
Rise of Flare

NB: I'm no longer working on this story for now, after seeing the flaws that it has and I'm currently working on a new one. Fang always knew he was different from others. His involuntary use of fire always got him into several problems in the past. However even he never expected himself to be the hybrid of a dragon race protecting humanity from the shadows. Ever since he was expelled he thought he had no future for himself. Little did he know this incident would lead him from being unable to start a single spark to becoming leader of all dragon kind. .

Scaletalon · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 10 Imprisoned

"Good!" said Nyami, "your pyro has gotten better , but you're still holding back."

Fang and Nyami continued to spar by hurling flames at each other while blocking or dodging in return.

Hydrax watched with sadness and envy as tears ran down her face. She had just been shunned by her parents Basil and Tytira after the news of her being beaten by a crab the previous week had spread.

Ever since she was found out to be able to wield all three states her parents had always thought she would be the most powerful but she always went below expectations.

Hydrax's proud personality made her annoying for other mentors to teach, causing her to have to teach herself. 

After some time she rubbed away her tears while removing her right hand from a tree she had partially frozen.

While the two were sparring Nyami took notice of her from a distance. Both of them turned their heads to see who this girl was and Fang instantly recognised her and immediately asked Hydrax why she came.

Hydrax bowed her head as she tried to swallow her pride , asking if it was possible to train with them. 

"So who is she" asked Nyami.

"Her name is Hydrax , she's a student from the academy." Fang answered

"And she wields water in all three states."

Nyami soon became intrigued wondering how she had gotten the Crystal's ability and even commented that she must have been the most powerful of her clan.

Without warning a meter long ice shard went straight towards him but its speed was slow and easily avoidable.

"I thought you were different, but you're just the same!"

The tears she tried to hold back had burst out again now she had to confess to them about her past.

She told them everything from how she was always trying to make her parents proud and how she had gotten the scar on her arm from her first attempt wielding steam. Both of them tried to comfort her and Fang was finally able to lift her spirits after telling her the phrase Neo had told to him.

For two hours Fang became more and more experienced fighting against Hydrax while she learnt how to wield water more effectively.

While Nyami was soaking in the river a group of black tendrils slowly made its way towards him. He was already aware of their presence but it was too late the tendrils had already coiled around him and electrocuted him. He was unable to retaliate as he felt every muscle in his body contracting.

Hydrax tried her best to freeze the river to cut the tentacles but Nyami had already been pulled into the river's depths. Fang was eager to dive into the river to save him until he realised it was still flowing with the electricity. 

However he still had to save him and dived in trying his best not to succumb to the pain of the shocks. Fang expected to see Nyami being dragged down to the riverbed but he wasn't there.

In fact Nyami was floating above him stretching his tail for Fang to grab. Before he could swim back up the tendrils had gotten their grip on him as he was pulled down into a crater. 

For several moments all he saw was darkness as the crater closed itself above him. Once he finally found light he swam towards it only to find himself in an underwater cave.

Fortunately for him the cave was dry and full of air instead of water.

What he wasn't aware of was that Void , queen of the Serpentines was there with him.