
Rise Of The Blue Demon

Cattle is a slave to man Man is a slave to desire Desire breeds action Action begets conflict Amusement for the Divine Gods Divine hope Demons divine despair All are slaves to death, for the end is supreme — If the end is supreme, what is one cannot that cannot die?

One_sword · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Caeruleum opens his eyes and sees himself back in the white space. A panel then appears before him.

[Ceareleum died of a broken heart]

[do you wish to respawn] 


Before Caeruleum could react, the space transformed into a different environment. Encased in a rocky dome with two volcanos, exist numerous creatures of different shapes and sizes.

Floating above a grey oval egg that's around a meter and a half tall and half a meter in diameter, Caeruleum spots a tall green humanoid creature walking towards the egg. The creature has huge arms, a raven-like beak, small horn-like protrusions on its head, and Claws that extend to a little over 3 inches. 

He watches as the creature cautiously approaches the egg with greed in its eyes. Finally reaching its destination, the creature gathers force in its arm then...


A massive force shakes the egg causing large cracks to form at the point of impact. 

The creature once again pulls back its arm and...

puchi... Crack 

Its arm smoothly penetrates the egg. A cruel smile of satisfaction appears on the creature's face as it pulls out its arm. 

Between its claws lies a blue cloud-like substance. The creature brings the substance to its face and opens its mouth where a long purple tongue extends. Just as the tongue was about to touch the blue cloud, the world stopped and disintegrated into dust.

Standing back in the familiar white space, Caeruleum clicks his tongue in wonder, curiosity apparent in his eyes. 

"So when you said respawn, you weren't talking about the same world?" 

Caeruleum stares intently at the screen, expecting some sort of confirmation. Not receiving an answer, Caeruleum shrugs his shoulders and starts looking around. "White and more white, quite the aesthetics," Unable to suppress his growing annoyance, Caeruleum gives a sarcastic remark. 

The panel suddenly changes, reading a new display.

[The host can customize the layout of the spawn point]

"Hmm, so you are sentient?"

[Negative, host please don't make baseless accusations]

A strange look appears on Caerleum's face 

"So what are you?"

[Host does not have the required level of authority]

[Please achieve Version 4.0 to unlock authority]

The look on caeruleum's face becomes even stranger

"what level of authority do I currently have."

[The host has unlocked version 6.0...]


[Ceareleum died of a broken heart]

[do you wish to respawn] 


Attempting to scratch his head in confusion, Caeruleum feels a sharp pain on his scalp. Quickly removing his hand, he looks down only to see an aqua-blue hand with sharp one-inch nails. Blue blood could be seen trickling down his nails. 

Adding to his confusion, the blood suddenly floated up and entered his head. The small wound then vanishes, as if it was never there. 

Perplexed Caeruleum stares at the panel, "You said I can customize this place right?"


"Create a mirror."


A large mirror as if digitized, appears before Caeruleum. Staring into the mirror, Caerurleum sees a Creature 2 meters tall with blue hair and blue eyes staring back at him. The creature has elf-like ears and light blue skin.

With a look of contemplation, Caeruleum looks down at the crotch then...


All the anger and frustration suddenly erupt like a volcano, unable to suppress his rage, Caeruleum punches the mirror with all his strength.

Dong... Crack

With the sound of broken bones, small pieces of flesh and droplets of blood splatter on the mirror. Not a single crack could be seen on it. 


Clutching his arm in pain, Caeruleum stares at the mirror, along with the empty surface where his crotch was supposed to be in a rage.

Turning around, Caeruleum ignores his arms that are reverting back to normal, and glares at the panel. "What did you do to my manhood!"

[demons below the rank of demon general don't possess a gender.]

[Host, please set your priorities]

[Ceareleum died of a broken heart]

[do you wish to respawn] 


"Whatever," calming down, a frown remains on caeruleum's face. "What are your functions anyway?"

[List of functions...





Load new world -Locked-]

With his interest suddenly peaked, Caeruleum asks, "What's my status?"

[ Status

Name Caeruleum: Falco

Current state: Dead 

Strength: Low-Level demon]

"Hmm, so I'm a demon, interesting. Can you briefly tell me about this world?

[Negative, Please purchase the appraisal skill in the shop to appraise this world] 

With the frown returning, Caeruleum asks, "Didn't you classify me as a low-level demon, there has to be a reason behind it."

[Demons are separated into; Low-level, Mid-Level, High-Level, Demon General, Demon Lord, Demon King, and Demiurge. A low-level Demon's strongest attack can cause what your previous world classified as a magnitude 6 earthquake]

"In other words, you do know bits and pieces about this world."


"tell me what you know."

[ You are currently in the 1st layer of the abyss. The abyss currently has 54 layers, each layer is as big as what your previous world refers to as a galaxy. The abyss has 5 demon kings, a battle between 2 demon kings can lead to the destruction of a layer from the abyss. The first layer is a breeding zone, demons above high-level demons are not allowed to enter or they shall be pursued by a demon king.

Beyond the abyss exist 3 major plains, Nirvana Fall, where the angels reside, and Finlay, A realm dominated by humans and other species. The final realm is unable to be detected]

[Please purchase appraisal skill in the shop for further information]

"I'll take a look at the shop later"

[Affirmative, setting a reminder to open shop...]

[reminder set]

[Ceareleum died of a broken heart]

[do you wish to respawn] 


Taking a deep breath Caeruleum was about to click yes when he suddenly saw himself in the mirror. Frowning, he asks, "Can you create clothes for me, the same way you created the mirror?


"Good, create me a random set of clothes"


Black khaki pants, black dress shoes, and a white dress shirt suddenly get digitized on caeruleum's body. Nodding in satisfaction, Caeruleum stares at his reflection with a tinge of admiration, "damn I look cool."

[Ceareleum died of a broken heart]

[do you wish to respawn] 


This time, with a hint of cautiousness Caeruleum clicks 'yes.'