

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantaisie
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101 Chs


"That's weird. Why would they keep hostages in a room ordinary people can easily reach" Droyle mused. Something about all of this seemed very weird."Where are you,Mirai?"

"I'm in front of a large jail with the hostages inside. I count about thirty to forty of them."

"No guards?" Sryia asked on the comms.

"None that I see" Mirai replied."Weird,right?"

"Extremely" Sryia frowned."Get out of there,Mirai. It's not safe for you"

"Okie dokie" Mirai muttered as she went back the way she came in.

"Eleanor,come in" Droyle said.


"What are you still doing?"

"I think I'm trapped" Eleanor said softly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well,I'm in a dark room,and outside of the room to my north and south are guards with semi automatic guns"

"Oh My God,how did you even get in there?" Droyle gasped.

"At this point,I don't even know" Eleanor replied defeatedly

"How many guards are there?"

"Uhm,based on the voices,I think I've heard about six different voices' Eleanor replied,putting her ear on the door.

"Okay, we'll come get you. Just hang tight" Droyle said, twiddling her thumbs. This was the one thing they didn't plan for,and now,they all had to face it head on."What should we do?" She asked Sryia.

"There's nothing we can do. Y'all don't even have a gun,and they have semi automatic weapons. How do you wanna fight against that?"

"So you're saying we should just give up and go home without Eleanor?!" Mirai snapped.

"No,of course not,I'm saying your chances of grabbing her and getting the hell out of there are close to zero" Sryia replied with a deep sigh. She expected problems on this operation,but she didn't expect it to come right out of the gate.

"Well,it isn't zero yet,so we still have a chance" Mirai said, walking towards Droyle at the bar area.

"You really think we can do this?" Droyle asked, sipping some juice.

"Well,I'd rather die trying than leave a sister in distress. I mean y'all risked your life for me when I was kidnapped. It's only right to return the favor" Mirai replied with a slight smile. She was terrified inside but had to hold up a composed front for Droyle.

"Okay,so how do we go about this?" Droyle asked."We aren't really combat specialists"

"I know,but we can,at least,create a distraction" Mirai smirked. She ordered a glass of vodka from the bar and "mistakenly" poured the liquid on the floor.

"What now?" Droyle asked.

"Now,we just have to wait for someone stupid" She grinned,watching the flammable liquid run beneath people's tables and chairs."Ah,there's one" She pointed at a man with a cigarette.

"Are you thinking of what I hope you aren't thinking?" Droyle frowned.

"We'll just have to see" Mirai whispered, walking over to the man with a lighted cigarette in his mouth."Hello there" She grinned.

"Well,hello" The man smiled widely, sneaking glances at her tight,short dress."What brings you here?"

"A hot man" She smirked."It isn't right to talk to a lady with a cigarette"

"Oh,where are my manners? I sincerely apologize" The man said,placing his cigarette on the table.

"It's okay. I'm quite parched. I'll go grab a drink and return right back"

"No problem" The man smiled ear to ear,staring at her backside as she turned.

Engrossed by the sight in front of him,the man forgot all about the cigarette on the table,and after Mirai went out of sight,he swiftly turned and knocked the cigarette off the table.

The immediate response was a roaring pillar of fire, spreading quickly around the room.

"Fire! Fire!" The man shouted.

Everyone quickly entered a state of panic as they tried to leave the bar. However,the fire had already reached the huge,thick curtains, blocking their way out.

From the corner of the bar,the guards rushed out to deal with the fire.

"This is our chance" Mirai said,dragging Droyle the way the guards came out from.

"Eleanor! Eleanor?!"

"Yeah,I'm here. Is that you,Mirai?"

"Yeah,step back" Mirai replied as they nudged the door open.

"Thank goodness" Droyle whispered, embracing Eleanor.

"Yeah, thanks" Eleanor said to Mirai with a small smile.

After the embrace,the girls turned to go out,but—

"Freeze" A guard shouted, pointing his gun at them.

"Run" Mirai shouted as they ran the other way.

"Shit" Eleanor gasped as a bullet narrowly missed her thigh."This guy's not playing at all" She muttered.

The girls ,who had no idea where they were going,just kept on running and running. They went past several rooms before Mirai stumbled on a peculiar one.

"Why'd you stop" Droyle asked.

"I smelled something weird in here" Mirai replied as she nervously opened the door. It opened up into a eerie,dark room which smelled of decayed flesh coming from several boxes."Let's investigate"

"Are you fucking nuts?" Eleanor asked."Someone's chasing us with a gun. He wants to kill us,and you want us to investigate some room"

"It may very well answer some of our questions" Mirai shrugged as she entered the room.

She turned on the lights,and immediately wished she hadn't.

At the center of the room were five boxes stacked on top of each other. Mirai made her way to the top box and carefully opened it.

"What's inside?" Eleanor asked meekly.

Mirai quickly closed the box and rushed to the corner to puke.

"Organs" She said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well,I just saw a severed hand and leg in that box,so I'm sure the rest contain organs too"

"Oh my God" Droyle gasped, placing a hand on her mouth."I didn't know they also did this"

"This shit is getting really complicated now" Eleanor muttered."I say we get out of here"

"Agreed" Mirai said, rushing out of the room.

"Wait,I have an idea" Droyle said, grabbing two tiny cameras from her pocket. She placed one inside the room and the other on the door handle outside."It's done. Let's go"

"Wait,what of the hostages?"

"Don't worry.I've also taken care of that" Droyle smiled as they made their way outside.

Immediately sryia spotted them running out of the building,she started the car,drove to them,and zoomed off.

"Woah,that's something I'm never doing again" Eleanor said out of breath.

This book will be ending soon unfortunately. Let me know your thoughts on the characters so far. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yung_Dannycreators' thoughts