
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

MisterWho · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4


After she said her name Naruto tuned out everything else that she said. His eyes seemed to be opened extra wide in shook of this revelation.

'Ok, I need to cool down and pay attention to her her, I will deal with this whole matter later'

"- be the greatest ninja of all time" she shouted the last part as if declaring it to the world.

'Funny, I said the same thing to Kaito, like mother like son I guess' I thought

"Hey that's exactly what Naruto said to me, it's same word to word" Kaito exclamed, seemed to be shocked as Kushina's and Naruto's goal were same.

"It seems that you have a rival for the title of the greatest ninja Kushina chan" Kana said in a teasing maner.

Kushina too seemed to be shocked for a small time but she recovered quickly and declared "From now on you are my rival".

She looked so cute when she said that, with eyes wide open, nostrils flaring and determination clearly visible in her purple eyes. So caught up with her determination Naruto couldn't help but reply "I accept, I will definitely defeat you and become the greatest and the strongest ninja ever, Believe it!"

"Now if the rivals have finished with their rivalry, the ramen is getting cold" Kana said breaking Naruto's concentration from Kushina the moment he heard ramen.



Two consecutive shouts rang through the house. Naruto and Kushina once again locked eyes with each other.

"Wow these two seem to have quite a lot in common, don't they?" Kaito commented with wide eyes.

"Seem like they are made from the same cloth" Kana replied in a joking manner.

Finally snapping out of his staring contest with Kushina and realising what he had done, Naruto immediately bowed apologizing to both of the adults present.

"Kaito San, Kana san, I am sorry for coming in your house and shouting so loudly and causing ruckus, when you are being so kind to me, please forgive me"

"Naruto you don't have to bow, you just got excited and couldn't help yourself with Kushina's provocation, you are still a child if you won't act childish than who will and don't think of it as our house, you are also a member of this family now think of this as your house too" Kana said kneeling in front of Naruto and giving him a small peck on his cheek " and don't call me Kana san, you make it sound like I am an old lady, you can call me obasan". "Yes, Obasan" he said looking down on the ground, embarrassed from the kiss.

"Yosh Naruto !" exclaimed Kaito " you can call me Kaito ojisan from now on " he then gave a weird pose causing everyone to start laughing.

"Ok, that's enough fooling around go freshen up, the ramen is really getting cold."

Naruto followed Kaito to the bathroom where both of them freshened up. After eating the ramen and complimenting Kana for making such a delicious dish, Kaito finally spoke.

"Ok Naruto, since today is your first day, there will be no training for you today but starting tomorrow you are going to train everyday. For now, go play with Kushina she gets lonely here sometime".

"ok ojisan" getting up and following Kushina, who till now was waiting buy her father's side. Halfway to her room Kushina seemed to have gotten really excited for finally having a playmate so she caught Naruto's hand in her's and ran the rest of her way to the room dragging Naruto behind her.

"She seems quite happy to finally have a playmate" Kana commented while looking at Kushina drag Naruto to her room.

"Yes, she does, atleast I don't feel like a total failure of a father now" Kaito said with a sad smile on his face.

" I never considered you a failure as a father, you are the best father a child could dream of" Kana said reassuring him.

"If I wasn't then she wouldn't have to be home all the time, she could have joined the academy like all the girls her age and made new friends but since I am the only one who is still alive and of the royal blood, it is my obligation to follow the orders" Kaito said with an unreadable expression.

"You didn't have any choice, it was for the village" Kana said, still trying to reassure him even though she felt the same way.

"I may be a successful shinobi, but I really am a failure as a father". Kana couldn't do anything more than hug him and share his pain.

The room which Naruto entered behind Kushina was fairly huge. It was coloured light blue with a white ceiling. It had a study table in the corner with scrolls spread open across it, above the table were shelves filled with scrolls 'Probably fuinjutsu scrolls' Naruto thought as he looked over it. The room had 2 beds which were placed parallel to one another, and one of it looked like it had recently been moved here' for me I guess'.

Kushina dragged him near the box which was besides the table and started to pull out toys from it, she looked really happy to show them to Naruto while talking inanimately about each toy she pulled out.

-play with?". Naruto finally noticed that she had stoped talking and was asking him a question.

" Sorry, can you repeat that" Naruto asked, embarrassed to have zoned out.

" I asked, which toys do you want to play with?" Kushina asked again with a pout on her face.

' Holy sage! she is looks so cute' Naruto thought with a small smile.

" Why don't we play together? "

" Really!" Kushina screamed, seemingly happy to finally have someone to play with.

" Of course, we will play any game that you want" Naruto replied, even though mentally, he was an adult and didn't really like to play children's game, he really didn't want to see Kushina sad so he just went along with it and played with her till dinner time.

At the dinner table, they all sat together facing each other with Kushina sitting by Naruto's side and Kaito sitting besides Kana. The dinner was delicious and Naruto made it a point to announce that after every new dish he tasted.

After the dinner was over, Kaito, Naruto and Kushina were sitting at the back-porch facing the huge lawn, Kana couldn't come because she was washing the dishes, Naruto had offered to help but she declined saying that she liked doing household chores.

"So, will I be joining the academy?" Naruto asked, wondering how will he be trained.

"No, I'll be training you personally just like Kushina here, it's because you have passed the age at which the academy training begins"

''Oh, ok" Naruto said "But why doesn't Kushina attend the academy? "

"It's because she is special, aren't you my little angel" Kaito answered vaguely and deflected the question.

