
Reverend Ecstasy

“Abbot Xinzi, by decree of the Celestial Grandmaster, hunt down the protagonists, snatch their women and destroy their destiny!” In a world where demons walk among men and mystical beasts run amok, Xinzi, outer disciple of the White Immortal sect, must compete against his peerless senior brother to become the Sword Fairy’s dual cultivation partner. Failure isn’t an option. But when the truth of his mysterious past resurfaces, and his identity clashes with the succeeding protagonists, will our monk hold on to the last embers of his humanity or sink...into utter depravity? Follow Xinzi as he subdues the succeeding protagonists, corrupts their beauties, and bestows green hats on the path to attain Sainthood and establish a Paradise of Faith in Debauchery. (Note: By the author of Profane Prince)

Evil_Dao · Oriental
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371 Chs

Rewards and Punishments

The sky held its breath, and the earth stood in awe as, under the encouraging claps of Xinzi, Chun Xu and Dong Ling faced off. Though the Sword Fairy would rather not entertain her sworn sister's wrathful impulses, she couldn't show weakness and enable the snakegirl any further—or so she thought. Meanwhile, Dong Ling's Lesser Spirit Snake Sword coiled incessantly, as if eager to drink Chun Xu's blood and drive the competition out of the way. 

Hand tightening around the pommel of her whip sword, Dong Ling's lavender eyes narrowed at Chun Xu, her 1,500 Spiritual Drops kicked into gear, activating alongside the Extreme Yin Transformation.

"Hateful Chun Xu! This time, I will finish you off!"