

Dano always checked on Riya before going to work.

Dano....Hope you get well soon, i will be here if you need me.Take good care of her.

Maid....Okay sir.

Riya....Hey, wait.

Riya woke up but they coudnt hear her or see her movements.

Riya....Whats happening? Am i dead already?

Ring showed up on her finger.

Ring....At your service dear master.

Riya....Ring, hi.How come that they cant here me?

Ring....Dont worry, i've put you in this state just to communicate with you.

Riya....Do you want to take me to another era?

Ring....If you wish, youve suffered alot here and i waited for you to call me, but you didnt.

Riya....Its because i still have unfinished to deal with a monster here.I also want to repay this doctors kindness.

Ring....So, do you wish to keep staying in this era?

Riya....I do, i will call you once am ready to move.

Ring....Okay master, i will be here to serve you

Ring disappeared and Riya woke up to the real world.

Maid....Your awake?

Riya....Hi there.

Maid....Let me call doctor first, he will be happy to know about this.

She called him and after she served her food.

Maid....Slowly, you will choke.

Riya....Sorry but its been awhile since i last ate, can you please be generous and add me more food, please.

Maid....Ofcourse, my job here is to serve you.

She hurriedly brought for her food and left.Dano came back and stood on the doorway looking at her eating, he laughed but she didnt see her.

Riya....Oohh...thats better, i even lost weight because of that animal, that pyscho! Just you wait, once am back on my feet, you will pay dearly before i live.

Dano....I wanna know that story too.

Riya....Doctor??? H...hi.

Dano....Dont be shy.

Riya....I should be, because i came to you for help yet we are strangers.

Dano....So now am a stranger?

Riya....Huh? Ofcourse not, i was just saying.

Dano....So, should i tell the police?

Riya....About what?

Dano....Bout what happened to you.

Riya....No need, am fine now.

Dano....So your not going to tell me anything?

Riya....Sorry, i dont want to tell anyone about my embarassing unworthy story.

Dano....But its okay, you can confide in with me.

Riya....Sorry again, maybe some other day.

Dano....If you insist, so, does your husband know that your like this?

Riya....No, lets not talk about him.

Dano....Now that your fine, i will let you rest some more.

Riya....Wait...can i please stay here for awhile? I wont bother you and your wife, but i will pay you somehow, someday.

Dano.....Hahha...i dont have a wife and its fine, you can stay.

Riya....Thank you very much sir, i will fight to return the favor someday.Thanks again.

Dano....Okay, i should leave now.

Dano left.At night, Riya left the house and went to their house with Fabio, he wasnt home.

Riya....Hope this monster doesnt find me inside.

She entered and packed her things with all her papers.As she was leaving, Fabio came back home with a woman, Riya hid in the closet.

Chloe....So, where is your pretty wife at?

Fabio....She is hiding somewhere but i will find her.

Chloe....If she doesnt love you, then set her free and be with me.

Fabio....Come again?

Chloe....Am here and am better than her.

Fabio started choking her.

Chloe....Let go of me...

Fabio....My wife is better than every woman on this earth, got it? You will never replace her.

Chloe....Got it...sorry.

Fabio....Good! Now back to business.

Riya....(That pure psycho, his obsessed with me but i will take his obsession away eventually.)

Late at night she sneakingly left and went back to Dano's house.She spent days working harder on her divorce case.

In the morning, she woke up early and dressed up properly.

Dano....Wow! You look elegant, going somewhere?

Riya....Yep! Am going to court.

Dano....Let me drop you off.

Riya....No need, i dont want to bother you.

Dano....I insist.

Riya....Its not like i have a car, lets go.

He drove her to court where Fabio was also called by the divorce attorney.

Fabio....Hi honey, this was unexpected of you.

Riya....Oh really? I dont wanna fight with you here, lets settle this in court.

Fabio....You know that i cant let you go, you belong to me.

Dano....Excuse me, Riya, you left these papers in the car.

Dano entered.

Riya....oh, thanks.

Fabio....You again? So you pushed her into divorcing me?

Riya....Stop it! This has nothing to do with him.

Fabio....A little warning dude, stay away from my wife or else things will end bad for you.

Riya....Dano, dont mind him please, his a complete psycho.

Dano....Do you want me to stay?

Riya....Dont worry, i will be fine.

Dano left.

Attorney.....As for this case, your divorce request will be put on pending for the meantime.

Fabio....She has to come back home.

Attorney....No, soon you will be divorced so she has the right to stay away from you since she asked for divorce.

Riya....Thank you alot attorney.

Riya went outside happily only to find Dano still there waiting for her.

Riya....I thought that you left.

Dano....I couldnt leave you alone just like that because i've now figured out what really happened.

Riya....Am sorry, i didnt want you to find out.

Dano....Its okay, what he did to you was brutal and unforgiven, i wanna be here for you and protect you.


Suddenly, he pulled her into a hug and she was suprised.

Dano....I want you to depend on me, dont hesitate to tell me anything.


That very moment, Fabio also came out and saw them, he rushed towards them and rose his hand to punch Dano, Dano caught his hand quickly and stopped him.