
Rejected Queen

Mjsa_Thomas · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Parents

Sorry, I forgot to tell you about Fenrir's old mate but she died from an Unfallen they are going to be the main problem in here but basically, the Unfallen had invaded the pack and killed a bunch but when his mate was heading to the bunker one of the Unfallen took her. Then turned her into an Unfallen so Fenrir had to kill her for the sake of the pack.

Zoya's POV

I am still laughing on the inside from when the beta told me what Fenrir's mom said. As soon as I stop I look up at my new mate and I feel a warm feeling in my chest and I just feel happy and loved and before I forget I have to text my mom and dad.

Me -Fenrir is my second chance mate should I tell him about me?

I mean sure if you want to honey - Mom

I think you should test him to see if he's really into you - Dad

Okay here's the plan....-Dad

Me - Okay I got the plan see you soon cause after this we are either leaving or telling him

"Hey Fenrir can we talk really quick."

"Sure, Babe what's up"

He called me babe anyways I say "I am a regular girl from my pack and my wolf is dead do you still want me."

He looks shocked and says "ugh your a regular girl so bad I want a special one."

I am shocked that he said that so I say " You don't want me anymore" Tears threaten to fall down my face.

"Babe of course I want you I was just playing come on give me a hug and kiss don't cry baby"

We kiss and it feels just like the last but sadly it's shorter cause we have to go meet hid and my parents. I tell him I have to call my parents.

"Hey mom he's worthy just come down"

"Okay, we'll be down in a bit, bye love."

"Okay let's go Fen"

" I didn't know we were at the nickname stage Zo"

"Of we are were mates but if you want we can go slow"

" I'm cool let's just go with the flow"

"Okay, I'm cool with that"

"Let's go meet my parents"

We head to the library that's where they are and see them all lovey-dovey

I snicker but Zen says"Mother you ruined my lovey dovey time with my mate for your lovey dovey time with your mate."

His mom looks startled and says "I didn't think you were coming"

"I didn't want to but my mate wanted to after hearing your message"

"So she's your second chance mate, huh"

"Oh yeah," He tells them all what happened.

"Oh my gosh sweetie are you sure your okay," His mom asks me

And replay with a nod and say"I'm good plus I have Fen."

I tiptoe and kiss him then I introduce myself "I am Zoya King, nice to meet you"

His dad's eyes sparkle as if he won something

"I knew it you owe me 20 darling I told you she was." Fen's dad said

"I'll give it to you once they confirm it"

"Fine how bout double or nothin"


I looked confused about what just happened and they noticed and said sorry. After that, they introduced themselves the mom was Cheryl and the dad was Thomas. Soon after that, I found out they were very eccentric. I mean they do look like they're in their 20s but that's how it is with werewolves.

When I was about to speak my parents came downstairs and into the library

Cheryl motioned for them to come and she said "Is she your daughter?" Pointing towards me.

My mom said "Yes, she is why.... Wait did you guy's bet on whether she is."

"Yes we did Thoams won"

"it's okay Darling just give me my 40G's"

They bet thousands on me!

Anyways they seemed to forget we were still here so I cleared my throat and their attention was directed towards me and I said: "Allow me to introduce myself again I am Zoya King future queen of the werewolves and moon goddess."

After that, I turned to Fenrir and said"Do you still want me?"

"Of course I do love"


I get on my tiptoes since he's taller than me and that say's a lot cause I am 5'9. And I kiss him passionately for a while and my dad clears his throat signaling to stop but I still hold on. And hold up a finger telling him one second and then we break apart.

"Sorry, dad I just really wanted that kiss"

Fen's dad chuckles and tells my dad "Yeah she's not your little girl anymore." He said in a teasing voice.

"Yes she is, "He said in a gruff voice" Right, babygirl?"

"Yes father but you have to deal with me wanting to kiss my mate and you know I like PDA."


"And I am staying here for a month to learn more about my mate and for him to get his stuff in order to move to the castle."

"What but the susscession ceremony?"

"That why I said a month after a month Me and Zen will come back and stay in the castle I am coming back home with you guys and to say goodbye to daphne for a while."


Then I turn to Fenrir and say "If my best friend wants to come with me can she?"

"Of course babe anything for you" I give him a quick peck on the lips and say "Thanks bae and see you in the morning or do you want to sleep together"

"I want to sleep with you of course"

I hear my dad growl behind me

"Don't worry we won't do anything dad just sleep and cuddles maybe a few kisses and that's it okay so let's get some food and head to bed"

After we get food me and Fenrir head up to his room where I take a shower there put on one of his shirts and some of his shorts. After he gets out of the shower.

We talk for a while then when we are heading to sleep I say"Can we spoon?"

"Sure, Come here"

I scoot back into him and wiggle a bit I hear him groan and say "Are you okay should I move."

"No baby your good," He says as he wraps his hands around my waist and places kiss on my neck I moan cause I love it when he kisses me there I say "If you keep on going I won't be able to keep my promise to my dad and do you really want to face my dad," I say as I turn around

"No I don't but since you turned around how about goodnight kiss."

"Sure Babe" We slowly and passionately kiss for while then break apart and head to sleep.


Fenrir POV

I wake up to find my beautiful mate tracing my muscles and I chuckle she must have gotten startled cause she flinched and blushed and said sorry "I got bored"

"It's noting to be sorry for I am all your's to do with what you want"

"Oh really I can so I can do this' she kisses my neck and I groan saying yes and trying to grab on to her but she runs to the restroom and locks the door. I knock and say "I just want a kiss"

"You can get a kiss after you get me some Scholtes from my room to wear and after I do my morning routine."

"Fine," I say after a sigh just when I am about to leave she comes out and pecks me on my cheek and says, thank babe. Then heads back to the restroom and I feel much better after. Then I head to where they put her stuff. good thing it's still in a suitcase I bring the suitcase to my room. And hear she that she just got inside the shower.

So choose I and green flowy flower dress with a matching panty and bra then I try and match her and choose a green shirt with blue jeans after she gets out. She comes and gives me a kiss it's kinda fast but I still like and she puts on the outfit. I picked it out while jumping in the shower. After I get out of the shower I do my morning routine. And back into the room and see her sitting there on her phone she doesn't see yet so I pick her up and twirl her then I give her peck on the lips. And put on my clothes after we head downstairs for breakfast and I say hello to my parents and her parents. We sit down then Zoya says" Wow this looks delicious"

My dad says "thank you I made it glad you like it"

And that makes my mom hit him on the shoulder and says "Now dom't lie to the girl, you know I made that"

"Fine, sorry for lying my beautiful wife made breakfast, I only cut the fruit."

Zoya's mom starts laughing and then so do Zoya and my mom.

After breakfast, It's time for Zoya to head back and I hold on to her for dear life then I let go and tell her to be careful and I'll see when she comes back tomorrow then I kiss her long and hard and see her drive off Then I head back inside and go to my office my beta comes and says "man you're whipped"

"You'll now what it's like when you get your mate"

"What is it like"

"It the best thing in the entire world, noting beats having a mate man"


I don't know how to feel about but I feel kinda nervous about it what do you think to tell me about it.