
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

MisterWho · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 5

" So how is young Naruto coming along with his training" asked the Uzukage. A week had already passed since Naruto's training and Kaito had come to report his progress.

" He is good, he picks up things quite easily so teaching him is quite an easy job. He seems to have lots of stamina as he doesn't even break sweat when doing exercises now. His chakra capacity is also quite high, he has as much chakra as an jounin, it's almost thrice the amount I had when I was his age."

"That's a lot of chakra for his age"

" He seems to be very interested in reading book about any topic he could find on, so far he has even read some high class stuff and his questions are becoming difficult to answer too. I atleast know he is not understanding everything he reading as quite often he would come to me and ask to explain him stuff he doesn't understand. So keeping all this in mind I have decided to advance his training."

"Isn't it too early to teach him the advanced stuff, it has been only a week. Why don't you take it slow?"

"It would be unfair for him if I just try to teach him stuff at Kushina's level, he had already surpassed her in strength and knowledge by the third day. The only thing he is lagging behind is in fuinjutsu, that too because he is still learning calligraphy, but once he is decent enough in that it will not take him much time to reach and surpass Kushina in fuinjutsu too."

"And talking about taking it slow, weren't you the one who said ' Not teaching that kid would be a crime'."

Sighing the old man replied " Do as you think it is fit for the boy, you don't have to come here to tell me that you are advancing him again, else we will be meeting here very often".

"As you wish Uzukage-sama."

"I told you not to call me that when we are alone" yelled the Uzukage but Kaito had already disappeared via Shunshin.

"Damn Brat" muttered Uzukage as he returned to doing the thing which was the bane of every kage, the paperwork.

As he reached his house he saw Naruto out in the garden watering the plants, now that was something he hadn't expected. Anytime Naruto got free time he would either spend it in the library reading or spending time with Kushina, so for him to not doing either of that it was quite suspeciuos.

' I'll ask Kana what happened, she ought to know' he thought.

He noded at Naruto who was watering the plants and headed inside.

" Kana, did something happen, why is Naruto watering-" before he could finish his question he saw Naruto siting on the sofa reading a book. Now this seemed normal, Naruto reading books but he had just met him out side watering the plants. Was he hallucinating?, trying to find kana to get some answers he came across Naruto again this time in Kushina's room playing with her.

' Am I actually hallucinating?',

"Kana!" this time he shouted the name and got a response of "in here" from the kitchen. He quickly made his way to the kitchen where he again saw Naruto helping kana to cook.

"Are to ok ojisan?" Naruto asked

Kana turned and after seeing the expression on Kaito's face she asked " are you alright dear, is there something wrong?"

" I am hallucinating Kana!" Kaito explained with a hand on his forehead" I am seeing Naruto everywhere, I must be going insane!" Kaito explained.

" Don't be silly dear, Naruto just learned the Shadow clones jutsu, they are all his clones"

Kaito sighed " that must be it, I am not going mad! " Kaito seemed relieved that he wasnt going insane.

" Wait a minute, how did he learn the shadow clone jutsu?"

This time instead of kana answering it was Naruto who answered " while looking through the library the boss came across the scroll containing the jutsu, and it seemed easy and usefull enough to be mastered so he did just that"

"Wait, i was gone for less than an hour!" Kaito exclaimed "How did you learn that technique so quickly?".

"As I said the technique was quite easy to learn after going through the scroll and following its instructions, you can talk to the boss if you have any questions, he is in the library practicing calligraphy with others"

" You are a clone?" Kaito asked suprised, as it was almost impossible to discern the original from the clone.

The clone just noded" he created me to help Kana-Obasan"

"Such a sweet boy, isn't he?" Kana said sweetly.

Kaito just nodded dumbly and headed to the library. There he saw six Naruto siting in line and practicing calligraphy and another reading a book on the table

" I see you have found the shadow clones jutsu." stated Kaito.

The ones sitting on the ground didn't even look up while the one siting on the table turned to him.

"Yes, quite a useful technique isn't, I found it when I was reading some jutsu scrolls to try to understand how they work." the real Naruto replied.

" Usefull but a deady technique, if you over use it you will die of chakra exhaustion if not that then the memory relay of so many clones poping at once will fry your brain" Kaito warned Naruto about the downsides of the technique and why it was considered a kinjutsu(forbidden technique).

"Yes I read about that too, but I am carefull when using it. The maximum number of clones I can create are fifteen and only after that I really start feeling the effects, and if I pop one clone at a time and wait for few minutes after poping the next one then I don't have to overload my brain with excess information" Naruto explained, even though fifteen was not his limit he had to keep the number low as to not worry Kaito.

