
rimuru’s powers through the multiverse

there’s this guy who gets rimurus powers and travels the multiverse , no harem by the way, the only way someone can put harem in their book is if their actual good at it. every one in the book dosent belong to me exsept a few so yeah. (ps, I’m Australian so if some of my spelling seems weird that’s why) the profile pic is my cat

EndlessVORACITY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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drum island/ alabaster

We returned to my pov as we, the straw hats, were just casually sailing through the water when nami collapsed and was weasing.

We later found out that she got bit at little garden and got a bad disease.

I'm not a professional, but with 100 years of exspearince from my previous life, I was able to stabilise her condition. But knowing nothing about medicine or diesieses from this world, this was only temporary.

As we were sailing, we spotted a strangely shaped island in the distance, I recognised it as drum island.

The events of the anime played out of us looking for a doctor until we split up, I just tagged along with Zoro and his harsh cold training.

After swimming in the cold water and standing in the snow almost naked, I got a notification from great sage.

[gained skill, cold resistance]

I felt a warmth envolpe me as I stoped shivering as much and felt calmer.

I just headed in a direction telling Zoro "I'ma wander around for a bit."

As I was walking, a sudden rumbling envolped the mountain as huge piles of snow sprinted towards me.

Realising it as an avalanche, I just started sprinting in the opposite direction.

Almost getting covered in snow, I made a leap to a tree and escaped the snow.

After that, deciding to do something productive, I decided to do the famous saitama routine.

So I did 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 sqauts, and a 10km (6.2miles) run.

An hour later I finished the workout I got a notification from great sage.

[compleated a straining workout without breaks, With use of the skill, genetic manipulation, unlocking the skill superbody which significantly improves your physique…. Successful]

[notice, you've reached the required physique to unlock armanent haki at begginig stage, attempting to convert energy to a skill… successful, aqusition of special skill, armament haki]

I sudden warmth envolped me as I felt a strange energy in my body, I focused it on my fist and a black mist with a steel tint covered my fist.

I could only hold it a minute, but it was enough.

Hearing yelling, I look up to see Walpole on the ski-lift making his way to the top of the mountain.

"Why not" I say as I jump up and grasp onto the bottom of the carriage.

After some more events of the anime play out I'm standing their against Wapole and his men.

I engaged one of his men while chopper and luffy engaged the other two.

Hit him with a one, two on the face with exsplosions knocking him out. He gets eaten by wapole along with the other guy wich turns wapole into this strange house tank?. Luffy winds up to beat him when I get a notification from the system.

[Alert, I highly recommend absorbing wapole]

After receiving the notification, I sprint to wapole and absorbs him, then spit him back out again as fast as I could before he got launched away by luffy.

"How did no one see me do that?" I asked myself

[note, host has subconsciously used a marine technique called soru to be as quick as possible, attempting to convert to skill… successful, gained skill, soru]

I try use soru again and burst forward in a random direction almost falling of the mountain, "better get that under control" I murmured to myself.

[notice, through the use of absorption, user gained the skill infinite stomach, iron teeth and absorbing… attempting to combine previous skills with preditor… failure….failure.....successful, gained ultimate skill gluttony]

I smiled in satisfaction at my gained skill and hopped over to luffy, we set of the island later with a new crew member, chopper, travailing with us. That's of course after the spectical of the blooming of drum island.

"Great sage shuffle play my playlist" I said to great sage, what's the point of having an all knowing thing in your head if they can't play and remember your playlist from your last life.

[playing grace Kelly by MIKA]

To alabaster I said in my head.

After a few days of bonding with chopper we got along and I exchanged some of my Modern medicine techniques.

Finally after that we reached the sandy shores of alabaster, luffy met this cool walwrice that thought of luffy as his master, I had a fight with it aswell.

After that, we walked for a bit and arrived in the port town of nanohana, just wadenred around for a bit, Zoro obviously got lost, After that we just split up.

After finding this great antique store I bought this pair of sand goggles and scarf for the harsh sand weather.

"Fresh" I said before meeting back up with all the straw hats but luffy, when he suddenly appeared being chased by marines. I got up streached, coated my fist in haki ran to luffy and punched all the marines to unconsciousness with exsplosions, then wiped my hands in satisfaction.

"Let's get out of here, before more marines appear" nami said and we all set of before running into luffys sworn brother, ace.

He was a cool guy, told us he's a member of whitebeards crew and after this guy called teach for killing his crewmember. Suddenly a wisp of smoke appeared and smoker came rushing to us, ace smiled and confronted him while me and the straw hats ran away.

The anime played out and we all bonded more, after some time we ended up in huge city and in a confrontation against baroque works, I think that's how you say it, dosent matter, I had a confratation against this person called Ms merry Christmas and a guy called lassoo, a guy with a gun that ate a dog devil fruit. Even with my armanent haki and exsplosions, it was pretty hard to deal with them with their long range and hit and run tactics. I eventually defeated them with an exsplosion in ms merry Christmases hole and soru to get close and a few punches to deafest lassoo.

After the battle, I absorbed ms merry Christmas, lasso, and his dog to gain new abilities.

[notice, gained skills earth manipulation, claws, accuracy, and enhanced senses.]

After my battle I rushed into the city seeing Pell, a guy with a bird devil fruit, flying a bomb high in the sky, followed by a huge exsplosion. "Dam I'm to late" I said to myself as I was hoping to spare him of this fate, even though he survives.

The anime played out and we left the island with our hands in the air with a cross on our wrist.

We headed to our next destination jaya islands that leads to Skypia.

pls power stones

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