
Rejected Queen

Mjsa_Thomas · Fantasy
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                                                                                          Zoya POV

I drive off from my mate's pack. 30 minutes later and I already feel the emptiness from leaving him so I call him he picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Fen it's me"

"Hey, princess did you miss me"

"Yes, I did, and don't call me princess I am going to be Queen"

"Fine how about little wolf since your younger"

"No, you can find something else while I am finding my best friend cause I am almost to the castle.

"Then since you are almost there and not there yet let's talk some more."

"Okay what do you want to talk about"

"How about what your best friend is like"

"Okay, Daphne is one people I trust most in this world and she is always there for me. But she can act a little crazy right before I left my wolf told me I was going to find my mate and on the way to one of the first packs I called her and told her about so she was like 'Oh my god you are so lucky I can't wait to meet him but if he rejects you Imma tear him apart and feed him to rogue wolves.' and yeah can she still come to your pack."

"Of course and if she feels that way about the trash that rejected you then I really like her to call me back when you are coming back."

"How'd you know I was at the castle already"

"Oh, I just assumed, since we've been on the phone for a while."

"Okay, I'll call you back when we are coming back bye bae"

"Bye Mon trésor."(My treasure in french)

"I like that one" I hear him chuckle and say me too then I hang up

I hop out of my car and head towards the door before I even see her I hear shouting inside the castle.

"Byron give me back my cookie before I kill you"

"If you catch me you can just take it"

Then I enter the castle and I see Daphne chasing her older brother another one of my best friends Byron

I say"Wow nice homey welcome from my best friends."

Byron stops running and Daphne runs towards me and hugs me and says "where is your mate"

"Let's go upstairs and talk."

"Hey Zoya" I heard Byron say

"Hey, can you please Daph her cookie back so she isn't distracted when I'm talking?"

"Anything for my favorite queen"

"Thank you, good sir"

Byron walks over and hugs me and gives daphne her cookie and she eats before we even make it all the way up the stairs.

"Damn yo ass really wanted that cookie"

"Wes I wid," she said while still eating it.

"Okay now let's talk," I say as we enter my room

After she was done eating it she said " what do you want to talk about... wait is it about your mate.. did he reject you...Oh I gonna"

I cut her off saying"If you let me tell you then you will what happens. My first mate rejected me he was the alpha of the blue moon pack, but after that, we went to the last pack on our list and that was the black moon pack I meet my second chance mate, and I when to go back today I'm gonna accept him. What do you think?"

"Do you really want to be with him cause if you do then I am all for it but I have to meet him."

I squeal in excitement and tell all that happened over at their pack she laughed really hard when told her about what his mom said and how much they bet on me.

Then  I told her " I'm going to his pack for a month to get to know him some more. Do you want to come with me?" 

"Of course, I would but would he let me?"

"Yeah I already asked, he said yes"

"Okay then lets pack and head to his pack"

"Let's do it"

After 2 hours of getting everything ready I take a shower and put on a mid-thigh blue jean skirt then I put on a Hunter x Hunter shirt then head downstairs with my suitcase and tell everyone I love them and I'll be back soon. And I head out with Daphne. As we get in the car I call Fenrir 

"Hey babe me and Daphne are heading towards your pack."

"Mon trésor I miss hearing your voice and I miss your touch hurry over here and tell Daphne I can't wait to meet her."

I was about to tell her what he said but she beat me saying 

" I can't wait to meet you too."

" Bye babe see you when we get there to love you."

Then I hang up. And I relise what I just said and flush with embarrassment. Do I really love him?

My wolf say's "Yes you do he's your life and you know that too."

Daphne hears what I said and says "Do you really think you love him?"

"Yes I know we meet yesterday but I just feel a connection with him I have with no one else."

And with that we head to his pack. When we get there Daphne smells something and says "What is that amazing smell it's like choclate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream."

"Girl you only have nose for food."

"Yeah your right after we meet your mate let's eat"

We hop out the car and walk towards the door. We step inside something I would have guessed happened.
