

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



She pointed the gun towards my Tesoro. She wants to shoot my Tesoro. I'm going to kill her in cruelest way. She pressed the trigger.......

But nothing happened. She looked at me and again pressed the trigger again the bullet didn't come out of the gun. How it will come because there is no bullet in that gun.

Everyone is shocked. My Tesoro is looking at the gun in her hands with confusion and fear.

Bella: Why this gun is not working give me the other gun.

(She asked them but now they are standing like a statue not responding to her. Now they'll not respond her)

Bella: Why are you standing like that give me the other gun?

(No response)

Bella: Why are not doing what I asked you to do now. You're doing whatever I asked before but what happened now.

Me: I'll explain this to you brainless Bella. Just wait for a second.

(Then I looked at one of the man and asked him to untie me)

Me: Now release me...

(He untied me, then went and stands in the same place with the same posture before).

Bella: Why the hell did you untied him.

(Stop shouting brainless Bella. I went near her and snatched the gun from her. She is shouting like a mad woman. I went near one of that man)

Me: Bullets

(He gave me the bullets I loaded the gun and looked at the brainless Bella. She is looking at with the terrified expression. Yes she has to because both of her plans flopped)

Bella: What the hell are you doing why you gave the bullets to him? Stop him he is going to kill me.

(I looked that Italian mafia people they know the meaning of my look. Two men went beside brainless Bella and one of them grabbed her left hand and another one did the same with her right hand. They both made her stand straight. Everyone expect the Mafia people are looking at me in confusion including my Tesoro. I have so much to explain to everyone. Then I looked at the other two man, one man came near me and gave me a silencer another one went near Brainless Bella and closed her mouth with the tape as I hate noise. Then without thinking twice I shoot her. No, I didn't shoot her once. I shoot her two times in her right hand, two times in her left hand, two times in her right leg and two times in her left leg. I didn't shoot her in her forehead as I don't want her to die soon. She is whimpering in the pain that is only sound you can hear in this room now. My Tesoro and my other friends are frozen in their place as no one sees the pure devil until now. They just saw now so they are really shocked. I sat in the centre couch like a king. Yes the real king. I looked at the persons who are holding her they made her kneel down in front of me. The whole place is covered by this brainless Bella's blood. I started to talk).

Me: So Brainless Bella listen to my each words carefully, you don't have much time you're losing your blood. If I get what I want then I'll arrange some doctors to treat you. If it's okay with you then nod your head in yes.

(She nodded her head in yes without wasting a second)

Me: Good. Now they will remove your tape and I hate noise. If you make a little noise by shouting or crying then the last one bullet in this gun will be in your head. So don't make noise okay.

(As I'm talking to her my Tesoro called me in very low voice. I looked at her she has tear drop rolling down from her eyes)

Rose: Da..Da..ni..e..l.

(She is stammering, I think she is afraid of the devil in me. I don't want that so I put that gun on the couch and went near and untied her then I kneeled down in front of her)

Me: Tesoro why are you stammering. Are you afraid of me?

Rose: No... No...

(She replied immediately)

Me: Then. What happened Tesoro? Why are you crying?

(I wiped her tears with my fingers)

Rose: Daniel she...she...is....

(She is talking in low voice her eyes are focused on the brainless Bella)

Me: Tell me Tesoro. You can tell me anything you want.

Rose: She is blee...bleeding Daniel. Please treat her first Daniel otherwise she'll die. Please Daniel.

(Then she lowered her eyes. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me)

Me: Tesoro you have to order me. You don't want to request me Tesoro. You only have the rights to order me. You want to treat her now right.

Rose: Yes. Please call the doctor Daniel. She is losing more blood.

Me: As you say my Queen.

(I looked at one of the mafia man).

Me: Call the doctor immediately and untie the other members.

(He bowed slightly and then he went outside and came inside with the doctor within seconds. Hmm Mafia rules. They must have doctors with them all the time. He is same doctor who treated my Tesoro's arms when that good for nothing Stella digs her nails in my Tesoro's arms. He looked at me I nodded my head towards the Brainless Bella. He didn't say anything nor is he shocked because he saw many people in this condition that too because of me. Then the other man untied everyone)

Rose: He is the same doctor who treated me right.

Me: yes Tesoro he is the same person.

(My Tesoro looked at that doctor treating the Brainless Bella and the blood all over the carpet. She immediately closed her eyes. I know these all different to her. I stood up and made her stand)

Me: Tesoro come let's go to the terrace till he complete his work.

(Then I looked at that mafia people again)

Me: Call me once he finished his work and I want this place to be cleaned when I'll come here.

(They all bowed slightly as they respect my words. Then we all I mean me, my Tesoro, Cathy, Eva, Oliver, Jason and Watson came to the terrace. They all are still looking at me in shock especially Jason, Cathy, Eva and My Tesoro as Watson and Oliver already saw me killing Mr. Weismann. So they are somewhat calm. Everyone sat down I kneeled down in front my Tesoro)

Me: Tesoro you're not afraid of me right. Then why you still shocked.

Rose: No Daniel I'm not afraid of you. I already know that you're going to leave her anytime soon when she told u about me and how she separated us. I thought you have some other plan when that Italian mafia people came inside, but how they are suddenly started to listen to your words instead of Bella.

Me: They are my People Tesoro. I will explain everything in front of that brainless Bella once her treatment is finished okay.

Oliver: Don't tell me you also have some connection with Italian mafia too.

Me: You'll know soon Oliver.

Oliver: You're saying this only from the time you killed Mr. Weismann with the help of American mafia.

Rose: Why did you kill my Boss Daniel? He was a good person.

Me: I killed him because he tried to kill you. He is the reason behind that fire accident Tesoro. This Brainless Bella paid him to set fire in the kitchen in order to kill you as you're only working in the kitchen Tesoro. And as you're thinking he is not that good person Tesoro. He harassed many girls. He had more than 10 criminal records. After checking each and everything only I killed him Tesoro. He was the burden to the earth Tesoro. Trust me I'm not that bad person who kill everyone for the selfish reason. But If I decided to kill anyone I will them in the cruelest way Tesoro.

Rose: I trust you with my life Daniel. But how do you know that he is the one behind the fire accident.

Watson: I'll explain to you Rose.

(He explained each and everything to my Tesoro from A to Z)

Rose: Thank you guys. I'm very grateful that I have you guys as my friends. You protected me each and every time.

Eva: Oh hello shut up. Friends are the one who will care like mother, protect like father, share like siblings and trust like life partners. So we are everyone to you. So just shut up.

Cathy: Yes we are your friends that too friends forever.

Rose: Okay Zip… but brother why are silent and why are you looking at Daniel like that.

(My Tesoro asked then only I noticed Jason is looking at me like he is seeing some alien)


Oliver: you're like this because you're seeing the real devil in him for the first time. I and Watson already the real devil and how the devil is behaving like child in front of his Tesoro.

Rose: My Cute devil. I'm going to call him like this here after.

(Everyone expect me laughed at the name. But I love that name. Everyone is only calling me handsome only. She is the first person who called me Cute. I smiled at her kissed her forehead. Then everyone went silent. I looked at them they are looking at the door. I saw one of the Italian mafia men standing there. I looked at him and ordered him to speak).

Me: Speak.

The mafia man: KING everything is ready.