
Rise of the Author: Bringing Books to Reality.

Adam Harris, a young writer, is searching for new sources of inspiration when his creative fire begins to go out. One day, in a moment of despair, he discovers a forgotten book called Co-Creator's Quill. This enigmatic pen gives him the incredible power to make his stories come to life. Each new story he creates enlivens the world around him and he finds himself at the center of his own stories.

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31 Chs

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- While you were away for 57 years, 2 months, 21 days, 52 minutes, 13 seconds, and 42 milliseconds, two Level 4 mages appeared in the Dark Ridge," Bella said, pressing her big breasts against Adam's shoulders.

- And they made a contract with the Castle of Shadows for 189 years, - Maya added.

Adam nodded as he read the verses he'd picked up in his youth as a Level 1 mage. It was the legacy of a Level 2 mage who had encrypted the coordinates that way.

"In the darkness of the mysterious, hidden somewhere in a dream,

Where darkness and cold hover over a place far away,

Where the reflection of the souls is a groaning sound,

In the secret cave where the shadows of the departed weep.

Where the wind whispers forgotten names,

Where hearts are wounded and tears flow,

Where eternal longing and oblivion are sadly wreathed,

In a world where light has faded and darkness reigns mercilessly.

In a dark embrace, in deep gloom and cold,

Where the cursed wind carries the groans of sorrowful souls,

There, in a forgotten place, hidden from sight,

There is a cave and a ridge, where the darkness of an incomprehensible power raises flames upwards.

Her name is not known, only shadows circle in the void,

Where nothing is clear and the forces are crumpled into a knot,

Oh, a place nameless, where unexplored secrets are kept,

In a world where souls weep, the flames of dark power burn madly."

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary poem with a dystopian theme. But if you translate it into the ancient language of Magni and then into the language of the beasts of the Yur tribe, only then can you find a minor clue.

And it was only by chance that Adam found this place, when on arriving at the Dark Ridge he heard a similar, but somewhat altered verse from a wandering bard.

- And so," Adam suddenly spoke sharply and closed the book with a clap, "the meeting begins.

The two maids moved away from him and their attire glowed, replaced by black armor that did not reflect the light.

Immediately after Adam's words, 157 people appeared in the hall. Fifty people were kneeling in the front and one hundred and seven in the back. Adam glanced at them.

- Each of us is a mage who has made it his goal to reach the truth and ascend as a mage of the ninth level," Adam began to speak and his voice effortlessly reached the entire Shadow Castle and even the Dark Ridge, "In ancient times there were no such useless divisions of dark and light mages, silly systems of power and factions.

No one dared to speak. Everyone held their breath, waiting for Adam to continue his speech.

Looking at the mages in front of him, Adam moved his brush and the heads of the mages present rose to meet Adam's pitch-black eyes.

- But years, centuries... millennia have passed. Once majestic wizards who aimed to reach the heights of magic by any means necessary, whether it meant the genocide of entire races or even the destruction of the world," Adam continued, his eyes glittering like jewels, making all wizards feel pressure, "And there are people who consider such wizards as evil. Dark, dark...

Adam leaned back on the throne and rested his hand on his chin. His gaze pierced the mages, who trembled with anger and frustration.

Everyone was familiar with this short monologue, so close ... for everyone had experienced what Adam was talking about. Constant persecution hunted them down and subjected them to mass persecution.

- Our reputation has been tarnished, slandered as dishonest, cruel..." Adam clenched his hands into a fist and his hair began to move as if it had taken on life, "And they're partly right. But tell me, is that a problem?

"NO!" came the shouts from all over the Dark Ridge.

Adam unclenched his fist and moved his hand, instantly calming the raging crowd. Everyone fell silent and waited for Adam's next words.

- Our 'truth' and their 'truth' became different. They saw the point of coddling mortals, of using the technology of the ancient mages to create kingdoms and empires," Adam grinned suddenly, revealing his sharp teeth, "So tell me, where are these great countries now?

There was laughter and laughter. The Dark Ridge shuddered with the simultaneous laughter of the mages, and some laughed so loudly that their aura inadvertently erupted. Instantly, the atmosphere became oppressive and malevolent.

