

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urbain
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39 Chs



We all came to the living hall, everything is perfectly cleaned. Brainless Bella is sitting in the floor still whimpering. They didn't remove her tape as I didn't order.

Me: You didn't give her any pain killer right.

(I asked the doctor as I want her to die in the pain)

Doctor: No Mr. King as usual I didn't gave her any pain killers.

Rose: Why didn't you give her painkillers doctor?

Doctor: Ms. Rosalynn that … that…

Me: Tesoro. If he gives her any pain killer she'll not feel any pain right. I want her to feel the pain I know this pain is not even 1% pain that I gone through all these years because of this shit.

Rose: Daniel but…

Me: Tell me Tesoro.

Rose: Daniel, ask him to give her a pain killer Daniel. You shoot her eight times it must be paining like the hell.

Me: Did you forget what she done to you or us Tesoro.

Rose: I didn't Daniel but look now I have you and you have me Daniel. Please.

(Again she is giving me her puppy eyes)

Me: Give her a pain killer.

Doctor: Yes Mr. King.

(After giving Brainless Bella a pain killer he left the place. Now everyone is in their place I went near Brainless Bella and Sat in the couch in front of her. My Tesoro is sitting between Cathy and Eva in another couch).

Me: So let's start Brainless Bella. You'll cry or shout right.

(She shook her head saying no. Then I looked at one of the Italian man. He removed the tape from her mouth. Good she didn't shout she is only silently crying)

Me: Okay tell me now my Tesoro didn't do anything to you right. Then why did you give her that much pain. And why did you hypnotize us. You know what pain I gone through because of you. I missed her like hell. You snatched our love from us. You snatched our best time from us. Tell me.

Bella: I'm sorry Mr. King.

Me: Your damn sorry will not remove the pain what we gone through Brainless Bella. I need answer I don't want your sorry.

(I yelled at her. She is saying damn sorry. It will not change anything)

Bella: I... I just want to prove that I'm higher than both you.

Me: You still think that Brainless Bella. After what all happened here.

Bella: No Mr. King I'm nothing in front of you.

Me: Now Do you consider me as a real king Brainless Bella.

Bella: Yes Mr. King you're the real king.

Me: Good. Now I have to reveal something to you, my friends and My Tesoro. You think I have some connections with American mafia people so you went and ask the Italian Mafia people to help you right.

Bella: Yes Mr. King.

Me: Let me tell you one thing Bella even if you go and ask each and every mafia group from each and every country in the world they will not help you Brainless Bella.

(Now everyone is looking at me in shock)

Me: Do you know why Brainless Bella.

Bella: No Mr. King.

Me: Like you I don't have to go ask for help to any American Mafia gang or Italian Mafia gang. They will only do what I order. They'll not even ask me why because I'm the KING OF THE WHOLE MAFIA IN THE WORLD.

(Everyone's eyes went wide even my Tesoro, the only people who is normal like before is the Italian mafia man. Brainless Bella is now shrinking in fear)

Me: Yes you heard me right. I'm the king of the business world which normal people see every day and I'm the king of the whole underworld which is the whole different world from the normal world. Do you think people call me "CURSE TO THE WORLD" just because of they know me as a devil in the business world. No some people know me as the king of the underworld too. Each and Every Mafia person in the world knows about me.

(The whole surrounding is silent)

Bella: Wh...What.

Me: Yes Brainless Bella. Okay let me explain, when I saw Rose first I mean two months ago, I know I need her in my life. Each and Every minute the country's best mafia group will be around me. When I was in London British best mafia group was around me every time. No one knows about that even my head bodyguard Oliver. He thinks that he knows everything about me and the place where I going and staying is under his control. But no everything is in mafia control. Now In New York American mafia is around me every time. I'll not talk to them directly I'll only signal them and they'll understand me. You know they have undergone years of training for this. So I signaled them to keep safe my Tesoro that night itself. They was around her every minute from the second I gave them that order. I also asked Oliver to keep a tab on my Tesoro. But Mafia people will do anything in order to save her as she is their future Queen. My Queen. Even she was safe in that fire accident. As, she is my other soul I want to make sure that she is safe by myself. Even now also I'm 100 % sure that everyone around me is 100 % safe. You know why this whole street is under my control, under America's best mafia control. When I came to know about that someone is trying to kill my Tesoro I did everything under my control in order to keep my Tesoro safe. You know you only have plan A & B. But I have more than 10 plans even I know my Tesoro is safe. Jason and Watson is plan A. when I didn't saw any fear in your face even after knowing Jason and Watson backstabbed you. I guessed that you have another plan. I really want to appreciate you that you have another to keep yourself save. But when I saw Italian people with guns I immediately understand that they are Italian Mafia people as I know American Mafia people will not let any normal people in this street today. They let these people enter as they are Italian Mafia and they Mafia people are not a threat to me. These Italian mafia people immediately recognized me so they asked me the permission to enter in this apartment. I want to prove that you're really Brainless so I gave them the permission to enter and order to go with the flow. Because of their training they understand me easily. When you asked them to untie you they asked I for permission and I gave them, when you asked them tie us I gave them the permission. When you asked for the gun I ordered them to give you an empty gun. Then what happened after that you know everything Brainless Bella.

(I completed and looked at everyone they are looking at me in the utmost shock now).

Me: So now punishment time Brainless Bella.

(Everyone came out of their trance)

Bella: Mr. King I'm sorry. Please, don't kill me.

Me: I'm not going to kill you Brainless Bella. I'll not kill anyone without perfect reason I just want to give you a punishment that too because what you did to my Tesoro not to me.

Bella: Mr. King I'm…

Me: I don't want to hear anything Brainless Bella. I'll tell your punishment and then you're going to do what I say without second thought. If you didn't you'll be death by the hands of my People. Trust me they will not think twice before killing someone.

(She nodded)

Me: Okay. I'll send you to London. There are many kids' orphanages there which I own. You're going to work there. You have to do every work in the orphanages. I think there are more than 10 orphanages. You have to cook, clean, wash in each and every orphanage daily what D.A.I.L.Y. You have to do everything daily in every orphanage. You can stay anyone of the orphanage. But you'll not have any room or anything. You have to stay outside the room only. And the main thing is you have to take care of each and every kid with the utmost care. You have to do everything opposite what you had done to my Tesoro. If you failed in any one of the task then you know what will happen to you. You have to do this at least for two years then I'll decide what to do with you. Now just close your mouth my people will take you out of this country. They'll send you to London today itself you have start your work within two days.

(Then I looked at one of the Italian man he nodded his head and went outside then came inside with the wheel chair he went near Brainless Bella and made her sat on the wheel chair. Within seconds she is out of the apartment. Then he came inside after some seconds. I went near the Italian mafia man and warned them).

Me: You have to check before doing something like this again. You only have to help the innocent. You don't have to help someone like Brainless Bella. Am I clear?

(They all bowed their head)

Italian Mafia people: Yes KING.

Me: Now you can leave.

(They again bowed their heads and left the apartment. Now I have to do many things)