
The Lady In Black, Part Thirty-Two

A quick look at the enemies' stats let Emi know just how out of her depth she was. 

Level 20

MP: 100/100

Level 18

MP: 30/30

Level 18

MP: 50/50

[Well,] Emi thought. [I'm kind of outmatched, aren't I?] 

But, with Syneris taking up most of their attention, Emi figured she could actually help. At least, by providing space. She had very little hope of actually killing any of these enemies. 

To do so, she was going to use a Spell and a Technique she'd bought off the World Shop. 

Flash - 25 MP

{Materialize a flashbang and throw it at an enemy to blind them for 1 second. This ability can fail to affect an enemy if they close their eyes, look away, or if the flashbang is thrown at the wrong angle.} 

Deadly Response - 30-second cooldown

{After dodging an attack the moment before it is about to land, reposition behind an enemy and strike out at them. This attack deals 50% increased damage.}