
Revenge of the Fallen Hero

"No! I don't want to wake up from this dream... The real world is a nightmare...." Betrayed and backstabed by the people he protected, Ray lost meaning of his life. Unable to save lives of his dear ones, he stood powerless. Boiling with rage, he got engulfed in darkness. That's when he swore revenge against the Kingdom of Dwain.... That was the birth of The Fallen Hero.... I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad Read at least until chapter 4

CanopyL · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

A Nightmare Begins l

(SFX-- Splash....)

The spell (-- Water Gun--) is repeatedly being shot on Ray's face by Aqua Hero and Ice Hero. They held his body chained to a wood log and his hand nailed one above another on the wooden log by a sword, clothes torn to shreds, and a body full of grave injuries and cuts. *cough* He slowly opens his eyes, his vision still blurred, lifts his head, slowly adjusting his vision... He watches the vexed faces of the residents lifting torches and sticks above their heads. To comprehend what happened, he recalls his last moments before he lost consciousness.

[ The S and A rank monsters broke out of the Imperial Prison and attacked the capital, So I rushed to fight them. They were all very strong and of the worst type (water and ground) for my magic, so I tried to call Urg and Keigo, but they nowhere appeared. Then I saw an S ranked monster enter the palace, so I chased it inside... Then there was a sudden explosion because of which I got thrown on the street. The villagers surrounded me so I asked for a healing potion, as I raised my hand (SFX-- CRACK) there was a sudden blow on my arm which probably snapped a bone. *AAAAAAAAH* I cried in pain, unable to comprehend what happened, I gazed at the surrounding faces. All I could see were the angry faces of the villagers, I scanned through them to find a normal face which greeted me every morning but no luck. I heard somebody yell "DIE", and they all struck me with whatever they were holding in their hands as I cried in pain, I pleaded, begged them to stop but there was no stopping. My blood was spilling everywhere for a few hours, but I wasn't dead yet. A face in the crowd continuously used a healing spell on me to keep me alive..., just before I lost my consciousness, that face... Was smiling.....] *Ray.


His blood was still dripping, mixed with water a huge blood pool appeared at the bottom of the wooden log. He wanted to groan in pain, but no voice came out. Urg and Keigo were nowhere present. He turned towards his fellow heroes *spit* but they spat in his face. His gaze shifted towards the moon, it was the same one which appeared in his dream but the situation was completely different. It began with somebody throwing a shoe and dozens of them followed it, throwing stones, shoes, sticks, and torches. The wood log absorbed so much of his blood that it didn't catch even the slightest bit of fire from the torches.

[ What did I do? Where did I go wrong? Why do the people I love and protect are showing me this much hatred.? Is... This... A... Dream? If yes, then I hope this nightmare ends soon.] *Ray... While trying to avoid them with the slightest bit of energy and mobility he had.

He wanted to beg them to stop because it really pains when the wounds and cuts get bombarded by stones and burned by the torches, but once again no voice came out. For the first time in his life he wanted to die, even begging to God to take his life changed nothing.

Ray noticed something far behind the crowd. It was Urg...

(SFX-- SPLAT....)

A stone came and hit his eye. Ray spread open his mouth to yell in pain, and a torch came flying and hit his lower jaw. The crowd revved up. They were turning this into a competition now, and it was even more furious than before. --"Drape Entity"--and --"Heal lv 2"-- was constantly being used by someone to prevent him from dying, which he noticed when his eye slowly healed.

Mustering all his energy and suppressing his trauma of getting struck by a stone in his eye, he once again searched for Urg. But to his horror, two female heroes (Envy Hero- Fox tribe and Mist Hero-elf ) caught and constrained Urg. Envy Hero sat on top of him as she raised his head, pulling his hair, so he can see Ray getting tormented. Tears in his eyes, he slowly stretched his arms towards Ray (SFX--WHACK) the Mist Hero kicked in his face and they both started to laugh as Urg once again licked the road.


---Water Gun -~

~ D rank spell

~ Not enough damage

-Used to extinguish the fire and other small purposes.

--Imperial prison--- A prison where all monsters are held captive.

--Central Prison --- A prison where criminals and bandits are held captive

--Drape entity — ~A rank spell

~ doesn't heal any wounds, but also prevents death. It's like a life hanging on a thin thread. After it reaches the lowest HP all the damage done will not lose any HP, since it gets the slightest bit cured, but the pain remains.

~useful in capturing monsters alive and in torture chambers.

~doesn't work if strong magical or physical attacks are used.

~can't be used on self.

--Heal — ~ Basic spell of Healer

~ goes from lv 1 to lv 4 (from a C rank to S rank)

~ In Lv 1 the recovery rate is slow and as Level increases recovery rate also increases.

~ High-Level healers can use any of the 3 levels of healing (from C to A) but weak healers can only use lv 1 (only C rank)... Level 4 Heal (S rank) needs royal ornament with the High-level healer.

Before this chapter i.e. chapter 1, 2 and 3 i used first person because it was his dream from this chapter i will use third person in general -------- But first person in their "thoughts"

Thoughts starts whith " [ " and end with " ] " continued by * and the character's name.

CanopyLcreators' thoughts