- With my own hands I turned the great empire into a dead land, and its inhabitants into vengeful spirits," Adam stood up sharply and his aura burst from his body, piercing the ceiling and turning the sky scarlet, "So tell me, does it make sense to build such fragile strongholds, at the cost of the tarnished reputation of our ancestors!

There was excitement all over the Dark Ridge as thousands of demonic beings began to clump together to form something resembling modern displays.

And as the creatures merged, the video played. The inhabitants of the Dark Ridge watched in silence the fragments of memories where Adam destroyed kingdoms and empires, and then the entire continent.

It was during a war that had been centuries since. Adam grinned bloodily, as did the Dark Ridge mages.

- True, we are not good, but is it possible to call a man who defends the honor of his ancestors evil? - Adam shouted, to which he was answered, "No!" So why did the New Dawn Mages think they were evil by calling the ancient mages and us, the Old Dawn Mages, evil?

His level 5 mage aura burst out, changing the landscape in the Dark Ridge, causing thunder and storms. Even so, however, the Shadow Castle remained unscathed.

- And under the roar of lightning, with the participation of all Mages of the Old Dawn, I, Eric Wargrim, declare! - Adam grinned and his eyes sparkled with cunning and malice," We will destroy the unfaithful mages who betrayed our ancestors and tarnished the reputation of great mages!

The screams of the mages made the Dark Ridge shudder, and the countless bursts of energy made situations more chaotic, but despite this, Adam only smiled, finding it beautiful.


In five days...

Adam, in his chambers, got out of bed and instantly changed into his familiar black robe. In his bed lay two naked women, Bella and Maya.

After fixing his clothes, even though it wasn't necessary, Adam stepped forward and found himself in his lab.

- Spirit #5, take orders. Place five batches of the following herbs: Shadow Blackroot, Blood Spike, Phantom Shroud, Shards of Darkness, and Poison Heartworm.

- Copy that," suddenly came a quiet voice with a shriek.

Adam went to his desk and checked the equipment. After clearing them with magic, Adam smiled and began preparations.

- Spirit #2, I need the souls of level 4 mages in the amount of five pieces.

- Orders accepted," this time a voice full of seduction and femininity answered him.

Adam paid no attention to the suddenly appearing boxes and only with a deft movement of his hand began to process them with magic. When all the herbs were processed, he waved his hand, and the herbs were placed inside the oven.

Then he took five white spheres and put them into the furnace. Then he immersed himself in the process.

In another five days...

Adam used a cleansing spell and walked out of the lab. In his hands were five flasks of potions. He snapped his fingers and behind him appeared Bella and Maya in the same French maid's robes.

- Girls, distribute these five flasks to the Level 4 mages who have made the greatest contribution in the last hundred years," Adam released the flasks, and they flew to the girls.

- As you command, master," Bella accepted the three flasks with a smile as two of them hit Mae.

- Your word is an order to us, master," Maia licked her lips seductively, pressing her hands together so that her breasts stood out.

Adam shook his head and sent them away. He wasn't in the mood for that sort of thing. He still owed...

[The synchronicity between the Contributor and Erik Wargrim has reached 74%, which is dangerous. The course of the narrative will proceed without the Contributor's participation].

A book appeared in front of Adam's face and he suddenly blinked. His face throbbed rapidly, and he dropped to his knees.

Time stood still, and the two girls were still smiling at him. But there was something eerie about their smile. The surrounding space began to distort, and a strong pressure came down on Adam's neck.

- Interesting...so that's what...the key...

Adam heard a quiet mumbling along with a chuckle but soon lost consciousness.

[Erik Wargrim strengthened his faction and achieved amazing results. Every ten years the forces of the Light Mages weakened, and new mages of the 5th level appeared in the ranks of the Dark Mages.]

[A century later a battle took place. Erik Wargrim entered the war, instantly changing the course of the battle! Unable to stand idly by, Lucian Stormraven marched against Erik.]

[Their battle lasted a century, their strength was equal. And at the last moment, as the Light Mages began to push back the Dark Mages, suddenly the skies turned scarlet and Erik glowed with a black halo.]

[It was the most important moment in the history of the magical world. That day, that minute, that second... a level 6 mage appeared in the world.]