she remembered how she was back then. She looked down with different thoughts in mind.

"Hah, nonsense." Snorted Razjeel. "I want you to go with me, so you are coming too. And if that Devil-brat will try something funny... Well, Ddraig will have to find another user." He sent her a reassuring smile. "Just imagine their faces when they'll see you."

When she imagined that, her mood got better and a small giggle escaped her mouth. She looked at him with gratitude for what he said and nodded in thanks. Taking another cup, she started pouring him some tea.

"Hey, but say honestly, why did Serafall make such a good impression on you?" Asked again Azazel.

"Dunno. Just a feeling? She's adorable and talkative and it's fun teasing her-"

*Ting! *

A cup of tea was placed on the desk in front of Razjeel with strength. "Your tea." Said strangely kind Raynare. Again with that 'kind' smile.

"You know your eyes aren't smiling?" Pointed out Razjeel, but she ignored him. He shrugged and took a sip.

"*Tfuu!* What the hell?!" Only to spit it out. "Why is it so salty??" He looked at Raynare next to him.

"Oh my. Did I use salt instead of sugar? They look so much alike. What an accident, truly." She covered her lips with hand and pretended to be surprised.

"Then why Azazel's tea was sweetened and my somehow salted?? And why do you even have salt when serving tea?!" He asked dumbfounded but she didn't say anything. He sighed helplessly. "You really are mad, don't you?"

"Guess." Was all she said before she sent him a glare and left the office.

"Did I overdid it?" Asked Azazel, feeling guilty because he intentionally started that subject to make fun of both of them.

"A little yes." Sighed Razjeel. "Don't worry she's okay. Some time ago I teased her too much and she almost cried. That... I felt fuckin awful."


In one of the chambers, Kokabiel was standing in front of the window, reading some letter, with frown. He burned the letter after he finished reading it.

His shoulder started trembling more and more as he looked down. Maybe he was crying? Maybe he was angry? No.

"Kuku... Kuku Kakakakakaka!!!" He was laughing like a mad man. His frown was replaced with ugly, toothy smile. "They want to stop the war?! Kakakaka!! Peace treaty?! I won't let you end this beautiful war! Kakakakakakaka!!"

He took a bottle of some alcohol and took a big chug. "Kuoh city, heh? Wait for me, Gremory bitch! KAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!" Screechy laughs spread across the room, threatening windows to shatter.


As promised, next chapter!! Three things to talk about.

1. If you have doubt about MC chat with Azazel, they were only teasing Raynare, but some parts about Serafall were true.

2. As for the harem/love candidates, I'm fucking idiot and I don't know what to do anymore, I'm lost and I'm sorry for all this mess. For now I'm only sure about Raynare, I'm even doubting the harem part and thinking about just Romance.

It's probably just for a moment but I wanted to share what I thought recently 😅

3. I'm bored and I will make a poll in this comment section. It's about the second FF I will post between posting this one, same rules as before, I write a comment and you give a like which counts as the vote. One vote per person.