
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

A Shattered barrier

As the swarm of students flee the room like a stampede of cattle, the four gatemen inevitably being dragged along with them Sunrua hears a sharp distinct drop of something within the crowd. As the last few steps fade into the distance the cafeteria reduced from a bustling diner to a barren wasteland, devoid of any souls except, four people that remained following the surge.

Mia a short girl with blonde hair, her head pinned towards the ground hidden by a curtain of her golden fringe, her frustrated clenched fists the only sharing her emotions,

Sunrua who laid on the ground face down at the top right corner of the room, still clutching the front of Xen's blazer with his right hand pinning him to the ground beside him, although his eyes open, engulfed by the shock that shrouded around him he was blind to anything else,

and finally, Blake a brown-skinned titan with brown dreads that faded into a yellow at the ends, the sides covering both his ears reaching just above his lip, however, the forehead was left visible at least greater than 6ft tall. The black swirly spiralling markings on his cheek confirming he was a titan.

However he couldn't seem smaller than any other in the room with his ragged disarranged uniform, the left shoulder of his blazer slumped over whilst he remained on his knees gawking up at the ceiling in the centre of the room with distraught blind eyes.

Sunrua released his grip on Xen's blazer and cradled his head with his right hand, his white long hair demonstrating its full length, covering his eyes, and reaching the entire length just under the back of his shoulders. "Ughhh… what's up with the crazy school, I thought it was meant to be posh?" Sunrua weakly questioned as he brushed the hair over his eyes back over his head with his right hand.

Xen mumbled something inaudibly not moving from his position.

"Hm, Xen you still alive?" Sunrua questioned sarcastically. However, he only received continued mumbles as a response, to which he gradually drew his left ear closer to Xen's mouth "Hm… What was that Xen?"

"You idiot how many times are you going to try to kill someone in one day!" roared as he pulled his torso up and within an instant used the momentum to fire his fist into Sunrua's right cheek sending Sunrua falling backwards onto his back. "Why don't you just do that to the big four? oww," Sunrua whined rubbing his cheek with his right hand and propping up his torso with his left.

"Why won't it get through your thick skull, humans can't beat Titans they're stronger, faster, and more resilient than us which they just gain at puberty, regardless of that we're talking about the big four! the big four do you hear me the strongest of those titans in the entire school! Getting on their bad side is a literal death wish!" Xen bellowed,

"And now… we're definitely at the very top of their list, do you know what it means to embarrass those that hold so much pride in themselves it's abnormal not to fear them!" He continued rustling his hair back and forth as if trying to satisfy an itch that covered the entirety of his hair.

"Why would I need to fear them, we all bleed the same way don't we, just cause some things hard it's an insult to just comply against what you actually want to those that gave you the ability to fight," Sunrua said more sharpness and seriousness than he had ever shown up to this point, as he smoothly rises to his feet. "That is why I don't like you." He continued harshly, as he extended his right arm towards Xen compassionately.

Xen remained dumbfounded by Sunrua's words for a moment with greater surprise than was earlier sustained he absent-mindedly took Sunrua's hand that pulled him to his feet.

Just as Xen reached his fet Sunrua swung his arm to the right as if a batter about to take the shot, consequently suplexing Xen's stray flailing body to the ground, "Why'd you hit me, bastard!!!"

Suddenly Sunrua realised Mia as she took a breathless miniature gasp. Both Sunrua and Xen looked towards Mia who still stood at the entrance to the door, pivoting their heads as if magnetised towards her.

Sunrua looked at her puzzled for a moment trying to recall where he had seen the face before, then suddenly it hit him, just before everyone had fled the room and the name 'Mia' was called as if some kind of warning he had narrowly caught a glimpse of the golden-haired short girl standing motionless at the entrance.

"Oh, it was you!" Sunrua exclaims, as he jets towards Mia and grabs both of her hands and clasps them together with an intimate gratitude, as if she had just seen a ghost Mia's face melts into a pale shits as her eyes and mouth stiffen up for a second in a merge of dumbfounded suprise.

"You're Mia, you can't possibly know how much you saved me but thank you, I'd love to say that was all part of my plan, but it was just preparation compared to what you did for me!"

"Um… yeah" Xen begins timidly, making it clear he doesn't often talk to girls as he waddles towards Sunrua and Mia. "Same for me, ha…ha thank you- Gah" Before Xen is able to also share the full extent of his gratitude he's sent plummeting to the ground like a dropped brick landing face first on the ground.

"Seriously how are you given such a cool name, but such a wimp that the only thing you're willing to hit is the ground," Sunrua said glaring down at Xen holding his disgrace in excess.

"Says you didn't I just send you flying right now! Don't make me do it again!" Xen roars, his face reduced to a tomato by a meld of the impact and the embarrassment he felt especially in front of the first girl he had spoken to in months apart from his mother.

Sunrua lets go of Mia's hands and begins waving his right hand from side to side beside his head "Yeah-yeah, we both know that was only cause you were drunk on adrenaline and rage, and that's not something you can buy in a bottle, I'm sure I don't need to tell you anyway, wouldn't be surprised if your wimpy ass tried searching it up on Bamazon already."

"Why you!" Xen scorned.

"Hahaha" Suddenly warm giggles cut right through the thick atmosphere pausing Xen and Sunrua's squabbles for a moment as both their heads dragged towards her once again.

"You guys are really weird, never seen such a strange yet enjoyable duo." Mia compliments softly as she blissfully wipes both her eyes with her right index finger, an angelic smile shining across her face. "As a matter of fact, I've never seen you at all before Sunrua," she continues expectantly.

"Yeah, I just transferred here today."

"Today! You really make a- big entrance and first impression." Mia jests.

"Oh, so you know me ha-ha take that Sunrua!" Xen exclaims triumphantly pointing his finger towards Sunrua.

"Yeah, how couldn't I everyone knows the school's wimp." Mia humorously clarifies both her hands interlocking behind her skirt, with a bright smile on her face.

Xen's entire body instantaneously stiffens up as if he had turned into a bewildered statue on display as his triumphant attitude quickly melts away.

After Sunrua and Mia both share a few more mutual giggles Mia catches eye of a blocked shape device behind Xen. "Oh Xen, is that what you tripped over, understandable it looks like a brick." Both Xen and Mia glance at it confused as Sunrua's eyes immediately widen, it was the remote the gate men were holding when chasing him!

We all know a Xen. Be nice to your Xen's... from time to time.

Emmanuelboss36_creators' thoughts