
Rewriting Naruto: Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha

All of a sudden, he found himself in the ninja academy of hidden leaf on the same day team & was born, and for some reason, he had become Sasuke Uchiha. Not only with the knowledge of what was going to happen but with a system that could help him become stronger and even easily evolve his Sharingan to the limits. Still, it doesn't take long for him to realize that things are a bit different... Naruto is a lot darker and moody than he was before. He also knows who his parents are and what is inside him. Not to mention, Mizuki dies a few days later after he fights Naruto and people start to blame him for it. In such a world, a new Sasuke Uchiha doesn't know what he is meant to do, but he is determined to find the answers that he needed, and do whatever he wants by any means necessary.

GrandMasterPK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Kakashi's Exercise

In the end, Sasuke managed to make his Taijutsu level up after a little more than one and a half hours of training. Even though he wasn't using Chakra or stamina, it seemed that working hard while he was exhausted worked wonders for him.

Sasuke Uchiha - Gennin (Sharingan Level 01 - 0/1000)

Health: 60/60

Chakra: 200/200

Stamina: 150/150

Taijustu Lv 02 (3/200)

Ninjustu Lv 01 (65/100)

Genjutsu Lv 01 (0/100)

Chakra Natures: Fire Style Lv 01 (05/100)

Techniques: Clone Technique, Fire Ball Jutsu, Transformation Technique

Training Orbs: 00

"The cost doubled, but at least it confirms that it will increase like that… one hundred more points per each level," Sasuke thought. "It shouldn't be that hard to reach high levels that way… still, this kind of progress only works for me, right? If training freaks like Gai and Rock Lee are able to progress like this… their Taijutsu level should be way over nine thousand…"

Sasuke could imagine himself having his ass kicked if he stayed at that level for too long. Still, it was already night, and he was truly exhausted… he won't be able to wake up early if he kept training. His stomach was growling as well…

"It seems that I can make some dishes since I lived alone here for many years… nothing too complicated, though," Sasuke thought while he was taking a bath in a large wooden tub. "I also have a lot of money that my parents left, so I didn't struggle in the last few years… There is plenty of food around since I am also a training freak myself."

Sasuke was starting to talk weirdly… he was talking as if the memories were already his. He was having a hard time separating the person he is now and the person he was… struggling seemed like a waste of time, so he didn't mind at all.

After the nice long bath, Sasuke made his dinner and then went to bed after setting the clock for four in the morning… he knew that Kakashi wouldn't show up in time, but he could use that chance to train early in the location.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep, and while he thought that he might wake up in his old home, Sasuke ended up waking up in the same place… the dream didn't end. It wasn't a dream, after all…

"These aren't half bad… I understand now why Japanese people eat rice balls all the time," Sasuke thought while he was leaving his home to eat a rice ball that he had prepared last night. "Still, this is time-consuming… despite being relaxing. I need to find someone to cook for me or eat outside."

Sasuke had some money left, but it would end in the blink of an eye he began to spurge. The salary as Gennin wasn't that high either, so he had to be careful… if he asked, he could bet that Sakura would cook for him day and night, but that seemed a bit… too much. Would that consider child labor?

"I suppose I won't feel bad about it if I help her with training… she seriously needs to become less useless," Sasuke thought. "We can't wait until Tsunade shows up."

The sun was rising when Sasuke reached the training grounds… he was the first one to arrive, and Sakura and Naruto showed up ten minutes later. Sakura was still rubbing her eyes, and Naruto was basically walking while sleeping.

Sasuke was already training his Taijutsu by kicking and punching the logs in the middle of the training grounds, so he just nodded at them. The sound of the hits was what woke them up eventually, instead of the sunlight.

"Shouldn't you save energy, Sasuke?" Sakura asked. "Since we don't know what Kakashi is planning?"

"This much is nothing; I will be fine," Sasuke replied. "Remember what I told you, keep your mind sharp, and don't let him fool you."

"Okay," Sakura said.

"You also shouldn't do anything reckless or let Kakashi taunt you," Sasuke said while looking at Naruto. "Being yourself is fine and all, but you need to be a Shinobi when you have to."

"Mind your own business," Naruto said without looking at Sasuke.

It almost felt like their minds had been swapped… Sasuke felt like sighing, but unless the current Naruto were a lost cause, he would understand things in one way or the other.

In any case, the group had to wait for five hours before Kakashi showed up… Sasuke knew that he would do that, but even so… at least he had the time to level up his Taijutsu once again.

"Hey, it looks like I am late," Kakashi said after he suddenly appeared at the top of one of the logs. "You sure know how to kill time, Sasuke. The other two could learn a thing or two from you about making good use of their free time."

"We wasted time because of you, old man!" Naruto said.

"I am not old; I am just twenty-six," Kakashi said. "Nevermind that. Today, we are going to do a nice exercise. You guys will have to take some bells from me in order to succeed. Unfortunately, I only have two, so one of you will fail and return to the ninja academy. If you don't get the other two, I will actually force you to give up on being Shinobi."

(Guys, I had an idea for an original novel and decided to write it. The book is called World Developer System. Please check it and tell me what you think! See you all later!)