"So you have all your bases covered, that good" kaito said dropping the topic of shadow clone as Naruto seemed responsible enough in using them

" I am going to start advancing your training as you seem have already surpassed Kushina, starting tomorrow I will be increasing your endurance training, I will also be teaching you kenjutsu(sword techniques) as you seem to have already mastered the usage of basic ninja tools, and since you seem to have learned the Shadow clones teaching you fuinjutsu will be much more easier. I will be training you without mercy as you seem be able to handle it quite well. I now have very high expectations from you Naruto and I really hope you don't disappoint me.''

" I won't " was the only reply he gave and it was enough of an answer for Kaito.

Starting next day Kaito had made Naruto run twenty laps only this time he had made Naruto wear weight seal which increased his weight almost double, he was to only remove this seal when he was going to sleep as to give his body time to recover. Followed by that was kenjutsu training, Kaito made a clone to teach Kushina while the orignal instructed Naruto in the sword arts and another clone was teaching a group of Naruto clones the basics of tree walking and after lunch Kaito had finally started teaching Naruto fuinjutsu after he had achieved an acceptable level of handwriting.

Within only an month Naruto had improved by leaps and bound, his weight seal had been increased to three time his body weight as his body had already strengthen and the previous seal was useless on him. He had already mastered the basics of kenjutsu and could now atleast handle on his own in the spars. Naruto had also remastered the tree walking and the water walking excercise and was now moving to advance chakra control techniques.

Seeing Naruto advance so fast Kushina had also started making actual effort in her training but she still couldn't be taught shadow clones to increase her training time because she didn't have enough chakra to safely perform them.

Naruto's fuinjutsu level had also increased as he could now create storage seals, weight seal, exploding tag and other basic seals.

With the help of shadow clones and his sharingan Naruto had managed to read every scroll in the library along with a single book which was given to him by the soul king.

Memorising and understanding is not the same Naruto had realised so he had started doing meditation as to really understand what he had memorised due to which he now had a deeper knowledge of chakra and was starting to understand what reiatsu was.

Xxx After two years xxX

By the time Naruto had reached eleven years of age he had mastered everything he was thought by Kaito, he had even come a long way in nature transformation after learning that he had an affinity for fire, wind and lighting. But since kaito had affinity for water and lighting he could only teach Naruto lighting manipulation which he mastered quite quickly with the help of shadow clones, which now he could make fifty off. Naruto didn't need help in wind manipulation as he had already mastered that in his past life he just needed to polish it back and improve upon it, which he did. Naruto had also learned water manipulation from Kaito, but since water was not his main affinity he had some difficulty using it. He had left fire manipulation for a later time as there were not a lot of people with fire affinity in Uzu.

Naruto had also mastered kenjutsu to a level where he could give Kaito a run for his money, he had even made some of his own moves to better compliment himself.

Naruto was now a level 10 fuinjutsu master which was quite an achievement for his age and no one in Uzu could boast to have done the same at his age. Kaito was very proud of him and he couldn't have been more prouder when Naruto showed him the rasengan. Kaito was extremely impressed that Naruto had enough understanding of chakra to create his own jutsu.

Naruto with the help of shadow clones and his sharingan, which had now evolved to its maturity, containing three tomoe in each eye had read 4 of the books given to him by by the soul king. He now knew what happened when people die, what reiatsu was, how it was generated, how to control it, how it was involved in making of the kido (demon arts) which involved hado (way of destruction) and bakudo (way of binding) which were used by the shinigami as some sort of spells in dispelling hollows. He couldn't yet use these kido as they required a different energy than chakra, they needed the spiritual energy also known as reiryoku to perform them and as chakra was a mixture of both physical and spiritual energy he needed to use yin yang release to seperate them after which he could use yin release as a way to perform kido, that is what atleast he had theorised using his current knowledge. But the problem was that there was no one who he knew of that could use the yin-yang release, so he was stuck with only learning the theory for now.

Kushina too had progressed quite a lot, after she turned eight she was finally thought the shadow clone jutsu but she couldn't make more than three at a time, but they still helped her move forward with her training. She didn't learn chakra control in deep but she was still explained the theory behind it. She only seemed to be wanting to train in her kenjutsu skills and her fuinjutsu, which she had achieved a level 8 mastery of in the two years.

This was also the time where Naruto discovered why she didn't attend the academy. Kaito had told him that she was going to be sent to the leaf village and become a jinchuriki for the nine tails, as the current jinchuriki, Mito Uzumaki, the wife of the shodaime hokage, Hashirama Senju, was on her deathbed as she had lived well past 100 years and was dying of old age. Naruto after listening to that had offered to go in Kushina's place to become a jinchuriki as he had already been an jinchuriki once, one more time didn't make any difference to him but he was quickly shot down by Kaito as he explained that since he was the youngest son of the Uzukage and was of a royal lineage who possessed a special type of chakra which allowed him and by extension, Kushina, to restrain the tailed beasts. It was her duty to go and become it's jinchuriki for the alliance of the two villages.

Kushina seemed to be aware of this too and didn't want to follow through with it but she had no choice in the matter. Naruto after listening to this had decided to go with Kushina to the leaf village so that she atleast won't be lonely in a foreign village.

