
Revolution Online: I Became The Strongest Troll

"The game that changed the rules of reality! Enter a world where virtual reality gaming becomes a matter of life and death. Han Jingzhi, a fiercely competitive and brilliant gamer, discovers a mysterious MC star card in the popular game, League of Demons. When he clicks "Yes", his world is turned upside down. Transmigrated into a new body, Han Jingzhi must navigate a treacherous new reality. With the launch of Revolution Online, he sees an opportunity to reclaim his gaming glory and secure his future. But as he delves deeper into the game, he realizes that something is amiss. The line between reality and virtual reality blurs, threatening to upend the very fabric of society. [SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: "BOSS SLAIN: Erebus, the Devourer of Worlds (Immortal rank, Stage:???). 100,000,000 Soul Power awarded.] Will Han Jingzhi be able to overcome the challenges of Revolution Online, uncover its secrets, and emerge victorious? Dive into this heart-pumping, action-packed adventure to find out. READ CHAPTER 1 NOW and join the journey!"

kaiju_ · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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26 Chs

Not Willing To Take Any Risk

Han Jingzhi retreated to his room, the quiet hum of his computer a comforting counterpoint to the chaotic symphony of thoughts swirling in his mind. He logged into his game account, a familiar ritual that always brought a sense of calm and excitement. He swiftly navigated to the in-game bank, his fingers dancing across the keyboard, and withdrew the remaining gold coins from his virtual vault.

A soft chime from his phone signaled the arrival of the funds in his real-world bank account. He had exchanged 1,500 gold coins, each worth a hefty 10 dollars, converting the virtual wealth into a tangible sum of 15,000 dollars. A satisfied smile spread across his face. This was the fruits of his labor, the rewards of countless hours spent battling monsters, completing quests, and mastering the intricate mechanics of Revolution Online.

He immediately paid Han Yao's tuition fee, the 2,000 dollar cost a testament to the affordability of public education. His sister, a bright and ambitious student, her passion for the natural world a constant source of inspiration for him. He wanted to ensure that she had every opportunity to succeed, to fulfill her dreams, and this small act of financial support was a way for him to show his love and support.

He then logged onto his school's e-portal, his fingers hovering over the refresh button, hoping to see the notification he had been eagerly anticipating. He had applied to several universities before he started playing the game, although some had accepted him, he could not afford it. But now that he was sure he might be able to cough up a few dollars, he was ready. His heart was set on a prestigious public institution that was known for its excellent computer science program but with less tuition fee. But after reloading the page more than five times, the dreaded message remained unchanged: "Application status: Pending." A wave of disappointment washed over him. He had worked so hard, poured countless hours into his studies, and now he was left hanging, uncertain of his future.

Frustrated, he closed the e-portal, his eyes drawn to the familiar icon of the Revolution Online forum. He needed a distraction, a way to escape the anxieties of the real world, to immerse himself in the vibrant world of the game.

He logged into the forum, his eyes scanning the headlines, the usernames, the passionate discussions. He saw a new thread titled "Skeleton Graveyard Conquered!" His curiosity piqued, he had seen this announcement together with Lilith while he was at the outskirt of the Gresham kingdom, and ever since then he had wondered who this player was, so he clicked on the thread.

The thread was filled with excitement and awe. It detailed how Crimson Fury, Shadow Stalker, Blue Butterfly, and Iron Clad, four of the game's most renowned players, had finally managed to conquer the Skeleton Graveyard, a notoriously difficult dungeon known for its challenging puzzles and powerful guardian, the descendant of Lich Arch Gamer, also known as Aluta Lich. No other player had conquered this dungeon except them, as a few hours after the announcement, several other players rushed in there for benefits, but to their dismay, they rushed into their death. Now those players that had died and had lost a level were clamoring on the forum, as Han Jingzhi just smiled and made sure to store the location of the dungeon in his memory... he and Lilith would go there together once he's logged in.

Han Jingzhi read through other posts regarding this Skeleton Graveyard, as his eyes widened with each new detail. He learned that the four players had worked together, using their unique skills and abilities to overcome the dungeon's many obstacles. Crimson Fury, known for his aggressive tactics, had led the charge, clearing a path through the hordes of skeletons. Shadow Stalker, a master of stealth and deception, had infiltrated the dungeon's defenses, disabling traps and bypassing security measures. Blue Butterfly, a skilled healer and support player, had kept the team alive, healing their wounds and boosting their morale. And Iron Clad, a powerful tank with impenetrable defenses, had stood firm against the dungeon's final boss, allowing the others to unleash their attacks.

The thread was filled with images and videos of the players' victory, showcasing their impressive skills and teamwork. Han Jingzhi felt a surge of admiration for their accomplishment. As he felt if it was he together with them, he might have died as he saw the noted obstacles. He had never imagined that anyone would be able to overcome it, let alone four players working together, but thinking further, he felt overcoming the obstacles was possible... how?... Through using Lilith's power, they could monopolize the benefits within the dungeon. Other dungeons were listed as Han Jingzhi noted a few that seemed useful to him, and the rest he ignored them and continued scrolling through the forum.

As he scrolled further down the thread, he immediately spat out the coffee he was drinking as he noticed a new post, its title bold and attention-grabbing: "Willing to hire the Demonic Troll!" He clicked on it, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and shock.

The post was a message from a random person announcing he wanted to hire the Demonic Troll. The amount for the hire was a massive sum of in-game gold, enough to make any player's dreams come true. The person that had pasted this thread did it because of his recent actions, his acquisition of the God-grade item, and his growing influence on the game world. The person believed that since he was lucky, he could bring him under his wings and monopolize all he had.

But Han Jingzhi was no fool, as he just smiled and decided to view the user's ID, but the user was anonymous... which means definitely this person is no small meat but a big fish.

Han Jingzhi thought of several methods he could use to rip this person off, there was none he could not really remember most of the strategies he had used in his past life, so Han Jingzhi just decided to ignore it. Even though the amount he would be paid would be enough to live comfortably for several years, Han Jingzhi still preferred freedom the most, so he canceled all of his tabs and decided he had to continue playing till he hit jackpot.

He closed the forum window, his mind raced with thoughts and emotions. He knew that his life in Revolution Online had changed forever. He was no longer just a player, he was a target, and if sooner or later the hirer discovered he had viewed it and just chose to ignore it, they might make his life difficult at the same time affecting Han Yao, so for now, his most important goal currently is to keep his identity safe even from his kindhearted sister as he was not willing to take any risk.

Guys I'm so happy I got offered a contract thanks to all of you :)

kaiju_creators' thoughts