
Reincarnations of two werewolves.

Two werewolves were killed in their past life and their love remained somehow incomplete. They were recreated by the God to finish what they started in their past life. Hannah, a 17 year old girl who was abandoned by her parents, was brought up by two strangers. They do love her but she’s barely allowed to go out and that makes her wonder a lot of stuff. The reason for that is still unknown to her. Little does she and her best friend know that the reason behind their parents’ protectiveness is, they’re both werewolves. They wanted to tell her about the truth before the day she turns eighteen because as she turns eighteen, she’ll eventually get to know the truth about her, but the fate has some other plans. Marco, a 17 year old, extremely rich boy who is in the same school as Hannah. He, too, is not at all aware of the biggest truth his life had been hiding. They are two completely opposite personalities but the only thing that remains the same between them is their nightmare. The same nightmare they had been having for the past 15 years, ever since they turned 3. What will happen when they will find out about them being werewolves? But the real question is, how will they find out about this mystery? How will they finish their unfinished business? Will they survive the upcoming lethal complications of their lives?

HermainAnsari · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

“Why are you so stubborn, love?”


It's the first time mum has asked me not to attend school. She and Dad are the reason I keep a low-key profile at school but they never asked me not to attend school, then what's different today? It's the last year of my high school and only a few months are left for me to collect as much memories I can, so I can recall them every time anyone would ask me about my high school experience. Even the prom is due.

"You don't have to worry or contemplate about anything. You can go back to sleep. You look like you could use a couple more hours of sleep, love" mum said pasting a forceful smile on her lips, podding towards my soft bed and folding her arms around her chest which clearly indicated that she's not at all ready for my side of the argument.

But, I, a stubborn brat, wanted to argue. I started off with "Why are you not letting me go out? Isn't it enough that I maintain a low-key profile because of you two? I've been bullied for that. Thanks to Sierra who saved me every time. I have never been noticed by Chandler -the guy who I have been crushing over ever since I was a child." I said, giving her the most bummed expression I could make at the moment.

Mum exhaled knowing her-not-biological-daughter is stubborn as fuck and won't listen to her or anyone else at the moment. She, with a calm expression, tilted her head -a bit- to the right, blinked and a hapless smile formed onto her lips. She shook her head and with a calm toned, asked "Why are you so stubborn, love?" I, instead of replying to her, laughed out loud acknowledging myself that mum has finally accepted her defeat.

Her calm and feather-like-palm came near my cheek and held my face with her right hand for a few seconds before saying, "You will turn 18 in a few weeks and you'll eventually get to know the truth why we barely let you out. Love, parents never want their kids to get hurt or do stuff they can't take back" she said this while joining her eyebrows a bit and pointing her eyes towards me like she's pleading me to understand her and not do disobey her.

I smiled genuinely so she could calm down more before I leave for school, because I know how she is. If I disagree to something or act rude, she'll spend the whole day being anguished rather than getting angry on me. It's not that I mind her taking her anger out on me. The thing is, she has never even scolded me. Dad, either. They're always polite to me. To everyone actually. It makes me love them more and more.

I wonder how my biological parents are or were. Are they alive? Are the aware of the fact that their abandoned daughter is still alive? Do I have any other siblings? Have I crossed pass with any of them?

I came out of shower. Got ready. I was still lost in my thoughts, when my cellphone started ringing. I was Sierra. Calling to tell me that she would be here at any moment to pick me for school. I knew it. I smiled to myself at the fact that I know her well a little too much. I picked my cellphone up and answered the call. "Good morning, my sleepyhead" Sierra spoke with her cheerful and fidgety voice. "I know. I know. It's your 18th birthday tomorrow and you're excited for that but, that does not mean you'll make me dead at this hour" I replied peeking at the wall clock and it was 6:15 already. "God, I take a lot of time to wash my body" I said to myself. "Huh? Did you say something, sleepyhead?" Sierra with now a subtle voice asked. "No. I didn't. It's nothing. Did you have breakfast? If not, mum's making your favourite chocolate pancakes. So if you wanna…" I couldn't even complete my sentence when Sierra interrupted me, saying "I can have 10 chocolate pancakes made by Aunt Nancy even if I've had breakfast just a couple of minutes before that" she blurt out with a sweet chuckle.

Since our families our quite close. Sierra is used to calling my parents as, Aunty Nancy and Uncle Rodger. And I address her parents as, Aunt Jules and Uncle Calvin. It's amazing. Being close to people with whom you don't share blood relations. That's when you know the bond, the love and the care is real. When there's no advantage to take from one's life or materials. That's when you can judge people. Who genuinely loves you.

