
Reincarnations of two werewolves.

Two werewolves were killed in their past life and their love remained somehow incomplete. They were recreated by the God to finish what they started in their past life. Hannah, a 17 year old girl who was abandoned by her parents, was brought up by two strangers. They do love her but she’s barely allowed to go out and that makes her wonder a lot of stuff. The reason for that is still unknown to her. Little does she and her best friend know that the reason behind their parents’ protectiveness is, they’re both werewolves. They wanted to tell her about the truth before the day she turns eighteen because as she turns eighteen, she’ll eventually get to know the truth about her, but the fate has some other plans. Marco, a 17 year old, extremely rich boy who is in the same school as Hannah. He, too, is not at all aware of the biggest truth his life had been hiding. They are two completely opposite personalities but the only thing that remains the same between them is their nightmare. The same nightmare they had been having for the past 15 years, ever since they turned 3. What will happen when they will find out about them being werewolves? But the real question is, how will they find out about this mystery? How will they finish their unfinished business? Will they survive the upcoming lethal complications of their lives?

HermainAnsari · Teen
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10 Chs

Encountered a freakin’ wolf.


"I can't find her" I said without glancing at him, all irritated by Aiden's truck loads of questions about his crush. Chandler's sister. Madeline. The same Chandler Hannah likes. I've seen her staring at him with a smile I've never seen at her face. It only appears when Chandler is around. And that is why I hate him. I can't stand the idea of him being around her. Whenever I see Chandler with Hannah -during school projects- I just want to rip his throat off. I wish I could just kill him. I'll be at peace then only.

"The Childhood Love Of Your Life is coming, dude" said Aiden with a teasing tone that he always uses whenever he tells me anything about her. He has always been my reporter. He works as the stalker for me. If it wasn't because of hun, I wouldn't have known so much about Hannah.

My gaze travelled to the main door of the corridor and they were here. My crush and her best friend. I closed the door of my locker and leaned casually against it, looking into their direction. It's the worse thing about me. I keep staring at her and she hates it. At least I think, she does. I didn't notice the smile that had taken over my lips and my eyes fixed onto her like a lion's eyes on his prey.

I was casually looking at her when she was almost about to cross me. She glanced at me. Mu jaws clenched. I was no more any confident. I was feeling weak. In the knees, may be. My heart started screaming, "She just glanced at you" She didn't have any emotions in her eyes or any smile on her lips, either. It was just a normal look. A casual look. Well, it wasn't normal for me. She barely looked at me. Over the years, I've always prayed for her lime-green-eyes to look at me. With a look of love. I'll even accept a look of friendship. I'll accept any look. Just please look at me.

It was for only a couple of seconds when she looked at me or should I say, her eyes accidentally went to me? Never mind. I'll stay positive.

It's a good thing that I bribed Scarlet to exchange lockers yesterday and I finally have my locker beside Hannah. It was actually Aiden's idea. It's way too late because our High-school is about to end but it'll work. She might talk to me. Or I'll talk to her. Something will definitely happen now that we are locker-neighbours. But she doesn't seem cool for the locker thing. Did Scarlet tell her that I bribed her? Fuck. I'm dead. She'll hate me now.

Now, that she's standing right beside me inserting the keys to her locker with her long and frail fingers, I can't help but stare at her beautiful skin. Her jet-black- hair. Her eyelashes. Every part of her face is captured by my eyes and I'll keep it safe in my heart forever because it's the first time in these years that she's standing so close to me. She's right beside me. I can smell her perfume. The floral fragrance of her perfume has taken over my mind. Not to my surprise, it's lavender mixed with a hint of jasmine, I think. It's a lethal combination mixed up together.

And I think she knows. She knows that I'm staring at her. Shit! I lowered my eyes and my eyes went to her black heels. Gosh, they look amazing on her feet. Wow! I think I've seen them somewhere other than on Hannah's feet. However, my brain beats me to answer "where I've seen them"

