
Restarted again

To have a soul doesn't alone qualify you as a conscious being, but more importantly confirms the ability to yearn for something greater, to hold hope, to desire. Never deny this ability. Sunrua inhabited a secluded broken realm, devoid of knowledge about the outside world, yet his unwavering yearning for it persisted. Despite embracing a tranquil existence and recognizing the futility of his dreams, his determination surged. He, a seemingly insignificant entity amidst a world of far greater forces, defied his restricted but peaceful life when a mere hint of the wider reality of the world ignited an unquenchable ambition to change the world. Embarking on a worldwide odyssey, he traversed ethereal landscapes previously confined to solely his imagination. Along the way, he forged connections with allies, companions, and adversaries, although unveiling a reality less idyllic than he had envisioned. Sunrua confronted trials, battles, sorrows, and heartaches in pursuit of an unattainable goal, clutching onto his idiotic idealism as the harsh truths of the world gradually unveiled, stretching beyond mortal understanding.

Emmanuelboss36_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

And Then, There Was Three.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sunrua repeated consecutively in jubilation, both Xen and Mia staring at him instantly drenched with confusion alongside a clear hint of worry.

"What the hell, are you feeling okay? You just went from complete silence to blurting out in celebration as if you had just received a winning lottery ticket, knew you'd lose it sooner or later," Xen mocked in an ecstatic desire to get back at Sunrua's cruel embarrassment.

"This is far more than a lottery ticket!" Sunrua continued, retaining any context as he rushed to the blocky device on the ground, lifting it above his head and clutching it with both hands as a beaming smile invaded the entirety of his face. "Just as lucky for one though!"

The confusion in Mia's eyes only growing, as she crossed both her arms under her breasts and tilted her head to the right, "never seen anything like that, what is it anyway?" She queried.

"The people chasing me were holding this device, I think this is what they were using to track me," Sunrua explained his eyes still lit up fixated on the device, he was holding in the air like it was a child.

"Tracking? Don't tell me you're an escaped convict or something, actually wouldn't be surprised," replied Xen.

"Well, kinda."

"Wait what? I was just joking!"

"But don't worry they are yet to learn my real face."

"Doesn't help much when they know the school you go to! I don't know if I should keep interfering myself with you..."

"Come on, I didn't do anything bad."

"Are you hearing yourself?! You – are – being - tracked. Xen worded out "Seems very much like a criminal to me!"

"Well, I did steal but trust me it's for the greater good, the king is an evil lying fraud, I'm going to help save the people's smile, he failed to as a king's job should be."

At the second mention of the word 'king' Mia's gleeful face sank simultaneously alongside her heart. The only reason these people are actually even taking a moment to look at her is cause they don't even have the slightest clue who she is. She should've known better. It's hopeless.

"Wait did you just say the king?! You stole from the king! THE King Heartfelt the merciless!"

"Yeah... hm Mia are you good? It seems like you've gone pale- wah!" Sunrua said as he took a step closer to take a better look at her face, but quickly halted by his right leg which felt numb for a moment, plummeting him to the ground before he could even take a second step, he braced himself for impact.

However, nothing but silence followed after. Sunrua opened his clenched eyes, beholding the ground, however against all the laws of nature, it didn't seem as if the ground was coming closer towards him, he wasn't falling at all, he was levitating!

Xen's face equally as bewildered they both stood stunned for a moment as their gaze narrowly shifted to Mia's outstretched right hand emitting some sort of blue and grey aura resembling some kind of glitter, from her elbow down to her fingertips. The same aura enveloped Sunrua's body like a cocoon, his body soaking up a reassuringly warm sensation that caressed his skin leaving behind a trail of goosebumps.

After blinking a few times Mia's absent mind crashed back. She had acted almost reflexively and revealed a great secret she mustn't have above all.

Her face sank deeper into the depths of despair till all she could see before her was a pitch darkness.

"This is so cool!" she heard a faint muffled voice "Wow what the hell is this!" The darkness soon breezed away engulfed by both Sunrua's and Xen's gleaming stary faces, taken over by amazement.

The moment Mia regained her senses a large 𝑻𝑯𝑼𝑴𝑷 shook the area.

"Aahh! Sorry, sorry." Mia cried, in her astonishment she accidentally released Sunrua whom she had just saved.

"Don't worry, you still saved me before I would've landed face first but now, I could block the impact with my forearm," Sunrua reassured with a smile.

"Milleniums are real huh? Aren't they just a myth? But I had heard rumours that the king's daughter-" Xen halted as he thought for a moment, "Wait a minute. You don't happen to be the Mia Heartfelt I didn't notice before in the shock, but it all makes sense."

"What is she someone important?" Sunrua questioned looking up at the both of them puzzled.

"I...my... please I don't want you to hate me. Yes, my name is Mia heartfelt." Mia called timidly, closing her eyes, expecting by the time she reopened them the room to be completely barren.

"Oh, nice almost forgot we haven't done any introductions yet have we, I'm Sunrua just Sunrua, thanks again."

Xen's eyes widened and his mouth formed a sleepless broad pit, as his brain still processed Sunrua's casual response.

"Sunrua, that's the king's daughter!" Xen shrieked his voice emanating dread and panic.

"Oh, so that's what it is. So?"

"You can't seriously be that dense it's a really bad idea to get involved with her, even more than you, the king is-"

"That's her dad then isn't it, what does that have to do with her," Sunrua interrupted passionately yet calmly as he rose to his feet. Mia's eyes lit up, her mouth incapable of forming any words in her shock, with too many thoughts and emotions flooding her brain.

"Here you go wimping out again. Knew you were a coward already, but this is crazy, apart from the fact she's a girl look how short she is." Sunrua giggled as he rustled the top of her golden hair. "Don't get why you gotta fear, we all bleed the same don't we?"

"Hey, I'm 5'4 that's average!" Mia yelped as she threw Sunrua's hand off her head.

"Haha see not scary at all." Sunrua continued as Mia's face only reddened.

Xen gawks at the both of them at a loss for words. "Well, it's your turn isn't it, introduce yourself Xen if we're all gonna be friends now, already know you don't have many options," Sunrua said with a mocking smile.

Xen took a depraved 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 as he cradled his head in his right hand. "What am I getting myself into, a brash idiot and the princess? But no matter how much I want to deny it you're right, but not like you have many friends either." "My name is Xen, Xen Zavier."


Taking a 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩 of his own Sunrua offers his fist towards Xen beckoning a fist pump "But I can't lie even though you're a painfully cowardly wimp you did seriously help me out despite the risk."

"Yeah, can't let you go that easily without paying me back ha-ha," Xen replied half seriously.

Both of them looked towards Mia silently their eyes inviting her forwards. Shocked for a moment she hesitantly stretches her fist towards both of theirs.

"Sunrua nice to meet you."


"Um... Mia!" she called as she pushed her significantly smaller fist forwards meeting between both Sunrua's and Xen's

Always starts with a fist bump

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