"You there?" I heard Sierra's sweet voice throw the cellphone. "Yep, I'm here. Come and we'll have pancakes and then we'll leave for school" I replied to her before cutting off the call.


I heard a loud thud from my parents bedroom and I knew they have indulged into another fight. I rolled my eyes. Trying my level best to ignore what I had just heard, I reached the kitchen and ask Charlie (my servant) to make me a glass of orange juice. He did the same. Meanwhile, I picked up my cellphone and scrolled through the social media when I saw Sierra's instagram story, I stopped. It was a boomerang of Hannah. She was having pancakes in her breakfast. She was wearing a pink, sleeveless crop-top and a hint of white jeans was to be seen from under the table -in the boomerang. Her jet-black hair was tied up in a high pony tail and that was when I felt a sudden and sweet burn in my heart.

I love ponytails on her.

Sierra Calvin, Hannah's best friend. That's all I know about her. But if you'll ask me questions about Hannah, I'll become a freakin' Wikipedia. I can answer to almost every question if it revolves around Hannah. She the girl from my class. The girl I have had a crush on ever since I joined this school. I joined this school in 2nd standard and, that was the day when I first saw her. Standing before a locker, trying to open it with her finger. She was using her fingers as a key. I chuckled looking at her dumbness. I went to her to tell her that the locker isn't suppose to open with fingers. You need a key to do so. She looked at me fiercely, all ready to swallow me alive. "I don't like anyone telling me what to do. I'll eat you alive. You will not even get a chance to cry" that's what she said and a sudden feeling took over my body. I didn't understand it back then but the feeling was 'This is my soulmate. I've finally found her' feeling. I was surprised after hearing her words. Those were the same words I had just thought of.

That was all we could communicate before a young lady came and crouched down after Hannah.

"Love, you can't peek into people's lockers if one of the senior girls -in the washroom- told you that only seniors get lockers in school" she told Hannah while taking her face into her hands so Hannah would face her but Hannah refused to. She turned her face towards me and left a sigh. It seemed that she was exhausted with both us. Me and her mother. She, then, ran away from the locker's corridor and her mother followed her.

After that day, Hannah became special to me. More than special, actually. I know everything about her because I've been using my sources to get to know about her for years. But I'm scared to face her to tell her that I feel for her.

I have always been scared, because I thought she'd reject me because I was nothing but a rich guy who doesn't know how to approach to girls. I never lacked girls' attention. Ever. But I barely laid my eyes on anyone except Hannah. I feel I'm betraying her if I talk to someone else and I'm glad that she's low-key and she doesn't talk to much people.

We two are totally different people. Everything about us is different except for the fact that our favourite fragrance is Lavender.

I think I stalk her a lil too much.

I was smiling like an idiot looking at her boomerang and recalling all the old memories.

What a great way to start a day. Today will be so far the best day of this year.

Charlie broke my thoughts by telling me that he had made my breakfast. I refused to eat it. I told him to hurry and make me pancakes. I didn't know what flavour it was -that Hannah was having- so, I told him to just make chocolate pancakes and pack them. "I will have them on my way to school" I told myself.

I didn't wait for my parents, for them to come downstairs because I know they think im a grown and can take care of myself so they can continue their everyday-based-useless-fights. I took my keys from the key-bowl placed on the table near the main door and left for school.

I was on my school. My mouth was full with chocolate pancakes and I was assuming, Hannah is here with me. Stuffing me with these yummy pancakes. An ear-to-ear-smile had formed on my lips. I was extremely joyful today.

My phone rang just when I had stuffed another bite of the pancakes into my mouth. I peeked at my cellphone placed on the passenger seat beside me. Shit! It's Aiden. I totally forgot about him. How can I be so stupid? I will have to take a U-turn to pick him up. But first, I need to answer my phone.

"I'm extremely sorry for forgetting to pick you, buddy. I'm coming. Don't worry" I said in my defence. "Don't be schmaltzy, dude. I'm not your girl and, I knew you'll forget to pick me up. So I took an Uber and reached school. I called to check if you're doing fine" Aiden said. But the last line sounded like a tease. "I didn't get a bit of your devilish thoughts. What exactly are you talking about, idiot? And why were you so sure that I'd forget to pick you?" I threw so many questions at him at the same time. "You're not the only one who saw Sierra's insta-story. I saw it too. And that's when I knew you'll forget to pick me. I knew you'd be busy imagining stuff about her so I decided not to disturb you. That's it. I hope you're doing, mate" Aiden explained and started laughing with a teasing tone mixed up with his laughter. "Such a dick you are! I'll be at school in 10. Now fuck off, idiot" I cut the Call off and sighed.