
Rise Of The Celestial

TheCouncilOfOtaku · Films
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Prologue: Childhood

Excitement and Adrenaline

Those two feelings come and go leaving a rush of energy.

All beings subconsciously crave them, like when you go on a rollercoaster. If your not shitting your pants, your screaming your lungs out in excitement. I guarantee you have never seen someone just feeling no emotion, having a complete poker face while riding on the scariest rollercoaster in six flags. Well it might be possible, but that's someone actually trying to keep a straight face; but I highly doubt it.

Me, I am just screwed up dude that lives for that rush.

Each person feels excitement from different things. Some feel it from getting some new Kicks, from kissing the hottest girl in high school, getting the newest manga; rare individuals feel excitement from life and death situations.

Those people are called Adrenaline Junkies and I am proud to say I am one of the rare specimens. But I feel like excitement from something else, I feel it from getting knowledge and power.

I was born in a highly privileged family.

My father Edward Elric, was a World renowned Scientist; he was special in the way that he was more like a Jack of most trades. He was extremely good at most branches of science. Physics, Psychology, Ecology, Astronomy, you name it. but he was at the very peak of his field in two subjects; Botany and Genetics. These two fields are connected very closely and he was the most knowledgeable person on earth concerning these two branches of science. His life goal was creating something that could surpass and break past the limits of humanity and I guess he succeeded in a way....

Now he is not your crazy obsessed scientist that is insane and does human experiments in his basement. He loves his family and would watch the world burn before it can hurt his family.

My mom on the other hand is the director of CIA, the name Lorelei Baltimore is one of the most adored and feared names in the world. Feared because what Lorelei Baltimore wants, she gets. The woman is devious, ruthless and above all else dangerous. She plays with the opponent like a spider slowly cutting off all pathways for the prey to escape, and then slowly preparing them for when time is right and when she would get most ruthless. Even Major generals don't cross her due to how brutally someone gets destroyed due to crossing her.

Now your probably wondering how could a badass Women like my Mom get very happily married to my dad who sounds like a wuss that can barely push a pencil.

Trust me, my dad is a lot of things but he is not a wuss. The man used his knowledge on Biology and human anatomy to create a masterpiece of muscles that looked so tight and strong that I doubt if a knife could even pierce them and abs so well defined that it looked like it was possible to make grated cheese with. His every muscle was extreme well defined but there was no feel of him being too bulky at all, it was like every muscle was trained in perfect balance and it grew to perfection or as close to it as possible.

Dad was always smiling, happy and just a true goofball. He had this positivity about him that just lit up the room. But when he meant business, he meant business.

My mom was Forceful,Strong, independent. She was cold, ruthless and had this aura that when she stepped into the room, the literal temperature went down. Yet, I never doubted for a second that she loved me with all her heart.

My parents couldn't be more different, but I guess the one thing they did have in common was that they were really damn scary when they were angry and that they loved family above all else. So it was honestly really a surprise when they got together to all their friends.

They met during a conference on the nation's future. The very moment they laid eyes at each other, game set and match. They fell hard, like jumping off a helicopter at 1000 km in the air straight into a pool of concrete hard.

So you can imagine what happened when my mom accidentally saw my dad half naked due to an accident that when ever I want to ask them about. They always blush and then I didn't even want to know what happened.

But the result of that awesome Union is me, so no complaints here.

Anyways, I inherited the best of both my parents.

I had brown hair from my mom and I got the my slightly golden yellow eyes from my dad. I inherited my dad's ambition and my mom's calm look.

I am no social butterfly, but I can hold my own in a conversation. From the moment I read my first children's book, I loved learning. While, other kids were playing outside; I was raiding the family Library. I thought that with knowledge you could do anything.

But one day in 3rd grade, I got punched in the right cheek for standing up to a 6th grader bully who bullying my classmate. He was stupid, ugly and Dumb and did I mention stupid?

I kept using smart words to frustrate him and made him act like a fool, not exactly a smart plan now that I realize. He charged at me and managed to get a nice right hook at me.

I was furious, so I when I went home that day; I asked my mother to reach my how to fight or martial arts. She didn't even ask why, not that she had to. She took one look at the bruise on my cheek and she made me change into nice out door clothes that wouldn't restrict my movements.

She made me run around the house 5 times, which WAS 10,000 SQUARE FEET. IT WAS TORTURE, but it wasn't even over yet. She made me do 3 sets of 10 push-ups,10 sit-ups, 10 squats. I had to drag my body to the bathroom, while my dad watched in sympathy as he finished making the medicine bath for me.

One of his most famous creations was something he called the Patch-up. It was in bandage form that once you apply it to any relatively small but deep cut, it could heal it in 15 minutes. But little did the government know, the solution on the bandage was missing several important ingredients and was diluted several times before he gave it to them to reproduce.

The one he made for me is special one that is 75 times more effective and powerful. It also has the ability to make muscles much stronger and flexible than they normally get from being teared and then repaired. So what normally the level of strength people takes months to achieve l, I can achieve in weeks and that's not counting my talent.

My mother and father say that I am extremely talented in learning knowledge and applying it.

I had taken a sabbatical from school and as I was much smarter than other kids and was just there for appearances sake. The school really didn't object.

Waking up at 8 am and doing my 5 rounds around the mansion. Then doing 3 sets of 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats and 10 pull-ups till 9:30. I would then get a 15 minute break before my mom started to drill in different types of martial arts into me. For 2 hours, she would correct my mistakes and since I would never make the same mistake again, we progressed very far. Then after that I would soak in the medicine bath for 1 hour and the process was very painful since I could feel my body being repaired from muscle to muscle. It almost count as pain tolerance training. Then from 12pm to 5 pm, my father would teach me middle school level Mathematics ,Science, English,Social Studies, and other languages.

We started these classes as my parents still wanted me to progress on and they were very surprised on how far I came in my studies.

This was my schedule for 1 whole month, everyday I broke my my body and reforged it piece by piece to become deadly. My determination got tested everyday,but I never gave up.

I learned various martial arts such as Aikido,Karate,Jujitsu and I mastered them mastered to to peak beginner levels. I would have progressed them to intermediate easily, but my small body is holding me back and the fact that they were different martial arts. So it was hard at first, but I got the hang of it.

I walked into the forest at back of our mansion and saw my mom and my father waiting for me at a lunch table.

"Come and eat with me Nathan" said my mom.

I looked at her with surprise are her" Wait, seriously. No sit-ups or ten mile hike."

"No son, congratulations you have completed your training to satisfactory level. I am sure you can beat that bully to the ground now."

I gawked at my mother on how she knew and before I could even ask, she smiled at me with her eyes closed.

But she didn't answer, instead my dad did.

"Nathan as smart as you are, you really do act dumb sometimes. Do you really think that we wouldn't be curious on how our beloved son suddenly comes to us sporting a purple bruise on his face asking us to train him into being strong."

I opened and closed my eyes and then I looked at them with a smirk and sat down with them.

We talked about the small things and we ate dinner slowly.

I went to bed and slowly drifted asleep as I couldn't wait to go back to school tomorrow.


Author's Note: Hello, everyone we are TheCouncilOfOtaku, we are a group of Otaku's that love to write so we decided to join together and become one huge group of writer's, I am The_Youngest_Demon the account manager. If you want to give us ideas and communicate, join our discord server at: https://discord.gg/VJ5NzQ

P.S: We welcome all the ideas you can give