"Let's go, sleepyhead. We're way too late for class" said Sierra and I was no longer lost in my thoughts. "Yeah, I just have to put my jacket into the locker. I don't feel cold enough to wear it" Hannah's blurt out while folding her faded-blue-denim-jacket with her hands. "Okay fine. Hurry. Let's go" Sierra's voice was loud and fidgety to leave for class. She held Hannah's right hand and was dragging her to the class when Hannah dropped her notebook on the floor. All the pages from her notebook were now on the floor. There were so many pages that you'd step on them if you move even the slightest from your current position. All four of us looked at the floor and Hannah sighed with irritation. Sierra made a sorry face and lossen her grip of Hannah's hand. Sierra's hands went to her ears and she held them with the most adorable puppy face, asking to me forgiven. Hannah looked at her and shook her head in No and Sierra's face became more pleading. Pleading enough to even break the strongest rocks. Hannah closed her eyes for a moment and opened them saying, "Fine. Just help me out. Will you?" The look on Sierra's face was no longer pleading however, it was rather like a happy 3 y/o who just got offered her favourite flavour of lollipop.

When my eyes went to Hannah from Sierra, she was bent down and picking up all the pages that had spread all around us. I bent down to help her pick them up but she looked up into the eyes emotionlessly and her eyes literally said "Go away. I don't need your help" but stubborn me. I shifted my eyes from her to Aiden and asked "Won't you help to pick all these up?" "I was just…" Aiden was interrupted by Sierra's "You two don't have to. It's okay. We'll do it" "No it's fine. We'll help you pick these up before anyone steps on them and you two get late for class" I said a bit hesitated due to Hannah's look. Sierra smiled lightly at me and then to my and Aiden's surprise she smiled at Aiden as well.

I crouched down with Hannah and Aiden with Sierra. I picked as much pages I could and everyone did their part as well. I arranged them and lift my hands and offered Hannah to take them from my hands. She didn't. So I shoved them into her hands trying my best not to touch her and I succeeded. I shoved them into her hands without any physical contact that could make us any awkward. When her eyes meet mine, she still had an arrogant yet irritated look in her beautiful eyes.

Sierra was looking at Aiden with a strange look. Both surprised and grateful. This time, Hannah had grabbed Sierra's hand and led her to the class. Aiden was left there with me.

In class, Aiden and I sat together as always and Hannah and Sierra sat together as usual. The class started and no one dared to look at each other. It was kind of awkward between all four of us. None of us knows why.

Everything was going okay when I heard a muffled scream. A low voice of a woman crying for help. It was strange. I was in class surrounded by almost 30 students and out of the blue, I was hearing a woman crying for help and no one else seemed to be bothered by the same voice I was disturbed by. I couldn't decide whether I was hearing stuff or I had gone mad after encountering a close-up-moment with Hannah. I shook my head to shake off all the thoughts since it was English Literature and I had to listen and focus on the teacher. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head. They had planted a plant there. They were troubling me. Somehow, messing up with my mind.

I left the class. Without my teacher's permission. Without telling Aiden. Without giving him any sign. Without taking my bag with me. I just left. I had to be sure what was happening. As I was leaving the school following the direction of voice, the voice was getting louder and louder that indicated I was on the right track. When I was eventually on to the street -that led to my house- I saw a woman in her 80s wearing clothes that had been torn. She was screaming, crying for help. At first, I wasn't sure why she was doing this so but when I looked closer, there was a white, furry dog. It was barking at her. The dog was hidden behind the old lady's huge build. I, from the lady's right hand, walked towards the dog to see why he was acting aggressive.

I was startled to see the dog's teeth. They had blood all over them. Blood was dripping off his teeth. He had -for sure- attacked this lady. It was easy to judge by the lady's torn off clothes and the dog's aggressive appearance. He was focused on the lady and the lady was focused on him. None had noticed my existence there. It only lasted like that for a few seconds, when the dog's gaze shifted at me and he was no longer barking. He no longer seemed to have the urge to kill any of us. Neither the lady nor me. The dog was now walking into my direction and to my surprise, I wasn't scared of it. The dog was huge for his size. It was talking baby steps towards me and it's size was getting bigger.

When he ultimately stood right in front of me, my mind wasn't flustered any longer for thinking the dog was abruptly huge. His size, grown fluffy hair, huge ears, big paws and his blood-covered-teeth no longer felt abrupt because it wasn't any dog. It was a wolf. A freakin' wolf. I had encountered a wolf in broad daylight who had attacked an old lady. My eyes were darted on the wolf. I don't leave my gaze any chance to shift from to anywhere else and something completely unexpected happened. It bowed in front of me. I was again flustered. I was extremely flustered. What was happening? I looked at my left where the old lady was standing and she wasn't there. When I looked back at the wolf, he wasn't there, either.