

Dano....Dont even think about it dude.

Riya....Lets go Dano.

Fabio....This is far from over, no one takes my woman away from me and gets away with it.

Dano....Try me then, am up for the challenge.Lets go Riya.

They entered the car and left, they went back to Dano's house.

Dano....Are you fine?

Riya....Iam, thanks.Sorry that you got dragged in my mess with my dump husband.

Dano....I dont mind, i also wanna be part of your everything.


Dano....Anyway, why did he hurt you?

Riya....His obsessive and he wants me all to himself in a stupid way.He totured me just because i talked to male people, isnt that foolish?

Dano....It is, but i would also the same if you were mine.

Riya....(What is he saying with those cute eyes? His trying to send a message and i get it.) Ummm...are you brazilian?

Dano....No, am spanish.

Riya....Oh...no wonder why your hot....no..no...i mean, as in....

Dano walked closer to her.

Dano....Riya, feel free to tell me anything, i dont want you to fear me like your damned husband.

Riya....(Gosh! My heart skipped, now am so into spanish men.) Sure...arent you going to work?

Dano....Iam, i should get going now.

Riya....Okay, good day.

Dano....Anyway, lets have dinner together at a restaurant.

Riya....At a restaurant? (Is it a date?)

Dano....Yes, do you mind?

Riya....No...i will wait for you then.

Dano....Good, i will pick you up.

Dano left but Riya was left in wonder for his flirting words, she had a crush on him.

Riya....Gosh! I've been through hell with this love thing, but this spanish guy is an expectional for my love.I should give it a try cuz his obviously into me...maybe.

Dano finished his work and picked Riya up, they headed to the restaurant, they went inside.

Dano....Have a seat please.

Riya....Thanks...but where is everyone?

Dano....Just please stay put and wait for my services.


Dano went to the kitchen and prepared food for Riya, he also baked a cake and came with it to her.

Dano....Happy birthday to you, how old are you now?

Riya....You...knew that today was my birthday? Am...speechless.

She started crying.

Dano....Please stop, i didnt mean to make you cry.

Riya....Sorry, i didnt mean to cry either, am so touched really.

Dano....Riya, i know everything about you, thats all i can say.Can you please the cake?!

Riya....Yeah, sure.

She cut the cake.

Dano....Lets eat up now, dig in.

Riya....Sure.(In a world of men, his a gentleman.He knows my soft spots, am so touched.)

After dinner, they went back home.

Dano....Good night Riya, and happy birthday once again.

Riya hugged him.

Riya....Good night.

Dano....Good...night too.

They went to their rooms.

Riya....Whats holding him back? Am sure his doing all this because he loves me.No! I must do something to show him that his free to confess his love for me.

Riya stood up and went to Dano's bedroom, she knocked and he opened for her.

Dano....Riya? Come in please.

She didnt go inside but instead, she kissed him and after left hurriedly.

Riya....Gosh! My heart is racing, hope he doesnt mind and his happy about it.

She slept happily.In the morning, she woke up and went to the kitchen but was suprised for what she saw.Dano was with a girl cuddling at the kitchen counter, he saw her.

Dano....Oh, Riya, your up.

Zoe....Hi Riya, am Zoe, his girlfriend.




Zoe....Come and join us for breakfast, Dano has already prepared it.

Riya....No thanks, i came here for water, excuse me.

She rushed back to her room.

Riya....What was that?He said that he didnt have a wife, but he has a girlfriend? I was wrong this whole time? Dont cry Riya...dont cry....aaaahhh....

She started crying and didnt come out from her room for the whole day.Dano knocked on her room, she opened for him.

Dano....Riya, come and join us for dinner.

Riya....I will join you later, you guys can eat without me.

Dano....Okay, are you angry about something?

Riya....Is that even a question? I kissed you yet you have a girlfriend, am sorry.

Dano....Its okay because...i...

Riya....Am embarassed to face you and your girlfriend now.

Dano....Please dont be.

Riya....Good night.

In the morning, she packed all her things while everyone was still sleeping and left.She went to a hotel.

Riya....This is all i can do for you Dano for your kindness, i should not destroy your relationship with your girlfriend.

Dano woke up later and went to her room, it wasnt locked and went inside, all her things were gone and the bed was well laid.

Dano....It cant be! She left me, just like that? Why did i push her this hard?

He called her and she answered.

Dano....Where are you Riya? Where did you go to?

Riya....Dont worry, am safe and sorry for not telling you.I didnt want to bother you in your sleep.

Dano....Youve never bothered me, just tell me where you are.

Riya....Am at a hotel but i will fine, dont worry about me.

Dano....Tell me which hotel exactly, unless you want to look for you in every hotel.

Riya....Hahaha...dont be dramatic, just spend time with your girlfriend.

Dano....Is that why you left? Because of her?

Riya....Huh? Ofcourse not.