At first Kaito had flat out refused him, but as Naruto explained that after everything that Kaito had done for him, this was the least he could do for him, protect his daughter. Kaito had agreed and had a talk with the Uzukage, he too agreed but only at one condition. If he could prove that he was strong enough to protect Kushina, only then will he be allowed to go. Naruto didn't even hesitate in accepting the challenge.

So now to prove himself worthy, he was having a fight with an jounin of uzukage's choice.

In the centre of the training field Naruto was standing dressed in black shirt and black pant which was taped off at the ends he had a weapon's pouch attached on his left thigh along with an tanto on his back.

"You can do it Naruto, I believe in you!" Kushina yelled from where she was standing next to her father and mother. Naruto just looked at her and smile deciding not to speak.

" If you manage to defeat him Naruto, I will allow you to go with Kushina." The Uzukage said pointing at the boy who looked to be 17.

Again deciding not to talk, Naruto just nodded.

"This is Ruyta Uzumaki" he explained "The match will continue until either one accepts defeat, gets knocked out or can't fight anymore. Use of Lethal and crippling strikes are to be avoided at all cost, this is just a friendly match" after having explained the rules, the Uzukage looked at the two combat ants for any doubts, after no receiving any he shouted "Begin!".

As soon as the match started Naruto jumped in the air towards Ryuta, seemingly wanting to start a taijutsu fight but as he got closer, instead of throwing a punch he made a hand sign and bought his hand near his mouth and exhaled a huge breath of air twice his size "wind release-giant air missle".

Ryuta quickly took out an scroll and wrote a seal on it "sealing technique - wind sealing" and pointed it towards the oncoming attack.

Ryuta smirked seeing as his seal was doing its job and sucking in the jutsu while Naruto still stood in the place from where he had attacked. But Ryuta soon noticed that his scroll was getting torn apart for unknown reason so he quickly droped it and used body replacement technique to switch his place with a log. Seeing Naruto still standing in his place, haven't moved a single step, he questioned "Is that all you got!?" Naruto just smirked and replied "I don't need my all to defeat you!"

That was when he noticed that he was standing in an sealing array and couldn't move " Uzumaki sealing - body binding" Naruto exclaimed.

"I can break this seal by the time you get here" Ryuta shouted, confident in his own sealing abilities.

"Not if I am already here" said a voice from behind him. The Naruto standing in the field in front of him vanished with a pop and smoke signifing the use of shadow clone.

"Rasengan" Naruto shouted from behind him and aimed the attack on his back. There was a grinding noise of clothes being torn apart before the attack met his body then exploded causing him to get launched from the ground and falling a good distance ahead, unconscious.

The Uzukage clapped his hands, seemingly impressed by the fight "That was an great fight my boy, you planned the whole fight from the start didn't you?" questioned a now laughing Uzukage.

"What does he mean Tousan?" Kushina asked not getting what had Naruto planed.

" You see Kushina,when the fight was about to start and he wasn't talking" Kushina noded,she too found that weird." well he wasn't speaking because he was moulding chakra in his mouth to attack, if he was too early with the attack then Ryuta would have just dodge it as it would be too small and if he waited too long then the technique would become too dangerous and cause serious damage, so he had to time it perfectly and get it just right so that Ryuta would be forced to perform a wind sealing technique".

"But why did the scroll get destroyed, did Ryuta make a mistake with the sealing?" Kushina asked wondering how did the scroll get destroyed

"No honey" this time it was her mother who answered" when Naruto bought his hand to his face, he added shurikens to his jutsu causing the scroll to get ripped into pieces, forcing Ryuta to use the body replacement technique, you saw the rest didn't you"

Kushina noded "yes, he made a shadow clone and went to hide " Kushina answered "but how did he know that was the exact place where Ryuta would appear"

This time it was her grandfather who answered" he must have laid traps like that across the entire field and as Naruto's shadow clone was still within Ryuta's sight he mistook it for the original Naruto and as he was still distracted by the clone, he didn't notice the original behind him, by the time he did notice, it was too late, isn't that right my boy" he said the last part looking at Naruto in front of him.

"You are partly right" Naruto explained."See, I am not the original Naruto either" with that the clone poped itself surprising everyone present.

" I am the original! " Naruto announced as he had used an transformation jutsu to disguised himself as a stone and was just now dropping the transformation.

"Naruto!, how many of your clones were there? " Kaito asked, as even he was fooled.

"Not many" came a vague answer from Naruto after which the field was covered in poping noise and smoke signifing the dispelling of all the clones " I had to make sure I win, so I did what I had to, besides Ryuta underestimated me, so it was an easy win, now, am I allowed to go with Kushina?" the last part was aimed at the Uzukage.

The Uzukage sighed" we will be losing such a talented shinobi, but it can't be helped, a promise is a promise. You can go with Kushina to the leaf village"