
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Livres et littérature
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221 Chs

Chapter 2554

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Earth's head, "I got it!" 

"If you're thinking we should figure out a way to get Greed to ascend, I'm already ahead of you," Star Constellation calmly said. 

"Hmph," Earth snorted, "Do you know the method to allow Greed to ascend?" 

"Cause I don't." Earth dejectedly replied it was hard to admit that Star Constellation was smarter than her, who had been alive for nearly 3 Billion years, but time and time again Star Constellation had proven why she was the number 1 Wisdom Path cultivator. 

Star Constellation nodded her head, she held the sealed Greed and Envy in her hands, 

"Hoh? Reassembling the Dao of Sin? That's obvious but how are we going to get Lust Gu?" 

"You needn't worry," Star Constellation pulled out a chair, tea and chess board, "I have someone working on it, the real problem…" 

Star Constellation cast a glance over at Limitless, who was still hard at work crafting a weapon made of pure Chaos, the Chaotic Spear! 

It was a weapon meant to eliminate the defences of the Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress, but between the appearance of the 7 Deadly Sins and Reputation Gu, this matter had slipped their minds. 

"Who did you send to deal with Lust?" Earth casually joined Star Constellation at her table, bringing snacks to compliment the tea.

The two ethereal beauties sat atop the air, watching the cranage unfolding before them, it was an incredibly perplexing and juxtapositioned scene to view. 

"Who else," Star Constellation reached for one of the biscuits, gently biting into it with her soft petite lips, she bit just hard enough to break a piece off, but not so hard that the biscuit would crumble, "I send someone who is no longer a part of the flow of Time to chase someone who is lost in Time." 

Earth gave an incredulous look, "Is that what that painting was for? Do you think it'll be enough to move him?" she said after biting into a cookie.

Finding the biscuit quite delectable, Star Constellation opted to take larger, more satisfying bites, "It should be." she said as she pecked the crumbs off her finger. Hence, as to not let any delicious morsel of biscuit go to waste.

"It contains some of the profound insight that Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable derived about the great beginning." Star Constellation took a nonchalant sip of tea after dropping such an enormous bombshell. 

Earth's hand paused slightly at the mention of the beginning, before continuing to munch on her snacks. 

"Anyway, my painting is only the tip of the iceberg, what Genesis Lotus offered him should be more than enough, after all, he's not a greedy individual." 


A lone figure walked amongst the twilight of stars and supernovas.

The man hums a simple tune, but anyone who hears it would be instantly enthralled by the intense moments of their lives. 

"Fascinating." the man marvelled as he strolled through the universe. 

This was none other than Feng Jiu Ge! 

"To be able to capture the intent hidden within the creation of the universe, allowing me the rare opportunity to not only see but experience the very creation of our universe, Painting Path will certainly bring me to new heights!" 

Feng Jiu Ge had forcefully merged with the Dao of Destiny and has become a rather unique existence. 

"With this you can't possibly not interfere anymore can you?" a voice took Feng Jiu Ge out of his stroll through galaxies and back into reality, he had been immersing himself within the depths of the Painting World, and only one person could drag him.

"*Sigh*" Feng Jiu Ge released a long sigh, "People say that Heavenly Court walks the path of Righteousness, but few know of the mountain of corpses that lay in their wake." 

"In light of such truths, is it any wonder that you would let me peak at the ballet between Heaven and Earth as they created the universe, only to stop at the most crucial part?"

Feng Jiu Ge shook his head, "What a pity." 

The man who brought Feng Jiu Ge out, was the same man who had intercepted him, none other than Genesis Immortal Venerable!

"Hmph! Heavenly Court pursues the highest form of Righteousness, the survival and prosperity of Humanity, in light of that nothing and no one can hold a candle." 

Feng Jiu Ge continued shaking his head, "You justify your actions, rather than do actions that are justified." 

"Enough." Genesis Lotus waved his hand, "I will give you my entire inheritance on Painting Path, as well as my incomplete Dao of Painting, as long as you do a few things." 

Feng Jiu Ge remained silent. 

"First, you will help fight against Sloth,"

Feng Jiu Ge remained silent. 

"Second, you will help aid us against Fang-" 

Feng Jiu Ge held up his hand, "I owe him another life debt, without his help I wouldn't have survived merging with Destiny Dao, pick something else, I, Feng Jiu Ge, will not interfere with Gu Fang Yuan." 

Genesis Lotus knew that would be the case, "In that case, help us retrieve Lust Gu." 

Feng Jiu Ge raised his eyebrow, "That I can do."

And without another word, he vanished. 

Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress, 

Top Meeting Room,

"What the hell is this Sloth!" Wu Shuai slammed the table, his head splitting from the pain that the overload of information AI Gu was transmitting over to him, "He breaks all the rules that Gu World is supposed to operate on.

Data was still being deciphered, the Sin of Sloth had no mood to deal with pesky things like defence and was completely open to Information and Wisdom Path deductions. 

Unfortunately, his strength was so high that some Wisdom Path experts died just from deducing his name, and the few that do survive are permanently reduced to idiots. 

The only people who have deduced Sloth with no significant harm are Star Constellation and Wu Shuai. 

Just as the clones were planning their next move, 

"O Shi-it," a tiny Gu plopped out of thin onto the table, bouncing a couple of times before transforming into a petite attendant with a brunette bob cut for hair, "Ah where am I?"

The clones instantly recognised her, 

"Reputation Gu!"

Yay, I managed to write 3 Chapters before I left for Japan, and basically finalised the idea for the end and got some new inspiration for my OG book, cmin soon.

What a productive week before I head out to Japan for the next 2 weeks.

Chapters will resume in June :)

zulbuckscreators' thoughts