'He didn't answer my question' Naruto thought but decided to ignore it for now.

After sitting and chatting with Kushina about her hobbies, likes, dislikes and such it was already time to sleep.

"Ok kids, time for bed! " Kaito said while starting to rise up from his sitting position "we will start the training from 7 in the morning so be sure to sleep quickly". After he said that both Naruto and Kushina got up and went to bed but not without brushing their teeth as Kana was quite admant about it.

The next morning Naruto woke up early and started his day by brushing his teeth and got ready to take a bath. While he was getting ready Kaito had swung by and told him he had bought him couple of new clothes since he didn't own any of his. After thanking him, which he just waved off, Naruto took a pair of clean clothes which were pressed and neatly folded, from the wardrobe which was on the left side of the room.

As he was removing his clothes for taking a bath he noticed a small seal on his left shoulder, applying a small amount of chakra to it he was surprised to see an envelope in his had.' It must be some sort of storage seal' Naruto thought.

As he opened the envelope he noticed that it was an letter named for him.

"If you are reading this letter it means that you have found the seal on your arm. Don't worry about the seal, it is just an time based storage seal, most people would never even be able to see it. The seal has various items in it and as you grow up you will be able to access them all. But for now it will give you nothing until the time for you to get it has passed. If you are wondering why I am helping you so much, don't, I am not doing it out of the kindness of my heart, you are merely my investment and when the time come you will be my salvation, but let's keep that discussion for another time. Within this paper is another storage seal which consists books containing most of the information regarding an energy known as reiatsu, the books will mostly teach you about what reiatsu is, how it is produced, how to control it and how it is used, so I would advise you to read and understand everything in those books as they will be basics on which the future books are based and without the basics mastered you will not be able to advance forward. I would suggest you not to disclose these book to anyone as in the wrong hands they would cause untold destruction. You may store them back in the seal of your arm but I would not suggest that as an long term option. Now, that being said transfer your energy to the seal on this envelope when you are ready. This letter will be destroyed as soon as you do so."After reading the letter once more with the sharingan active so that he could memorise it, Naruto applied chakra to the seal at the bottom right of the page and with a pop more then ten book fell on the bathroom floor and the envelope was burnt without leaving any ash behind. As he was about to pickup the books there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Naruto, are you alright, I heard a loud noise, did you fall down" came the concerned voice of Kana from the other side of the door.

"I am alright" Naruto replied quickly and he picked up the books that stored them back in his seal" I just slipped a little".

"Do you want me to come in and look at you"

"No!" Naruto said embarrassed "I didn't get hurt"."Ok, if you say so" after that she went back to do what ever she was doing.

'phew!, that was close, I need to be more careful'.

After having sealing back all the books, Naruto quickly took a bath and finished his breakfast and sat besides Kaito who was again sitting at the back porch over looking the lawn.

"Are you ready for your first day of training?"

"Yes!" Naruto answered with lots of enthusiasm.

"Good, Kushina is just finishing up her breakfast she will be here quickly".

As soon as he said that Kushina ran towards them Yelling"I am ready".

" Now that Kushina is here here we can start our training".

The first excercise was running along the lawn, which was not small by any comparison, it also included a lake , for twenty rounds, it was mostly to an warm-up and a stamina building exercise. Then came strength building excercises, it mostly consisted of pushup, sit-ups and various other exercises to strengthen the body. Followed by that was ninja tools training, like throwing kunais and shurikens, practicing aim and all the other basics.'This is similar to the way they thought us in the academy' Naruto thought while he was practicing shuriken throwing. He would purposefully miss 3 of his 10 shots so he wouldn't appear suspeciuosly skilled at it. So far, Naruto had not even broken a sweat as these all were pretty basic excercises for him. And Kaito's seemed to have noticed that too.

By the time the theory lessons had started Kushina was covered in sweat and was now glaring at him "How are you not even out of breath, i am sweating buckets here" Kushina asked irritated to know that he had not even broken a sweat yet."I guess I am just that awesome!" Naruto replied with a shrug.

"That's enough you two, now pay attention" Kaito admonished. With a quick "sorry sensei" we continued our lessons.

Kushina seemed to in her own world by now, as she was just looking at Kaito without actually listening to anything he said.

But Naruto was paying rapt attention and even asking few questions of his own.

Suddenly the working of chakra, how hand signs are made and the mechanism behind them seemed to be very interesting to Naruto.

Since in his last life he too had not paid attention in class during the lectures and look how he ended up. Because of that Naruto had decided to be as serious as possible when it came to studying.

By the time the lecture was over Naruto had learned more from Kaito then he had learned during his time in the academy.

It was already noon, so they had decided to take a lunch brake and head back inside where kana had delicious lunch ready.

After the lunch break came the fuinjutsu lessons, which was held in the library, Kushina shined in this class as she just had an innate tallent for the art while Naruto had to start with calligraphy to polish his strokes and his handwriting so he didn't make mistakes while making any seals. After the fuinjutsu lessons were over Naruto and Kushina were free to do as they pleased. Kushina mostly wanted to play while Naruto wanted to do some more reading, but he couldn't say no to Kushina's puppy-dog eyes and wounded up playing with her for an hour or so after which he would go back to the library and use the sharingan to memorise the books given to him by the soul king. But the problem was that those books were huge, each book contained more than five thousand pages and he couldn't memorise more than four hundred pages in the time frame of four hours after which he would have dinner and read one of the books from the library till sleep overtook him. This same time table continued for a week, until

Kaito had decided to advance from the basics, atleast for him.